[swift-evolution] [Review] SE-0168: Multi-Line String Literals

Xiaodi Wu xiaodi.wu at gmail.com
Tue Apr 11 19:52:16 CDT 2017

On Tue, Apr 11, 2017 at 7:50 PM, Xiaodi Wu <xiaodi.wu at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 11, 2017 at 7:32 PM, Brent Royal-Gordon via swift-evolution <
> swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:
>> On Apr 11, 2017, at 8:08 AM, Adrian Zubarev via swift-evolution <
>> swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:
>> That’s also the example that kept me thinking for a while.
>> ------------------------------
>> Overall the proposal is a great compromise to some issues I had with the
>> first version. However I have a few more questions:
>>    - Why can’t we make it consistent and let the compiler add a new line
>>    after the starting delimiter.
let string = """↵
>>     Swift↵
>>     """
>> // result
>> ↵Swift↵
>> If one would would the behavior from the proposal it’s really easy to add
>> a backslash after the starting delimiter.
let string = """\↵
>>     Swift\↵
>>     """
>> // result
>> Swift
>> This would be consistent and less confusing to learn.
>> That would mean that code like this:
>> print("""
>> A whole bunch of
>> multiline text
>> """)
>> print("""
>> A whole bunch more
>> multiline text
>> """)
>> Will print (with - to indicate blank lines):
>> -
>> A whole bunch of
>> multiline text
>> -
>> -
>> A whole bunch more
>> multiline text
>> -
>> This is, to a first approximation, never what you actually want the
>> computer to do.
> Brent, excellent job revising the proposal text. My question for you and
> the other authors is the other way around: what is the rationale behind
> only stripping the leading newline and not the trailing newline? While in
> many cases a trailing newline is not harmful or even beneficial, if you
> trim the one, wouldn't it make sense to trim the other? Wouldn't it make
> the rules easier to explain to users too? For instance:
> '''
> Hello, world!
> '''
> could instead be a one-line string "Hello, world!"
> And those who need the trailing newline can trivially insist on it:
> '''
> Hello, world!
> '''

I should add, the motivation for proposing this revision to the rules is
that it would make it easy for a user to make use of the de-indenting
feature of the trailing ''' without opting into a trailing newline by

>>    - Can’t we make the indent algorithm work like this instead?
>> let string = """\↵
>> ····<tag>↵
>> ······content text↵
>> ····</tag>""" // Indent starts with the first non space character
>> // result
>> <tag>↵
>> ··content text↵
>> </tag>
>> The line where the closing delimiter is trims all space chapters and the
>> indent for the whole multi-line string is starting at the point where the
>> first non-space chapters is in that line.
>> We could; I discuss that briefly in the very last section, on
>> alternatives to the indentation stripping we specify:
>> • Stripping indentation to match the depth of the least indented line:
>> Instead of removing indentation to match the end delimiter, you remove
>> indentation to match the least indented line of the string itself. The
>> issue here is that, if all lines in a string should be indented, you can't
>> use indentation stripping. Ruby 2.3 does this with its heredocs,
>> and Python's dedent function also implements this behavior.
>> That doesn't quite capture the entire breadth of the problem with this
>> algorithm, though. What you'd like to do is say, "all of these lines are
>> indented four columns, so we should remove four columns of indentation from
>> each line". But you don't have columns; you have tabs and spaces, and
>> they're incomparable because the compiler can't know what tab stops you
>> set. So we'd end up calculating a common prefix of whitespace for all lines
>> and removing that. But that means, when someone mixes tabs and spaces
>> accidentally, you end up stripping an amount of indentation that is
>> unrelated to anything visible in your code. We could perhaps emit a warning
>> in some suspicious circumstances (like "every line has whitespace just past
>> the end of indentation, but some use tabs and others use spaces"), but if
>> we do, we can't know which one is supposed to be correct. With the proposed
>> design, we know what's correct—the last line—and any deviation from it can
>> be flagged *at the particular line which doesn't match our expectation*.
>> Even without the tabs and spaces issue, consider the case where you
>> accidentally don't indent a line far enough. With your algorithm, that's
>> indistinguishable from wanting the other lines to be indented more than
>> that one, so we generate a result you don't want and we don't (can't!) emit
>> a warning to point out the mistake. With the proposed algorithm, we can
>> notice there's an error and point to the line at fault.
>> Having the closing delimiter always be on its own line and using it to
>> decide how much whitespace to strip is better because it gives the compiler
>> a firm baseline to work from. That means it can tell you what's wrong and
>> where, instead of doing the dumb computer thing and computing a result
>> that's technically correct but useless.
>> PS: If we’d get this feature in Swift, it would be nice if Xcode and
>> other IDEs which supports Swift could show space characters that are inside
>> a string literal (not other space character <- which is already supported),
>> so it would be easier to tell what’s part of the string and what is not.
>> That would be very nice indeed. The prototype's tokenizer simply
>> concatenates together and computes the string literal's contents after
>> whitespace stripping, but in principle, I think it could probably preserve
>> enough information to tell SourceKit where the indentation ends and the
>> literal content begins. (The prototype is John's department, though, not
>> mine.) Xcode would then have to do something with that information, though,
>> and swift-evolution can't make the Xcode team do so. But I'd love to see a
>> faint reddish background behind tripled string literal content or a
>> vertical line at the indentation boundary.
>> In the meantime, this design *does* provide an unambiguous indicator of
>> how much whitespace will be trimmed: however much is to the left of the
>> closing delimiter. You just have to imagine the line extending upwards from
>> there. I think that's an important thing to have.
>> --
>> Brent Royal-Gordon
>> Architechies
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