[swift-evolution] [Pitch] Typed throws

Adrian Zubarev adrian.zubarev at devandartist.com
Fri Feb 17 15:48:34 CST 2017

No actually not, it was made up by the assumption that the proposed syntax would have more than one throwing that which was clarified by others to be incorrect. ;)

Thanks again for clarification.

Adrian Zubarev
Sent with Airmail

Am 17. Februar 2017 um 22:45:35, Joe Groff (jgroff at apple.com) schrieb:

On Feb 17, 2017, at 11:03 AM, Adrian Zubarev via swift-evolution <swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:

I suggest we need to find a way to shorten the list of the possible error types with a the help of typeallias

extension MyError1: Error { ... }
extension MyError2: Error { ... }
extension MyError3: Error { ... }

typealias MyErrors = MyError1 | MyError2 | MyError3   

func foo() throws(MyErrors) -> MyResult
func bar<T : Error>(_: () throws(T) -> Void) rethrows(MyErrors, T) -> MyResult
Do you actually need that? Experience in other languages like Rust and Haskell that use Result-based error propagation suggests that a single error type is adequate, and beneficial in many ways. If nothing else, you could `Either` your way to multiple errors if you really needed to.

IMO, if we accept a single error type per function, there could be a simpler model for this. We could say that the `throws` type is a generic parameter of all function types, and it defaults to the uninhabited `Never` type for functions that don't throw.

() -> () == () throws Never -> ()
() throws -> () == () throws Error -> ()

In this model, you'd get many benefits:

- `rethrows` could become first-class, reducing down to just polymorphic `throws`:

func foo(_: () throws -> ()) rethrows // Swift 3
func foo<T: Error>(_: () throws T -> ()) throws T // Swift X
func foo<T: Error>(_: () throws T -> ()) throws Either<MyErrors, T>

- Protocols could abstract over error handling; for instance, we could support throwing sequences:

protocol IteratorProtocol {
  associatedtype Element
  associatedtype Error: Swift.Error = Never

  mutating func next() throws Error -> Element?

Separate of the type system model, the type *checking* model also deserves thorough consideration. Propagating the effects of possibly multiple error types propagating within a `do` block is much trickier than doing so as a single "throws" or not bit, especially if you want to be able to use type context in `catch` patterns or to implicitly propagate a narrower `throws` type out of the enclosing function.

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