[swift-evolution] Question regarding SE-0167 Swift Encoders

Gwendal Roué gwendal.roue at gmail.com
Wed May 31 00:01:41 CDT 2017

Hello Itai,

Thanks for helping sorting things out.

I have since my initial question a better understanding of Codable, and I hope I can better express the trouble. I bump against the fact that SE-0166 and SE-0167 assume that there is a single kind of coding keys.

This is the case for JSON and Plist:
		"a": "foo"
		"b": { ... }

But imagine a different serialization format where we don't use the same kind of keys for values and objects. Values are stored on red keys, and objects on blue keys:
		"a" (red): "foo"
		"b" (blue): { ... }

This serialization format accepts keys with the same name, as long as they don't have the same color:
		"a" (red): "foo"
		"a" (blue): { ... }

This format is used by SQL rows in GRDB. A SQL row is both a set of columns with associated values (the "red" keys), plus a set of scopes with associated "view" on the row (the blue keys):

    let row = ...
    row["id"]                              // 1
    let scopedRpw = row.scoped(on: "foo")! // <Row "id":2, "foo": "bar">
    scopedRow["id"]                        // 2

If you wonder: "but why???": columns and scopes are what can make rows a suitable base for hierarchical decoding, just like JSON and PList. When a flat SQL row fetched from a joined query is seen as a hierarchical structure, several simple `init(row:)` initializers can get the rows they expect, and we load a complex graph of objects. I have high hopes (https://github.com/groue/GRDB.swift/issues/176#issuecomment-285938568).

I care about Codable because of the code generation is has been blessed with. I expect GRDB users to rush on Codable since they won't have any longer to write the decoding boilerplate.

> I have to confess that I’m not familiar with this concept, but let’s take a look:
> if let valueType = T.self as? DatabaseValueConvertible.Type {
>     // if column is missing, trigger the "missing key" error or return nil.
> } else if let complexType = T.self as? RowConvertible.Type {
>     // if row scope is missing, trigger the "missing key" error or return nil.
> } else {
>     // don't know what to do
>     fatalError("unsupported")
> }
> Is it appropriate for a type which is neither DatabaseValueConvertible nor RowConvertible to be decoded with your decoder? If not, then this warrants a preconditionFailure or an error of some sort, right? In this case, that would be valid.
Yes it is, there's no point preventing this.

We can forget the GRDB DatabaseValueConvertible and RowConvertible protocals in this discussion - they have their purpose, but are irrelevant here, and I was wrong letting them in the discussion. Will you look at some updated code?

In practice, let's consider the `KeyedDecodingContainerProtocol.decode(_:forKey:)` method. The decoding container is asked for a type T. It does not know yet if T is a single-value or a keyed type. No problem: it delays the decision until the Decoder is asked for a container:
    struct RowKeyedDecodingContainer<Key: CodingKey>: KeyedDecodingContainerProtocol {
        func decode<T>(_ type: T.Type, forKey key: Key) throws -> T where T : Decodable {
            // Push the key, and wait until the decoder is asked for a container
            // so that we know if T is keyed, or single-value:
            return try T(from: RowDecoder(row: row, codingPath: codingPath + [key]))

    struct RowDecoder: Decoder {
        func container<Key>(keyedBy type: Key.Type) throws -> KeyedDecodingContainer<Key> {
            if let key = codingPath.last {
                // Asked for a keyed type: look for a row scope
                if let scopedRow = row.scoped(on: key!.stringValue) {
                    let container = RowKeyedDecodingContainer<Key>(row: scopedRow, codingPath: codingPath)
                    return KeyedDecodingContainer(container)
                } else {
                    throw DecodingError.keyNotFound...
            } else {
                // Asked for a keyed type at the top level
                let container = RowKeyedDecodingContainer<Key>(row: row, codingPath: codingPath)
                return KeyedDecodingContainer(container)
        func singleValueContainer() throws -> SingleValueDecodingContainer {
            // Asked for a single-value type: look for a column
            return RowColumnDecodingContainer(row: row, column: codingPath.last!!.stringValue)

(Sorry for the bangs, I still have to understand how I should deal with nil coding keys)

This works pretty well so far.

But now let's consider the `KeyedDecodingContainerProtocol.decodeIfPresent(_:forKey:)` method. Now we have a problem. This method must return nil if the key is missing. But which key? We don't know if the decoded type is keyed, or single-value. We can't postpone the decision, as above. So we have to double guess:

My current implementation is the following:

    func decodeIfPresent<T>(_ type: T.Type, forKey key: Key) throws -> T? where T : Decodable {
        if let dbValue: DatabaseValue = row[key.stringValue] {
            // We don't know if T(from: Decoder) will request a single value
            // container, or a keyed container.
            // Since the column is present, let's assume that T will ask for a
            // single value container (a column). This is our only opportunity
            // to turn NULL into nil. If T eventually asks for a keyed container
            // (a row scope), then the user will face a weird error.
            if dbValue.isNull {
                return nil
            } else {
                return try T(from: RowDecoder(row: row, codingPath: codingPath + [key]))
        } else if row.scoped(on: key.stringValue) != nil {
            // We don't know if T(from: Decoder) will request a single value
            // container, or a keyed container.
            // Since the row scope is present, let's assume that T will ask for
            // a keyed container (a row scope). If T eventually asks for a
            // single value container (a column), then the user will face a
            // weird error.
            return try T(from: RowDecoder(row: row, codingPath: codingPath + [key]))
        } else {
            // Both column and row scope are missing: we are sure that the value
            // is missing.
            return nil

But it's less than ideal, as expressed by the inline comments.

We could discuss potential solutions, but I first hope that I was able to clearly express the topic.


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