[swift-evolution] MemoryLayout for a value

Karl razielim at gmail.com
Thu Aug 4 02:29:23 CDT 2016

> On 4 Aug 2016, at 06:27, Dave Abrahams via swift-evolution <swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:
> on Wed Aug 03 2016, Xiaodi Wu <xiaodi.wu-AT-gmail.com <http://xiaodi.wu-at-gmail.com/>> wrote:
>> Why not just MemoryLayout.init(of instance: T), and drop the autoclosure
>> magic altogether?
> My proposal *does* drop the autoclosure magic.  `type(of: x)` is already in
> the standard library (replacing `x.dynamicType`). The reasons not to have:
>   MemoryLayout(of: x)
> where x is an arbitrary instance, is that it reads and pronounces the
> same as
>   MemoryLayout<X>
> but has different meaning, and even a different type (which results in
> additional API complexity—the forwarding vars I showed in the [Aside]
> box from my previous post).  Imagine explaining the difference between
> these two in that world:
>   MemoryLayout<Int>
>   MemoryLayout(of: Int.self)
> The first is a type representing the layout of Int.  The second is an
> instance of that type representing the layout of Int's metatype.

It’s confusing because metatypes in Swift are pretty confusing in general: Int.self returns Int.Type which is not the same as `type(of: <some Int>)` (that would be Int).

If a novice wants to jump in, they’ll have to know that MemoryLayout(of: Int.self) would return a MemoryLayout<Int.Type>.

>> The classic sizeofValue evaluated its argument, and in Foundation several
>> uses of it actually relied on that side effect. While autoclosures are
>> quite clever, in general I think the user expectation is that given
>> `a(b(c))` both a and b are invoked, side effects and all.
>> Note that both type(of:) as it's currently implemented and the old
>> dynamicType evaluate its argument/receiver. 
> I didn't realize that, but it's fine.  I'm attached to the use of
> `type(of:)` in this idiom, not to having an autoclosure involved.
>> No one afaik has ever thought that behavior to be anomalous (though I
>> bet we're about to hear some arguments to that effect now).  
>> On Wed, Aug 3, 2016 at 15:46 Dave Abrahams via swift-evolution <
>> swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:
>>> Having seen the effects in the standard library and in other
>>> code, I'm concerned that we may have made a mistake in removing
>>> `sizeofValue` et al without providing a replacement.  In the standard
>>> library, we ended up adding an underscored API that allows
>>>  MemoryLayout._ofInstance(someExpression).size
>>> Where someExpression is an autoclosure, and thus not evaluated.  I
>>> wanted to bring up the possibility of introducing a replacement as a
>>> bufix.
>>> I propose that the way to express the above should be:
>>>  MemoryLayout.of(type(of: someExpression)).size
>>> implementable as:
>>>  extension MemoryLayout {
>>>    @_transparent
>>>    public
>>>    static func of(_: T.Type) -> MemoryLayout<T>.Type {
>>>      return MemoryLayout<T>.self
>>>    }
>>>  }
>>> I think this API would solve the concerns I had about confusability that
>>> led me to advocate dropping the ability to ask for the size of a value.
>>> The only way to use it is to pass a type and these two expressions have
>>> equivalent meaning:
>>>    MemoryLayout<Int>
>>>    MemoryLayout.of(Int.self)
>>> It also has the benefit of isolating the autoclosure magic to type(of:).
>>> ,----[ Aside ]
>>> | A slightly cleaner use site is possible with a larger API change:
>>> |
>>> |   MemoryLayout(type(of: someExpression)).size
>>> |
>>> | Which would involve changing MemoryLayout from an `enum` to
>>> | a `struct` and adding the following:
>>> |
>>> |   extension MemoryLayout {
>>> |     public init(_: T.Type) {}
>>> |
>>> |     public var size: Int { return MemoryLayout.size }
>>> |     public var stride: Int { return MemoryLayout.stride }
>>> |     public var alignment: Int { return MemoryLayout.alignment }
>>> |   }
>>> |
>>> | However I am concerned that dropping ".of" at the use site is worth the
>>> | added API complexity.
>>> `----
>>> Thoughts?
>>> --
>>> -Dave
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> -- 
> -Dave
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