[swift-evolution] [Pitch] Add the DefaultConstructible protocol to the standard library

Adam Nemecek adamnemecek at gmail.com
Mon Dec 26 15:36:41 CST 2016

> That still doesn't imply that it should be a "default" value for that

That type being Int?

> This shows that zero is a special value with special meanings in certain

Where certain contexts are important contexts and special meaning is an
important meanings.

> I'm not trying to make the argument that there would be a better default
value than zero. I'm arguing that there should not be a "default" value at

I well aware.

> It's just an example for illustration—don't focus specifically on the ORM
part, but on the part where it's reasonable for a type to have a notion of
a "default" value that is dependent on external state/context, and
therefore cannot be initialized with init().

Those are resources (if they are dealing with external state). A lot of
value types have completely reasonable defaults.

On Mon, Dec 26, 2016 at 1:25 PM, Tony Allevato <tony.allevato at gmail.com>

> On Mon, Dec 26, 2016 at 12:53 PM Adam Nemecek <adamnemecek at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> > The fact that certain bit-patterns correspond to zero and that zero
>> has been a default in other languages is an artifact of their hardware
>> representation, but not necessarily one that should motivate higher level
>> design.
>> Zero isn't just a bit pattern. It's the philosophical idea of
>> nothingness, void, nihil. The fact that we found a common pattern between
>> addition and multiplication doesn't mean that nothingness has lost it's
>> meaning.
> This shows that zero is a special value with special meanings in certain
> contexts. That still doesn't imply that it should be a "default" value for
> that type.
>> > It's a circular argument to use that as a reason for why default
>> constructibility should exist as a consequence of that.
>> Can you provide an example where a non-zero value for a value like type
>> makes more sense than all zeros? Also it's not circular, I need to work
>> with types that have a placeholder value. Most values have only one such
>> value.
> I'm not trying to make the argument that there would be a better default
> value than zero. I'm arguing that there should not be a "default" value at
> all.
>> >  (One example: an ORM where objects have to be associated with an
>> originating "context"; either the type needs to have an initializer that
>> takes a context, or the context is a factory that returns instances.)
>> In ActiveRecord, the Rails ORM, I can call User.new on a User model,
>> correct? I'm relatively sure most other ORMs have similar functionality
> It's just an example for illustration—don't focus specifically on the ORM
> part, but on the part where it's reasonable for a type to have a notion of
> a "default" value that is dependent on external state/context, and
> therefore cannot be initialized with init().
>> On Mon, Dec 26, 2016 at 12:43 PM, Tony Allevato <tony.allevato at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> On Mon, Dec 26, 2016 at 12:15 PM Adam Nemecek <adamnemecek at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > The all-zero bit pattern represents the integer zero—that's not the
>> same as whether it represents the best "default" value for an integer as a
>> higher-level concept, or whether such a default should exist in the first
>> place.
>> It represents a sensible value to initialize an int to when I want to
>> initialize an array of ints to a certain size. There is a reason why you
>> zero out memory but you don't "one out" memory.
>> It was previously mentioned in this thread, but Swift explicitly made the
>> choice to *not* initialize values to zero by default. If you want to
>> initialize an array of ints, you can just as easily pass the default in
>> that you want. If you want to do this more generically, you can still push
>> the responsibility to the caller, which is arguably better because it
>> doesn't restrict your algorithm to only those data types that conform to a
>> particular protocol.
>> The fact that certain bit-patterns correspond to zero and that zero has
>> been a default in other languages is an artifact of their hardware
>> representation, but not necessarily one that should motivate higher level
>> design.
>> > That doesn't explain why the additive identity is more special than
>> the multiplicative one. It just argues that it's more convenient for a
>> particular use case.
>> Because the identity associated with the default initializer as is is the
>> additive identity which means the default operation is addition.
>> I should have phrased more carefully: it doesn't explain why the additive
>> identity *should be* more special.
>> There is no "default operation" over integers. The fact that the additive
>> identity also happens to be the all zero bit-pattern which also happens to
>> be the default initialized state isn't an argument for why it *should* be
>> that way—it's just explaining what the current state of things is. It's a
>> circular argument to use that as a reason for why default constructibility
>> should exist as a consequence of that.
>> > Because encapsulation. There's a reason NSObject has a default
>> initializer.
>> That's not an encapsulation that works everywhere. Consider this: there
>> exist types that might have reasonable "default" values but for which the
>> default initializer isn't an appropriate or possible way to express it.
>> (One example: an ORM where objects have to be associated with an
>> originating "context"; either the type needs to have an initializer that
>> takes a context, or the context is a factory that returns instances.) By
>> writing an algorithm that relies on DefaultConstructible, you prohibit
>> those types from being used there. If the algorithm pushes the
>> responsibility to the caller, as Array(repeating:count:) does, then it can
>> work for both types. It's *more* general and more powerful than the
>> DefaultConstructible version.
>> The reason NSObject has a default initializer is because every object
>> inherits from it and it must have a sensible default initializer to end the
>> call chain, and there's nothing meaningful that needs to be parameterized
>> for NSObject. If you call [[NSObject alloc] init] by itself, you get back
>> an object that doesn't really do much. But I'm not sure what that has to do
>> with generic algorithms—what about all the types that extend NSObject that
>> don't have default initializers?
>> On Mon, Dec 26, 2016 at 11:57 AM, Tony Allevato <tony.allevato at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> On Mon, Dec 26, 2016 at 11:43 AM Adam Nemecek via swift-evolution <
>> swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:
>> > For integers, 0 is an additive identity. Is there a reason it should
>> be given special treatment over 1, the multiplicative identity?
>> E.g. for statistical reasons. When I have a collection of users with age
>> etc it makes sense to ask what is the combined age of the collection? What
>> is the semantic meaning of multiplying their ages?
>> That doesn't explain why the additive identity is more special than the
>> multiplicative one. It just argues that it's more convenient for a
>> particular use case.
>> I would turn your example around—if you're interested enough in thorough
>> type design that you feel that a DefaultConstructible protocol would be
>> useful here, then I offer that a better and safer design would be to create
>> an "Age" value type (or, more generally, measurement types with concepts of
>> units) if you want compile-time safety and limiting the supported
>> operations to only those that are sensical. "Int" is arguably too wide a
>> type to represent an age in a public API because it would allow two ages to
>> be multiplied together, as you said.
>> > Mathematically, identities are associated with (type, operation) pairs,
>> not types alone.
>> Correct, however we aren't talking about mathematics, we are talking
>> about the implementation of a language that runs on very concrete
>> architectures where very concrete bit patterns mean very concrete things
>> that are unlikely to change any time soon.
>> The all-zero bit pattern represents the integer zero—that's not the same
>> as whether it represents the best "default" value for an integer as a
>> higher-level concept, or whether such a default should exist in the first
>> place.
>> On Mon, Dec 26, 2016 at 11:35 AM, Tony Allevato <allevato at google.com>
>> wrote:
>> For integers, 0 is an additive identity. Is there a reason it should be
>> given special treatment over 1, the multiplicative identity? Historically
>> the only reason is because it has the all-clear bit pattern.
>> Mathematically, identities are associated with (type, operation) pairs,
>> not types alone.
>> This conversation has put me in the column of "numeric types shouldn't
>> have default initializers at all", personally.
>> On Mon, Dec 26, 2016 at 11:27 AM Adam Nemecek via swift-evolution <
>> swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:
>> The elements already have an Identity, the one that you get when you
>> invoke the default constructor. It's 0 for Int, "" for String.
>> On Mon, Dec 26, 2016 at 11:24 AM, David Sweeris <davesweeris at mac.com>
>> wrote:
>> On Dec 26, 2016, at 11:12, Tino Heth via swift-evolution <
>> swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:
>> There is an older discussion that is somewhat linked to this topic:
>> "Removing the empty initialiser requirement from
>> RangeReplaceableCollection"
>> https://lists.swift.org/pipermail/swift-evolution/
>> Week-of-Mon-20160704/023642.html
>> Imho "DefaultConstructible" types can be very handy, but so far, it seems
>> no one has presented a single use case that is important enough to justify
>> the inclusion in the stdlib.
>> On the other hand, I'm quite sure that there's much functionality in the
>> stdlib that many people consider as superfluous…
>> I guess adding the protocol wouldn't have a big impact on size, so for
>> for me, the question is "Does this protocol confuse users of Swift?", which
>> I'd answer with "yes, possibly" (unless someone comes up with a name that
>> is more intuitive).
>> "Identity", but, at least for many numeric types, you'd need a mechanism
>> for specifying which one you mean.
>> - Dave Sweeris
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