[swift-evolution] (Pitch) Conformance Regions

Ross O'Brien narrativium at gmail.com
Thu Mar 30 12:07:58 CDT 2017

This idea was had during the SE-0159 Review regarding removing fileprivate
and I'm creating a new discussion thread for its consideration. It's
neither in favour of nor against keeping fileprivate, but is intended to
address an idiom which has led to some resentment against fileprivate.

Copy-pasting from my original post on this:

When we declare a type, we declare properties and functions which that type
When we extend a type, we add functions to the type. (I'm including
computed properties in this.)
It has become an idiom of Swift to declare an extension to a type for each
protocol we want it to conform to, for reasons of code organisation and
readability. This can be true even if conformance to the protocol was a
primary intent of creating the type in the first place.

The intent of the scoped access level (one use of the current private keyword)
is to allow programmers to create properties and functions which are
limited to the scope of their declaration. A protocol conformance can be
written, with the aid of helper functions, in the confidence that the
helper functions are not visible outside the extension, minimising their
impact on other components of the module.
However, some protocol conformances require the type to have a specific
property, which the extension cannot facilitate. Some protocol conformances
don't require a property, but it would be really useful to have one, and
again an extension can't facilitate.

Example: we want to be able to write this, but we can't:

private protocol Bar


  var integer : Int { get }

  func increment()


struct Foo



extension Foo : Bar


  var integer : Int

  private var counter : Int

  func increment()


  counter += 1



This leads to a workaround: that properties are added to the original type,
and declared as fileprivate. They're not intended to be visible to any
scope other than the conforming extension - not even, really, to the type's
original scope.

Continuing the example: we've compromised and written this:

struct Foo


  fileprivate var integer : Int

  fileprivate var counter : Int


extension Foo : Bar


  func increment()


  counter += 1



This is not a fault of fileprivate (though it's a clunky name), or private.
Renaming these levels does not solve the problem. Removing private, such
that everything becomes fileprivate, does not solve the problem. The
problem is in the extension system.

Suppose we approached extensions differently.

Suppose we created a 'conformance region' inside a type declaration - a
scope nested within the type declaration scope - and that this conformance
region had its own access level. It's inside the type declaration, not
separate from it like an extension, so we can declare properties inside it.
But literally the only properties and functions declared inside the region
but visible anywhere outside of it, would be properties and functions
declared in the named protocol being conformed to.

So, visually it might look like this:

struct Foo


  conformance Bar // or conformance Foo : Bar, but since the region is
inside Foo that's redundant


  var integer : Int // visible because Foo : Bar, at Bar's access level

  var counter : Int = 0 // only visible inside the conformance scope,
because not declared in Bar

  func increment() // visible because Foo : Bar, at Bar's access level


  counter += 1




I've introduced a new keyword for this example, conformance, though it may
be clear enough to keep using extension. As the extension is inside the
type there's no need to redeclare the type being extended. From this
example, Foo conforms to Bar, in the same file; it's just been written
inside Foo's type declaration, and indented one level, instead of after it.

Aspects worth considering (some already pointed out by others):
The original idea for this is that the conformance region exists only to
allow the type to conform to a protocol (though possibly more than one),
and that only properties and functions declared in those protocols would be
accessible outside of the region, at whatever access level the protocol(s)
originally declared.
Existing access terms (internal, fileprivate, etc.) could be used to
increase the visibility (to a maximum of the visibility of the declared
type, e.g. a public property in a conformance region of an internal type
conforming to a fileprivate protocol would be an internally visible
property). This would introduce no new keywords.
However, as this defines a new default level within a region of the
language, an explicit keyword might be preferred and a default level of
internal might be more intuitive.

This idea presently assumes that conformance regions do not nest. An inner
nested type would be able to declare conformance regions in its
declaration, and cannot be extended inside another conformance region of
the outer type. However, there might be different thoughts on this?

We might consider conformance regions in generic types where the associated
type meets certain conditions.

This is an additive pitch. It doesn't affect extensions which
'retroactively' conform types to protocols; it just more visibly identifies
active conformances from retroactive conformances.
The pitch is intended to better express the intent of an existing idiom,
which may reduce the frustration users have with fileprivate. It's not a
replacement to fileprivate. It may be worth postponing SE-0159's resolution
until the effect of this on Swift is seen.

I've likely missed things from the comments of others since I posted this
earlier this week. But I welcome your thoughts.

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