[swift-evolution] SE-165: Dictionary & Set Enhancements

Shawn Erickson shawnce at gmail.com
Thu Apr 6 21:12:43 CDT 2017

They rethrow which is IMHO perfect for this. If the closure throws then the
outer functions throws (e.g. requires try). This allows folks that have a
need to throw if they want without forcing it on everyone.

On Thu, Apr 6, 2017 at 6:53 PM Ricardo Parada via swift-evolution <
swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:

> How important is it that the closure be allowed to throw when resolving
> collisions?  In my use cases merging dictionaries he resolving of the
> collisions is always relatively simple.  Shouldn’t they be as below maybe?
>     /// Creates a new dictionary using the key/value pairs in the given sequence,    /// using a combining closure to determine the value for any duplicate keys.    init<S: Sequence>(
>         merging keysAndValues: S,
>         resolvingCollisionsWith combine: (Value, Value) -> Value
>     ) where S.Iterator.Element == Element
>     /// Merges the key/value pairs in the given sequence into the dictionary,    /// using a combining closure to determine the value for any duplicate keys.    mutating func merge<S: Sequence>(
>         _ other: S,
>         resolvingCollisionsWith combine: (Value, Value) -> Value
>     ) where S.Iterator.Element == Element
>     /// Returns a new dictionary created by merging the key/value pairs in the    /// given sequence into the dictionary, using a combining closure to determine    /// the value for any duplicate keys.    func merged<S: Sequence>(
>         with other: S,
>         resolvingCollisionsWith combine: (Value, Value) -> Value
>     ) -> [Key: Value] where S.Iterator.Element == Element
> On Apr 6, 2017, at 12:51 PM, Nate Cook via swift-evolution <
> swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:
> On Apr 5, 2017, at 9:43 PM, Brent Royal-Gordon via swift-evolution <
> swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:
> On Apr 5, 2017, at 5:45 PM, Ben Cohen via swift-evolution <
> swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:
> • What is your evaluation of the proposal?
> (As a meta issue, I'm not sure I like the grab-bag review style; I'm
> finding this proposal a little bit difficult to navigate.)
> *Sequence-based initializer and merging initializer*
> Good idea, but I think these two are redundant with each other, and I
> don't think "merging" is an accurate way to describe what the second one
> does. (`merging` would suggest to me that it was combining several
> dictionaries or lists, not combining conflicting elements.) I'd suggest a
> single initializer along the lines of:
> init<S: Sequence>(_ keysAndValues: S, correctingConflictsBy
> resolveConflict: (Value, Value) throws -> Value = { fatalError("Duplicate
> values \($0) and \($1)") }) rethrows
> where S.Iterator.Element == (key: Key, value: Value)
> Thanks for all your feedback, Brent! One note on this item in
> particular—if you specify a default argument for a throws/rethrows closure,
> you have to use "try" at the call site even if the default closure argument
> doesn't throw. Modules currently don't promise that default closure
> arguments don't throw, and a default argument could change from
> non-throwing to throwing in a later version of a library.
> There's a bug tracking the issue here:
> https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-2979
> *Merging methods*
> Good idea, but I'm not a fan of the `mergingValues:` label. I would
> suggest the same `correctingConflictsBy resolveConflict:` label I suggested
> for the previous method—possibly including the default value. I also think
> `merge(_:correctingConflictsBy:)`'s first parameter should be labeled
> `with`, just as the `merged` variant is.
> I wonder if we might also want a method that copies the Dictionary, but
> with a single key added/removed/changed:
> func withValue(_ value: Value?, forKey key: Key) -> [Key: Value]
> *Key-based subscript with default value*
> I like the functionality, but not way this proposal does it. I don't like
> having the default value be a labeled parameter to the subscript, because
> it isn't used to locate the value. However, I can't come up with a better
> syntax without adding language features. What I'd like to do is make it
> possible to assign through `??`:
> frequencies[c] ?? 0 += 1
> But that would require either that we support `inout` functions, or that
> `??` become magic syntax instead of a standard library feature. The former
> is not coming in Swift 4 and the latter is less than ideal.
> Still, if we would rather have that syntax and we think we'll soon have
> the language improvements needed to pull it off, I'd suggest rejecting this
> portion of the proposal.
> *Dictionary-specific map and filter*
> I am +114 on this. I say that because I have received 114 upvotes on my
> Stack Overflow answer explaining how to write a `Dictionary.map` method: <
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24116271/whats-the-cleanest-way-of-applying-map-to-a-dictionary-in-swift/24219069#24219069
> >
> I agree with the decision not to pass keys to the closures in these
> methods; that keeps them simple and focused, and ensures they stay parallel
> with ordinary `map` and `filter`. I also agree with the decision to not
> build in a form of `map` which allows key remapping; you can always do that
> with the sequence-based initializer, which would let you add
> conflict-handling logic more elegantly than a key-value `map` could.
> *Visible dictionary capacity*
> I doubt I'll ever use the `capacity` property, but I'm not opposed to it.
> Adding a `reserveCapacity(_:)` method is a good idea.
> *A grouped(by:) method for sequences*
> Yes, please.
> *Apply relevant changes to Set*
> These make sense. (I considered suggesting the `filter` method be called
> `intersection(where:)`, but on second thought, I don't think that conveys
> the actual use cases for the method very well.)
> I wonder if we might want to conform `Dictionary` to `SetAlgebra`. They
> have compatible semantics, and I've occasionally wanted to use them in the
> same places. On the other hand, some of the methods might form attractive
> nuisances; perhaps I should just write a SetAlgebra-conforming view when I
> want to do that.
> *General notes*
> If SE-0161 is accepted, we may want to support key path variants of some
> of these APIs (like `grouped(by:)`, `map(_:)`, and `filter(_:)`). On the
> other hand, we may want to defer that so we can consider that issue
> holistically, including with existing Collection APIs.
> • Is the problem being addressed significant enough to warrant a change to
> Swift?
> Yes. These are all common needs; when working with dictionaries, I find
> myself writing `for` loops with `var`s far more often than I'd like.
> • Does this proposal fit well with the feel and direction of Swift?
> Yes, these are all pretty straightforward additions.
> • If you have used other languages or libraries with a similar feature,
> how do you feel that this proposal compares to those?
> Ruby's `Hash` has many of these features and I appreciate them there;
> `NSDictionary` does not and it suffers for it. Perl hashes have a
> flattening behavior that tends to be amenable to editing them in various
> ways, but that's not really suitable for Swift.
> • How much effort did you put into your review? A glance, a quick reading,
> or an in-depth study?
> Quick reading.
> --
> Brent Royal-Gordon
> Architechies
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