[swift-evolution] define backslash '\' as a operator-head in the swift grammar

Xiaodi Wu xiaodi.wu at gmail.com
Mon Feb 6 21:13:07 CST 2017

I did look at your list; as I said, I and others have made similar lists
before and have discovered their specific weaknesses. Again, I very much
think this is not going to be a fruitful on-list approach, and certainly
it's not appropriate for this particular thread. I will reply offlist with
specific insights.
On Mon, Feb 6, 2017 at 21:05 Nevin Brackett-Rozinsky <
nevin.brackettrozinsky at gmail.com> wrote:

> Did you look at how my list is constructed? It is almost entirely built
> from existing Unicode designations, with only a small number of exceptions.
> To wit:
> Begin with the category:
> Symbol, math
> Remove everything from the blocks:
> Superscripts And Subscripts
> Miscellaneous Technical
> Geometric Shapes
> Miscellaneous Symbols
> Alphabetic Presentation Forms
> Small Form Variants
> Halfwidth And Fullwidth Forms
> Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols
> Arabic Mathematical Alphabetic Symbols
> Remove everything from the subheadings:
> Variant letterforms and symbols
> Letterlike symbol
> Add everything from the block
> Arrows
> Add everything from the subheadings:
> Double punctuation for vertical text
> General punctuation, EXCEPT [U+203F U+2040 U+2045 U+2046 U+2054]
> Archaic punctuation, EXCEPT [U+2E31 U+2E33 U+2E34 U+2E3F]
> Add our existing ASCII and Latin-1 operators:
> [/ = - + ! * % < > & | ^ ~ ?]
> [¡ ¢ £ ¤ ¥ ¦ § © « ¬ ® ° ± ¶ » ¿], EXCEPT [¢ £ ¤ ¥ © ®]
> Add the turned ampersand:
> U+214B
> • • •
> This is hardly an ad hoc list, since it is built on existing
> classifications and slightly modified to fit our purposes. To it we may add
> the backslash (U+005C), and from it remove the empty set (U+2205) and
> infinity (U+221E) symbols. Currency signs could go either way, so I have
> left them unspecified (hence not operators) for now.
> Some discussion about whether to include the following subheadings may be
> in order:
> Drafting symbols
> Miscellaneous technical, EXCEPT [U+23E8]
> Beyond that, I think it is fine to leave symbol-like glyphs unspecified
> for now, neither operators nor identifiers.
> Nevin
> On Mon, Feb 6, 2017 at 9:34 PM, Xiaodi Wu <xiaodi.wu at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 6, 2017 at 7:36 PM, Nevin Brackett-Rozinsky via
> swift-evolution <swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:
> Given that the definition of operator characters in Swift is “part of
> Swift”, it follows that any change to that set will go through the Swift
> Evolution process, which includes discussion on this list. I do not see a
> reasonable way to skip that, nor would I consider it desirable to do so.
> Discussing on this list which characters should be operators in Swift is
> *prima facie* a necessary part of changing them.
> In light of the fact that our current operator-character situation needs
> to be fixed—meaning we will have to decide which characters should and
> should not be allowed in operators—and seeing as any proposal to solve the
> problem will be discussed on this list, the natural conclusion is that
> discussing which characters should be operators is *exactly* what we ought
> to do.
> Moreover, we are trying to decide which operators are right for *Swift*,
> thus our goals include expressivity, usefulness, and enjoyability. Our
> goals do *not* include being maximally conservative, and indeed I view
> parsimony in operator-character availability as undesirable.
> We should aim to choose the *right* set of operator characters, for some
> Swifty and opinionated value of “right”. If the recommendations that
> Unicode settles on strike us as right for Swift, that is great. But those
> recommendations do not exist yet, and so far it sounds like they could well
> be defined in a way which is *not* right for Swift.
> Perhaps Unicode will add a new category for operators, and they will go
> character-by-character to put certain glyphs in it. But if they don’t, then
> as you say the existing categories are not sufficient for Swift’s purposes,
> so their recommendations will not solve our problem. And if they do, we
> still would need to verify that their decision matches our use-case.
> The past proposal to gut non-ASCII operators from Swift was rightly
> blocked, for it would have damaged the language. My follow-up with a list
> of 1,020 characters to use as operators has not seen much discussion. If
> there were any controversial characters in it or omissions from it, I hope
> someone would raise an objection.
> In any case, I think that discussing which characters are right for Swift
> operators is an entirely proper and expected use of this mailing list, and
> I suggest we do so during the Swift 4 timeframe because it affects source
> compatibility.
> You misunderstand my drift. Of course any such change to Swift would have
> to go through this list, and of course that involves asking which
> characters are right for Swift operators. The question is _how_ to
> undertake a fruitful discussion.
> Consider this: that part of our previous draft which concerned adopting
> UAX#31 received immediate and almost universal consensus. One technical
> report has made it possible to adopt a cogent set of some 100,000-odd
> characters for identifiers *without* analyzing each one, with the added
> benefit that Swift would be able to parallel the evolution of Unicode in
> that respect as the years go on. That analysis involved, exactly as you
> say, asking exactly which characters make sense for Swift identifiers, but
> did so by means of overarching principles (for example, should aspirational
> scripts be included?).
> By comparison, that part of the previous draft which concerned matters not
> yet settled by Unicode experts prompted vehement disagreement, with great
> debate on the minutiae of individual codepoints that never reached
> consensus. I too have made a list of 500-1000 operator characters. Several
> versions in fact. So did other authors of the previous draft. Some of us
> made character-by-character lists. Some also made block-by-block lists. We
> carefully considered which operators might overlap with emojis, and which
> were confusables, and whether operators require different Unicode
> normalization from identifiers. We debated questions such as whether tiny
> and miny were mathematical operators or something else. Make no mistake, we
> reached no ultimate consensus on a lot of these questions even amongst the
> authors.
> I have held off on re-introducing this proposal in part because I'm
> seriously concerned that, without a better method, such an exercise is
> exceedingly poor form on such a high-traffic list. After all, we don't go
> line-by-line through draft implementations of proposed features on this
> list. We need to be able to articulate useful principles by which
> characters outside the ASCII range will be classified as operators;
> Jonathan Shapiro has indicated that not even Unicode will proceed with an
> ad-hoc character-by-character analysis. If we can come up with overarching
> principles that are workable, then it is plausible that Unicode will follow
> our lead. So yes, I agree with you absolutely, discussing which characters
> are right for Swift operators is an entirely proper and expected use of
> this mailing list. Now, _how_ to discuss it? I feel very strongly the
> answer is not by scrutiny of a list of codepoints.
> In any case, again we've gone far afield. I'm supportive of adding \ as an
> operator. That is a standalone proposal with its own merits; would love to
> see that proposed and considered on its own.
> Nevin
> On Mon, Feb 6, 2017 at 7:05 PM, Xiaodi Wu <xiaodi.wu at gmail.com> wrote:
> Indeed, I'd be thrilled to revise and reintroduce a proposal to update
> identifier and operator characters, if co-authors of that proposal are OK
> with it. Agree entirely with the principle you enunciate; that is exactly
> how we tried to approach it previously. I take it that you agree that a
> comprehensive revision of identifier characters cannot happen without
> thinking about operator characters, and vice versa, and I believe we came
> to that conclusion as well.
> Two difficulties arose. Jonathan Shapiro indicated that the Unicode
> approach would invariably be to specify which characters are valid
> identifiers, etc. not by code points or planes but by "categories," for
> which there are none for operators but also for which there are problematic
> ones for emoji (the numerals 0-9 belong to the emoji category, for
> instance; there is another emoji_presentation category which has its own
> tricks). Therefore, we considered that the most conservative way to
> classify "definite operators," "definite identifiers," and everything else
> was to leave emoji out (UAX31 does not include them as identifier
> characters) and to roll back operator characters to the ASCII range.
> However, both temporary measures were soundly rejected.
> There are a number of security issues to be ironed out with respect to
> emoji. For instance, emoji modifiers such as skin tones and genders allow
> different identifiers to be made that are visually identical or nearly so.
> (And yes, I'm aware that you or I could come up with an ad-hoc solution to
> this particular problem with emoji, but the issue is identifying all such
> relevant problems and coming up with solutions that jibe with future
> Unicode solutions to the same problems.) It would have been nice to leave
> this out entirely for now until further guidance from Unicode experts, but
> the community made it clear that emoji were a sine qua non.
> Likewise, every discussion on operator characters thus far has devolved
> into a series of replies nominating specific characters for inclusion. I
> continue to believe a character-by-character debate on this mailing list
> would be exceptionally poor form. My point in replying to this thread is
> only that we don't need to get into any of this (Unicode operators,
> canonicalization forms, emoji, etc.--much as I would love to) in order to
> consider the isolated addition of an ASCII-range operator \. That idea
> seems very reasonable, independently useful, and limited in scope.
> On Mon, Feb 6, 2017 at 15:28 Nevin Brackett-Rozinsky via swift-evolution <
> swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:
> Although there was, as you say, some push-back against revamping our set
> of operator characters, there was also substantial push-forward. Many
> people want to resolve the problematic situation we currently have
> regarding the designation of operators and identifiers.
> And indeed, cutting back to ASCII-only operators would have been an
> abominable choice. However waiting for the Unicode Consortium to draft
> guidelines for operator characters means prolonging our existing
> predicament. Additionally, in the discussion last fall it was mentioned
> that Unicode personnel are aware of what we are doing with Swift operators,
> and that our decisions may help to inform their classification of operator
> characters:
> On Fri, Oct 21, 2016 at 5:38 PM, Jonathan S. Shapiro <
> jonathan.s.shapiro at gmail.com> wrote:
> That's a feasible way to go, but keep in mind that the UAX31 changes are
> being co-designed with and informed by the current discussion. There are a
> bunch of things that have come up here that will allow UAX31 to side-step
> some "might have happened" mistakes, so this discussion has been very
> useful.
> The Swift community can and should make its own decision about whether to
> remain engaged. The risk of disengagement is that messy compatibility
> issues will probably have to be faced later that we can easily head-off now.
> Given all these considerations, I think the principled approach is for us
> to move forward with a 3-part categorization of characters into operators,
> identifiers, and unspecified (to be determined). That way we need not
> harangue ourselves over every controversial glyph, and may instead quickly
> determine those characters which should definitely be operators and those
> which should definitely be identifiers, while saving the difficult
> decisions until such time as Unicode produces recommendations and/or we
> decide to undertake a more comprehensive review.
> Nevin
> On Sun, Feb 5, 2017 at 8:29 PM, Xiaodi Wu <xiaodi.wu at gmail.com> wrote:
> IIRC, where we left the discussion last time was that there was work not
> yet complete within Unicode on delineating identifier and operator
> characters. As there was broad agreement to align identifier characters
> with Unicode standards, and since the strict separation between identifiers
> and operators means that no character should belong to both, there was
> hesitation to declare an operator what Unicode may later deem to be an
> identifier.
> There was strenuous objection to temporarily cutting back operators to the
> ASCII range until Unicode completes its work, but also pushback in going
> character-by-character above the ASCII range.
> In any case, \ seems perfectly reasonable as an additional operator
> character that doesn't have to wait for Unicode.
> On Sun, Feb 5, 2017 at 19:02 T.J. Usiyan via swift-evolution <
> swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:
> +1 from me.
> I hope that operators get more work soon, especially with regard to math.
> On Sun, Feb 5, 2017 at 5:09 PM, Nevin Brackett-Rozinsky via
> swift-evolution <swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:
> +1 as well. I also support adding these four symbols: ⅀ ؆ ؇ ⅋ as
> operators.
> There was substantial discussion last fall about revamping operators in
> Swift, with the primary goal of removing characters that should not be in
> the set. I went through the Unicode tables and compiled a list of 1,020
> characters that I think definitely should be operators [list of operator
> characters
> <http://unicode.org/cldr/utility/list-unicodeset.jsp?a=%5B%5B%3ASm%3A%5D%0D%0A%0D%0A-%5Cp%7BBlock%3DSuperscripts+And+Subscripts%7D%0D%0A-%5Cp%7BBlock%3DMiscellaneous+Technical%7D%0D%0A-%5Cp%7BBlock%3DGeometric+Shapes%7D%0D%0A-%5Cp%7BBlock%3DMiscellaneous+Symbols%7D%0D%0A-%5Cp%7BBlock%3DAlphabetic+Presentation+Forms%7D%0D%0A-%5Cp%7BBlock%3DSmall+Form+Variants%7D%0D%0A-%5Cp%7BBlock%3DHalfwidth+And+Fullwidth+Forms%7D%0D%0A-%5Cp%7BBlock%3DMathematical+Alphanumeric+Symbols%7D%0D%0A-%5Cp%7BBlock%3DArabic+Mathematical+Alphabetic+Symbols%7D%0D%0A-%5Cp%7Bsubhead%3DVariant+letterforms+and+symbols%7D%0D%0A-%5Cp%7Bsubhead%3DLetterlike+symbol%7D%0D%0A%0D%0A%5Cp%7BBlock%3DArrows%7D%0D%0A%5B%2F+%3D+%5C-+%2B+%21+*+%25+%3C+%3E+%5C%26+%7C+%5C%5E+~+%3F%5D%0D%0A%5B%C2%A1+%C2%A2+%C2%A3+%C2%A4+%C2%A5+%C2%A6+%C2%A7+%C2%A9+%C2%AB+%C2%AC+%C2%AE+%C2%B0+%C2%B1+%C2%B6+%C2%BB+%C2%BF%5D+-+%5B%C2%A2+%C2%A3+%C2%A4+%C2%A5+%C2%A9+%C2%AE%5D%0D%0A%5Cp%7Bsubhead%3DGeneral+punctuation%7D+-+%5BU%2B203F+U%2B2040+U%2B2045+U%2B2046+U%2B2054%5D%0D%0A%5Cp%7Bsubhead%3DDouble+punctuation+for+vertical+text%7D%0D%0A%5Cp%7Bsubhead%3DArchaic+punctuation%7D+-+%5BU%2B2E31+U%2B2E33+U%2B2E34+U%2B2E3F%5D%0D%0AU%2B214B%5D&g=&i=>
> ]
> The effect of that would be to make 1,628 characters no longer usable as
> operators [list of non-operator characters
> <http://unicode.org/cldr/utility/list-unicodeset.jsp?a=%5B%2F+%3D+%5C-+%2B+%21+*+%25+%3C+%3E+%5C%26+%7C+%5C%5E+~+%3F%0D%0AU%2B00A1+-+U%2B00A7%0D%0AU%2B00A9+U%2B00AB+U%2B00AC+U%2B00AE%0D%0AU%2B00B0+-+U%2B00B1%0D%0AU%2B00B6+U%2B00BB+U%2B00BF+U%2B00D7+U%2B00F7%0D%0AU%2B2016+-+U%2B2017%0D%0AU%2B2020+-+U%2B2027%0D%0AU%2B2030+-+U%2B203E%0D%0AU%2B2041+-+U%2B2053%0D%0AU%2B2055+-+U%2B205E%0D%0AU%2B2190+-+U%2B23FF%0D%0AU%2B2500+-+U%2B2775%0D%0AU%2B2794+-+U%2B2BFF%0D%0AU%2B2E00+-+U%2B2E7F%0D%0AU%2B3001+-+U%2B3003%0D%0AU%2B3008+-+U%2B3030%5D%0D%0A%0D%0A-%5B%5B%3ASm%3A%5D%0D%0A-%5Cp%7BBlock%3DSuperscripts+And+Subscripts%7D%0D%0A-%5Cp%7BBlock%3DMiscellaneous+Technical%7D%0D%0A-%5Cp%7BBlock%3DGeometric+Shapes%7D%0D%0A-%5Cp%7BBlock%3DMiscellaneous+Symbols%7D%0D%0A-%5Cp%7BBlock%3DAlphabetic+Presentation+Forms%7D%0D%0A-%5Cp%7BBlock%3DSmall+Form+Variants%7D%0D%0A-%5Cp%7BBlock%3DHalfwidth+And+Fullwidth+Forms%7D%0D%0A-%5Cp%7BBlock%3DMathematical+Alphanumeric+Symbols%7D%0D%0A-%5Cp%7BBlock%3DArabic+Mathematical+Alphabetic+Symbols%7D%0D%0A-%5Cp%7Bsubhead%3DVariant+letterforms+and+symbols%7D%0D%0A-%5Cp%7Bsubhead%3DLetterlike+symbol%7D%0D%0A%5Cp%7BBlock%3DArrows%7D%0D%0A%5B%2F+%3D+%5C-+%2B+%21+*+%25+%3C+%3E+%5C%26+%7C+%5C%5E+~+%3F%5D%0D%0A%5B%C2%A1+%C2%A2+%C2%A3+%C2%A4+%C2%A5+%C2%A6+%C2%A7+%C2%A9+%C2%AB+%C2%AC+%C2%AE+%C2%B0+%C2%B1+%C2%B6+%C2%BB+%C2%BF%5D+-+%5B%C2%A2+%C2%A3+%C2%A4+%C2%A5+%C2%A9+%C2%AE%5D%0D%0A%5Cp%7Bsubhead%3DGeneral+punctuation%7D+-+%5BU%2B203F+U%2B2040+U%2B2045+U%2B2046+U%2B2054%5D%0D%0A%5Cp%7Bsubhead%3DDouble+punctuation+for+vertical+text%7D%0D%0A%5Cp%7Bsubhead%3DArchaic+punctuation%7D+-+%5BU%2B2E31+U%2B2E33+U%2B2E34+U%2B2E3F%5D%0D%0AU%2B214B%5D&g=&i=>
> ]
> However, my strategy was to be conservative in accepting operators. There
> are several Unicode blocks which contain some additional characters which
> we may want to have as operators [list of characters in those blocks
> <http://unicode.org/cldr/utility/list-unicodeset.jsp?a=%5B%5Cp%7BBlock%3DMiscellaneous+Technical%7D%0D%0A%5Cp%7BBlock%3DOptical+Character+Recognition%7D%0D%0A%5Cp%7BBlock%3DBox+Drawing%7D%0D%0A%5Cp%7BBlock%3DBlock+Elements%7D%0D%0A%5Cp%7BBlock%3DGeometric+Shapes%7D%0D%0A%5Cp%7BBlock%3DMiscellaneous+Symbols%7D%0D%0A%5Cp%7BBlock%3DDingbats%7D%0D%0A%5Cp%7BBlock%3DBraille%7D%0D%0A%5Cp%7BBlock%3DMiscellaneous+Symbols+And+Arrows%7D%0D%0A%5Cp%7BBlock%3DYijing+Hexagram+Symbols%7D%0D%0A%5Cp%7BBlock%3DMusical+Symbols%7D%0D%0A%5Cp%7BBlock%3DAncient+Greek+Musical+Notation%7D%0D%0A%5Cp%7BBlock%3DTai+Xuan+Jing+Symbols%7D%0D%0A%5Cp%7BBlock%3DMahjong+Tiles%7D%0D%0A%5Cp%7BBlock%3DDomino+Tiles%7D%0D%0A%5Cp%7BBlock%3DPlaying+Cards%7D%0D%0A%5Cp%7BBlock%3DOrnamental+Dingbats%7D%0D%0A%5Cp%7BBlock%3DAlchemical+Symbols%7D%0D%0A%5Cp%7BBlock%3DGeometric+Shapes+Extended%7D%0D%0A%5Cp%7BBlock%3DSupplemental+Arrows+C%7D%5D%0D%0A&g=&i=>
> ]
> I did not include the backslash because I decided not to mess with the
> choice of ASCII operators, however I do support making backslash an
> operator. I am not sure about currency symbols.
> Nevin
> On Sun, Feb 5, 2017 at 1:20 PM, Dave Abrahams via swift-evolution <
> swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:
> on Sun Feb 05 2017, Nicolas Fezans <swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:
> > Dear all,
> >
> > This is a rather simple proposal to add '\' (backslash character) as a
> > valid operator-head in the swift grammar.
> >
> > One argument for it, is that there exist a backslash operator in the
> > MATLAB/Scilab/Octave languages. In this languages A\B solves the linear
> > system A*X = B for X (or the least square problem associated to it if the
> > system of equations is overdetermined). I am doing some numerical
> > computation in Swift and it would be nice to be able to declare the same
> > operator name for this functionality.
> >
> > I might have missed some arguments for not adding them, but I seems to me
> > that until now the \ character is only used inside of string literals. If
> > that is the case, both uses should never generate a conflict or be
> > ambiguous, isn't it? (String literals keep their interpretation of \ and
> \
> > used otherwise within the swift code will be interpreted as an operator
> or
> > as the beginning of an operator)
> >
> > I am curious to see what will be the feedback on this.
> +1 if it doesn't clash with the grammar.
> --
> -Dave
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