[swift-evolution] Keyword for protocol conformance

Xiaodi Wu xiaodi.wu at gmail.com
Fri Aug 26 13:45:45 CDT 2016

On Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 1:27 PM, Charles Srstka <cocoadev at charlessoft.com>

> On Aug 26, 2016, at 11:02 AM, Xiaodi Wu <xiaodi.wu at gmail.com> wrote:
> Really? I wasn't aware that you could work around the `override` keyword
> (the one that's required for classes). How do you do that?
> By implementing the subclass’s method before the superclass’s. You can try
> this yourself:
> - - - Library code: - - -
> open class Superclass {
>     public init() {}
>     public func foo() {
>         print("foo called in library")
>     }
> }
> - - - App code: - - -
> import FooLibrary
> class Subclass: Superclass {
>     func bar() { print("bar called in the app") }
> }
> let obj = Subclass()
> obj.foo()
> - - - output: - - -
> *foo called in library*
> *Program ended with exit code: 0*
> - - - - - -
> Now: Change the library code to:
> open class Superclass {
>     public init() {}
>     public func foo() {
>         print("foo called in library")
>         bar()
>     }
>     // Hey look, I didn't even use that stupid new 'open' keyword.
>     public func bar() { print("bar called in library") }
> }
> - - - Run the app again without compiling it, and: - - -
> *foo called in library*
> *bar called in the app*
> *Program ended with exit code: 0*
> - - -
> Voilà: I overrode a method (a supposedly non-overridable one, at that)
> with no “override” keyword.

This is clearly a bug in the implementation, not part of the design. Expect
it to be fixed as the code for `open` matures. It's certainly not a
precedent to be emulated for designing another feature.

> Just as File A in your earlier example can implement a protocol method
> without realizing it, Subclass here has unintentionally overridden a
> superclass method. This is because ‘override’ does not, to the best of my
> knowledge, mean anything to the actual machine code that is produced;
> rather, it signals the developer’s *intent,* thus allowing the compiler to
> assist in making sure the developer does the right thing.
> I’d actually argue that the example above is a much, much bigger problem
> than the objection you raised, as it can actually produce unintended
> behavior at runtime, whereas the example with protocols can’t.
> As for the protocol example, I’d like to refine Option 3 from last night
> slightly:
> Option 4: A keyword is required on a method declaration if and only if the
> containing type is declared as conforming to its protocol, either in its
> definition or in an extension that is visible within the current scope.

Extensions are not first-class entities and have no visibility of their
own. In any case, you have not solved the problem, which has nothing to do
with whether something is "reasonable to know": when a default
implementation A is overridden by implementation B, implementation A may be
visible only in a *more restricted* access scope than implementation B.
(This is not the case with overriding superclass members in subclasses.) It
can be perfectly "reasonable to know" about both A and B, but there is
still no way you can indicate this knowledge by appending a keyword to the
declaration for implementation B if the access scope for implementation A
is unutterable where B is declared.

> This allows the extension to remain empty in your example, but puts the
> responsibility on the developer to declare conforming methods when it is
> reasonable to know that they will satisfy a protocol.
> Charles
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