[swift-evolution] [Pitch] Add the DefaultConstructible protocol to the standard library

Tony Allevato tony.allevato at gmail.com
Mon Dec 26 15:52:29 CST 2016

On Mon, Dec 26, 2016 at 1:46 PM Xiaodi Wu <xiaodi.wu at gmail.com> wrote:

> This sounds like what UnsafeMutableRawBufferPointer was designed for, no?

I can understand the desire to write an algorithm like this without going
down to unsafe territory, but yes, that's probably the right
approach—especially since the idea of a non-optional but
not-yet-initialized value is inherently unsafe.

> On Mon, Dec 26, 2016 at 4:39 PM, Tony Allevato via swift-evolution <
> swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 26, 2016 at 1:19 PM David Sweeris <davesweeris at mac.com> wrote:
> On Dec 26, 2016, at 12:10, Tony Allevato <tony.allevato at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 26, 2016 at 11:57 AM David Sweeris via swift-evolution <
> swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:
> On Dec 26, 2016, at 11:35, Tony Allevato <allevato at google.com> wrote:
> Mathematically, identities are associated with (type, operation) pairs,
> not types alone.
> This conversation has put me in the column of "numeric types shouldn't
> have default initializers at all", personally.
> I'd agree, except sometimes you need a T, *any* T, for when you want to
> create a "pre-sized" array for stuffing results into by index:
> for i in ... {
>     a[i] = ...
> }
> Simply saying "var a =[T](); a.reserveCapacity()" doesn't cut it because
> it'll still crash if you try to store anything in a[i] without somehow
> putting at least i+1 elements in the array first.
> Array already has init(repeating:count:) that puts the responsibility of
> choosing the default value at the call site. If someone were writing a
> generic algorithm around this, then why not just propagate that
> responsibility out to its call site as well? That way, the algorithm isn't
> making any assumptions about what the "default" value is or even if one
> exists, and it doesn't impose additional requirements on the element type.
> For example, the user could get the default from a static factory method,
> an instance method on another object, or something else entirely.
> Yeah, that's what I would use… The "filled out" example would be:
> extension Array {
>     public func pmap<T: DefaultInitable> (transform: (Element) -> T) -> [T]
> {
>         var result = Array<T>(repeating: T(), count: self.count) //Pick a
> T... any T...
>         for i in self.indices {
>             result[i] = whateverTheConcurrentExectutionSyntaxIs(self[i],
> transform)
>         }
>         return result
>     }
> }
> var thisCouldTakeAWhile = Array((0...10000)).pmap {
>     someReallySlowFunction($0)
> }
> At least I *think* that’d work... I haven’t tried it yet... Anyway,
> without some way (*any* way) of getting an instance of T to fill in the
> `result` array, it becomes much trickier to keep track of all the
> concurrently-calculated transformed values. In this case, the semantics of
> `T()` are fairly irrelevant because the semantics of the *overall
> statement* is just to work around a language limitation (Swift not having
> separate allocation and initialization phases), which doesn’t have anything
> to do with the semantics of the initial value that got passed as the
> `repeating` argument.
> This looks like it's abusing T() to stand in for nil, though. Before the
> result[i] assignment executes, result[i] shouldn't conceptually have a
> value—you're putting a default in there because the implementation requires
> it. T() as a placeholder is just as valid/invalid as any other value in T's
> space.
> It's a square-peg-in-a-round-hole problem—design-wise, an array of
> optionals would be a better fit, but you rightly don't want to return that
> from the function, and you don't want to bear the cost of converting the
> array of optionals to an array of non-optionals after the computation is
> complete. That makes complete sense, but perhaps *that* is the problem that
> should be addressed, instead of trying to use T() to avoid it? Or
> alternatively, a parallel map operation should return an array of futures
> (or a collection type that itself is a future).
> - Dave Sweeris
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