[swift-evolution] [Pitch] Allow numerical keywords in member references

Adrian Zubarev adrian.zubarev at devandartist.com
Thu Mar 9 01:24:52 CST 2017

Hi Swift community, I’d like to pitch this idea again.

Swift already has the pitched feature, but it is exclusive for tuples only. SE–0071 allowed the use of keywords after the . in a member access, except for those keywords that have special meaning by using back-ticks. However, members starting with numbers are not special keywords and as already mentioned, numerical members are already allowed in tuples.

I propose to extend that capability to the whole language and make that behavior consistent. To disambiguate members starting with a number one would need to use back-ticks.

// Enum
enum ErrorCode : String {
    case `2345` = "my description for 2345"
    case `123a` = "my description for 123a"
    case `123b` = "my description for 123b"

let code = ErrorCode.2345

// Function
func `42foo`(label: Type, `12345`: Type, `0987something`: Type) { … }

// Tuple
(`1`: Int, `2`: Int)
My question is: would that be in scope for Swift 4?

Adrian Zubarev
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