[swift-evolution] Is there information about phases/versions/releases and scope?

Jay Abbott jay at abbott.me.uk
Tue Oct 11 17:52:18 CDT 2016

I keep seeing it mentioned that some ideas are out of scope for Swift 4
phase 1 - I understand from this list that phase 1 is to include any
breaking changes then phase 2 (etc?) will be adding more features. That's
all I know about it.

It would be nice to know what phases are on the table and what their scope
is. Is this phased approach documented anywhere? I found on this page
a reference to the "Swift Evolution review Schedule" which sounded
promising, but it is a broken link. Also, is there a phase 2 of swift 3.0?
Swift 3.1? What does that include? Do the phases match up to release
versions at all in any way?
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