[swift-evolution] [Proposal] Type Narrowing

Haravikk swift-evolution at haravikk.me
Mon Nov 7 13:03:11 CST 2016

> On 7 Nov 2016, at 16:29, Charlie Monroe <charlie at charliemonroe.net> wrote:
> I'm simply worried a little about unwanted effects and additional compiler "cleverness".

I don't believe there should be any; either the type is narrowed or it isn't, if you rely on it being a type the type-checker can't verify, you'll get an error, otherwise you won't. There shouldn't be scope for anything unexpected.

> Xcode's migration is "nice", but I'd like to point out that migration to Swift 3 of my project took 6 hours (!) and I spent almost 2 more days manually changing what the migrator didn't manage to do on its own. And that was one of my projects. I really don't want to go through this once more.

I agree, but the only code that should be affected by this is code where there is unwrapping that can be determined to either be redundant, or is definitely incorrect; in the former case it will only be a warning (so you can remove force unwrapping that is no longer needed) and in the latter it will be an error because the type-checker has actually identified something that will definitely cause a run-time error.

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