[swift-evolution] [Pitch] Removing Setter/Observer Name Overrides

Derrick Ho wh1pch81n at gmail.com
Sat Dec 3 23:59:53 CST 2016

True, adding the type would be redundant. Here is my revised solution.
Which basically still allows you do use a different name besides

set { let temperature = newValue
// do stuff

didSet { let temperature = oldValue
// do stuff

On Sun, Dec 4, 2016 at 12:47 AM Saagar Jha via swift-evolution <
swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:

> oldValue is the value the property contained before didSet. self.value is
> the variable’s current value (i.e. newValue in willSet).
> Saagar Jha
> On Dec 3, 2016, at 9:34 PM, Rick Mann via swift-evolution <
> swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:
> -1.
> I always name parameters to code blocks with an "in" or "out" prefix, and
> want to maintain my ability to change the name for set.
> As to oldValue, isn't that the same as self.value? Does it even need to
> exist?
> On Nov 30, 2016, at 14:40 , Erica Sadun via swift-evolution <
> swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:
> This pitch is breaking, and should be considered under the phase 1
> timeframe.
> gist here: https://gist.github.com/erica/f5c58c689a6f479606c6158077c1962b
> As usual, I will update the gist with feedback. Please refer to gist
> rather than
> this email for the latest revisions.
> -- E
> Removing Setter/Observer Name Overrides
> • Proposal: TBD
> • Author: Erica Sadun
> • Status: TBD
> • Review manager: TBD
> Introduction
> This proposal removes setter and observer name overrides from the Swift
> programming language, limiting their use to the defaults of newValue and
> oldValue.
> Swift-evolution thread: TBD
> Motivation
> Swift setters and property observers supply predefined symbols that
> represent value arguments. These are newValue for set and willSet, and
> oldValue for didSet. These implicit names are always available -- you don't
> need to take any action to have access to them -- and they are instantly
> recognizable in context.
> Swift allows you to override newValue and oldValue by supplying a name in
> parentheses after the set/willSet/didSet keyword, for example:
> set
> (temperature) {
> // use temperature instead of newValue
> }
> This feature is an attractive nuisance for the following reasons:
> Preferring newValue and oldValue to custom names is consistent. Someone
> reading code needn't recognize a new and unfamiliar symbol in setter or
> observer context.
> Preferring newValue and oldValue to custom names avoids errors. Some
> developers prefer to name all mentioned values for the sake of consistency,
> clarity, and readability like this:
> set(newValue) {...}
> Developers who follow this rule may accidentally insert newValue or
> oldValue in the wrong observer. It is not that uncommon. (See this tweet,
> for example.) Swift does not check for name mismatches, specifically for
> the common error of using oldValue in place of newValue or vice versa.
> Detailed Design
> Upon adopting this proposal:
> • Swift removes name overrides from the language.
> • Swift allows the current grammar to be used but disallows the mention of
> any mismatched name:
> set { ... } // okay
> willSet { ... } // okay
> didSet { ... } // okay
> set(newValue) { ... } // okay, self-documenting
> set(oldValue) { ... } // compiler error
> willSet(newValue) { ... } // okay, self-documenting
> willSet(oldValue) { ... } // compiler error
> didSet(oldValue) { ... } // okay, self-documenting
> didSet(newValue) { ... } // compiler error
> didSet(bob) { ... } // compiler error
> Type Members
> As an optional extra, Swift could emit warnings for any type member named
> newValue or oldValue.
> var newValue: T { ... } // warning
> A more extreme step would disallow the use of newValue and oldValue
> members, reserving those words for setters and observers. This proposal
> does not go so far since newValue and oldValue are reasonable property
> names for a generic ChangeSet<T> struct.
> Although a warning could be limited to the presence of property observers
> and setters, this is not recommended. Deferring warnings until there's a
> name conflict might introduce the desire to rename members and break APIs
> when observers and setters are added at a later date. That outcome is
> undesirable.
> Please note that Swift properly differentiates between members
> (self.newValue) and the newValue argument, as in the following example.
> struct Foo
> {
> var newValue: Int = 0
> var observedMember: Int
> {
> willSet
> {
> print
> (newValue)
> // newValue = 100 // error, `newValue` is immutable
>            self.newValue = 100
>        }
>    }
> }
> var test = Foo(newValue: 0, observedMember: 50
> )
> test.
> observedMember = 60 // prints 60
> test.newValue // 100
> Impact on Existing Code
> This proposal is breaking. The migrator will need to remove overrides and
> rename their mentions to newValue and oldValue.
> Timeline
> This proposal is breaking so needs to be considered in Swift 4 Stage 1
> Alternatives Considered
> • If this proposal is not adopted, Swift could still warn or error on
>  set(oldValue), willSet(oldValue), and didSet(newValue), since these can be
> considered to be always wrong.
> • Swift could entirely remove the parentheses syntax, although many
> developers prefer to explicitly mention the magic argument names.
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> --
> Rick Mann
> rmann at latencyzero.com
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