[swift-evolution] [Re-Review] SE-0104: Protocol-oriented integers

Xiaodi Wu xiaodi.wu at gmail.com
Tue Feb 21 16:02:21 CST 2017

On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 1:51 PM, Joe Groff via swift-evolution <
swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:

> For the review, Dave asked me to raise a design question on his behalf,
> since he's on vacation. There are places where the proposal introduces
> one-case types as a labeling mechanism to distinguish different operations
> with otherwise the same argument names, for instance:
> public enum ReportingOverflow { case reportingOverflow }
> protocol Number {
>   func adding(_ other: Self) -> Self
> }
> protocol FixedWidthInteger: BinaryInteger {
>   func adding(_ other: Self, _: ReportingOverflow) -> (partialValue: Self,
> overflow: ArithmeticOverflow)
> }
> This introduces an otherwise useless type (for which we need to emit
> metadata, provide documentation for, list in reference documentation and
> code completion, etc.) and turns the compiler's job of choosing among these
> operators into an overload resolution problem rather than a simpler name
> lookup problem. In other places, particularly when a type imported from
> Cocoa has multiple nullary initializers, we already use the convention of a
> Void-typed labeled argument, which would look like this:
> protocol FixedWidthInteger: BinaryInteger {
>   func adding(_ other: Self, reportingOverflow: Void) -> (partialValue:
> Self, overflow: ArithmeticOverflow)
> }
> The call syntax is less aethestically pleasing, no doubt (`adding(5,
> reportingOverflow: ())`), but that's arguably a problem we should address
> at the language level given that we already have APIs that look like that.
> The tradeoff of ugly syntax, which we can potentially beautify over time,
> in return for less "stuff" in the standard library, which we can't get rid
> off once the dylib is burned into billions of user devices, is worth
> considering.

+1. That seems like the wiser (if less "clever") solution.

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