[swift-evolution] [Discussion] What is the future of tuples in Swift?

Adrian Zubarev adrian.zubarev at devandartist.com
Fri Mar 3 10:15:53 CST 2017

That is why I explicitly noted that I used it as a keyword in my concept of fixed and arbitrary long tuples or variadics. Simply rename vector in my whole sketch to something else if you think that vectors should have a different meaning in the language.

What I seek for is the ability to have a nice shortcut for tuples, which in it’s concept could also find some use in generic variadics. (This overlap is also visible in the generics manifesto.) I simply called it a *vector*, one could rename it as variadic, but that seems not to be precise, not for (variadic(16) UInt8).

Adrian Zubarev
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Am 3. März 2017 um 16:53:03, Stephen Canon (scanon at apple.com) schrieb:

Vectors, Tuples, and Structs are all closely related concepts with a lot of overlap, but also some key differences. If anything, IMO a Tuple is closer to an anonymous ad-hoc Struct than it is to a Vector.
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