[swift-evolution] [Pitch] Replace the ternary operator with an in-language function

Paul Cantrell cantrell at pobox.com
Thu Oct 27 11:10:54 CDT 2016

I’d like to put in a word in appreciate of such a careful presentation of the idea. While it doesn’t change the fact that this is out of scope for Swift 4, it’s nice to read something so thoughtfully spelled out. Charlotte, I hope you’ll keep bringing your ideas.

FWIW, while I rather like the ternary operator, I’m also a fan of promoting existing if statements to expressions. I hope that we can revisit that discussion in the future.



> On Oct 25, 2016, at 11:51 PM, Charlotte Angela Tortorella via swift-evolution <swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:
> Preamble: I've read over the threads that already exist about the ternary operator and to be honest they're a complete mess without a single fully formed proposal.
> Pitch: I'd like to simplify the syntax, compiler complexity and learning curve for newcomers when it comes to dealing with the ternary function. The best way to do that, in my opinion, is to remove it entirely and add a new function with better semantics that takes care of ternary operations entirely within the Swift language.
> gist: https://gist.github.com/Qata/25a11c21200f1cf8f43ed78e9ffd727c <https://gist.github.com/Qata/25a11c21200f1cf8f43ed78e9ffd727c>
> Replace the `?:` operator with an in-language function
> Proposal: TBD
> Author: [Charlotte Tortorella](https://github.com/qata <https://github.com/qata>)
> Editor: [Soroush Khanlou](https://github.com/khanlou <https://github.com/khanlou>)
> Review Manager: TBD
> Status: TBD
> Introduction <https://gist.github.com/Qata/25a11c21200f1cf8f43ed78e9ffd727c#introduction>
> The ternary operator in Swift was added early in development, as a holdover
> from C.  This document is an attempt to provide a clear look at the ternary
> operator without the baggage of the languages that came before, and comes
> to the conclusion that we should deprecate and remove the ternary operator
> in favor of an extension to `Bool`.
> As a quick refresher, here's what the ternary operator looks like:
> let a = 10
> let b = 20
> // If a is less than b, sets e to "foo", else sets e to "bar"
> let e = a < b ? "foo" : "bar"
> Advantages of The Ternary Operator <https://gist.github.com/Qata/25a11c21200f1cf8f43ed78e9ffd727c#advantages-of-the-ternary-operator>
> The primary advantage of this operator is its terseness and expressive
> capability. It's shorthand for (e.g.):
> let a = 10
> let b = 20
> let e: String
> if a < b {
>   e = "foo"
> } else {
>   e = "bar"
> }
> The second advantage of Swift supporting the ternary operator is continuity
> with C, and other common languages in the extended C family (C++, Objective-C,
> Java, C#, Javascript, etc).  People coming to Swift from these other languages
> may reasonably expect this operator to exist.  That said, there are also
> popular languages which have kept the majority of C operators but dropped the
> ternary operator (e.g. [Go](https://golang.org/doc/faq#Does_Go_have_a_ternary_form <https://golang.org/doc/faq#Does_Go_have_a_ternary_form>) and [Rust](https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/issues/1362 <https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/issues/1362>)).
> Disadvantages of The Ternary Operator <https://gist.github.com/Qata/25a11c21200f1cf8f43ed78e9ffd727c#disadvantages-of-the-ternary-operator>
> 1. The existence of the ternary operator as a holdover from C is to increase
> the familiarity of the Swift language for C family developers, at the expense
> of newcomers.  Established developers do much better with learning concepts
> than newcomers to programming and probably don't need their hands held
> with this carry over of an operator.
> 2. The ternary operator adds complexity to the compiler, because it requires
> special handling.  It is the only operator that requires two components to
> work (both the `?` and the `:`), it uses a character that is excluded from
> being used in other operators (`:`), and it isn't defined in the standard
> library.
> 3. The ternary operator's usage of `?` can be confusing
> to new users.  Every other instance of `?` is associated with
> `Optional` values.
> 4. The ternary operator uses `:`, which is already a heavily overloaded
> symbol in Swift.  `:` is used in hash tables, type annotations for variables,
> class inheritance, and protocol conformance.
> 5. The ternary operator's short length lends it to being abused in the
> nested ternary operator anti-pattern.  This is similar to the `++` and
> `--` operators, which were removed in Swift 3.  While they worked fine and were
> readable enough when used alone, using them multiple times in a single
> expression like `function(a++, ++a)` made them highly unreadable and
> confusing.
> 6. This operator is only applicable to a single type, `Bool`.
> 7. If the ternary operator weren't in common usage, it would not be proposed
> for Swift.  Higher clarity can be achieved with common language features by
> creating an extension to `Bool`.
> 8. The ternary operator was created for and is much more suited to a language
> like C, where there were no generics and as such no alternative to an
> unintuitive operator.
> 9. Several other modern languages, like Rust and Go discussed earlier, have
> eschewed the usage of the ternary operator entirely.  Other languages that have
> special constructs similar to `?:`, such as `if then else` in Haskell have
> [discussed removing it](https://wiki.haskell.org/If-then-else#Is_If-Then-Else_so_important.3F <https://wiki.haskell.org/If-then-else#Is_If-Then-Else_so_important.3F>).  `if then else` is identical to the `?:` operator,
> excepting that it's prefixed by `if`, while `?:` has no prefix.
>  Example: `if True then 10 else 20`
> 10. On a more personal and anecdotal note, the ternary operator gave me more
> trouble than any other operator when I was first learning how to program.
> I’ve also spoken to several other people who expressed similar sentiments
> about this operator’s inscrutability.
> Proposed Approach <https://gist.github.com/Qata/25a11c21200f1cf8f43ed78e9ffd727c#proposed-approach>
> We should drop the ternary operator in favor of a new extension to `Bool`.
> There are a few possibilities for the naming of this function.  We've provided
> four for consideration in this proposal, but are open to other options as well.
> This proposal is much more about the concept than the naming of the replacement
> function.
> extension Bool {
>     /// If `self == true`, returns `t`, otherwise, returns `f`.
>     func transformed<T>(true t: @autoclosure () -> T, false f: @autoclosure () -> T) -> T {
>         if self {
>             return t()
>         } else {
>             return f()  
>         }
>     }
>     func when<T>(true t: @autoclosure () -> T, false f: @autoclosure () -> T) -> T {
>       ...
>     }
>     func if<T>(true t: @autoclosure () -> T, false f: @autoclosure () -> T) -> T {
>       ...
>     }
>     func if<T>(then t: @autoclosure () -> T, else f: @autoclosure () -> T) -> T {
>       ...
>     }
> }
> Only one of these should be chosen.  We're not proposing adding multiple
> functions that achieve the same thing.
> Example usage:
> let a = 10
> let b = 20
> _ = (a < b).transformed(true: "foo", false: "bar")
> _ = (a < b).when(true: "foo", false: "bar")
> _ = (a < b).if(true: "foo", false: "bar")
> _ = (a < b).if(then: "foo", else: "bar")
> Impact on existing code <https://gist.github.com/Qata/25a11c21200f1cf8f43ed78e9ffd727c#impact-on-existing-code>
> This proposal is breaking and would require migration.
> Alternatives considered <https://gist.github.com/Qata/25a11c21200f1cf8f43ed78e9ffd727c#alternatives-considered>
> Simplest alternative: we could leave the ternary operator as is and not
> introduce any new concepts.
> It'd also be possible to add an `if then else` Haskell-esque expression.
> This would have the disadvantages of still needing special handling by the
> compiler.  Since this proposal's intention is partially to remove compiler
> complexity, this would be counterproductive and would probably confuse new
> users in a similar way to how `?:` does.
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