[swift-evolution] MemoryLayout for a value

Xiaodi Wu xiaodi.wu at gmail.com
Wed Aug 3 17:32:25 CDT 2016

Why not just MemoryLayout.init(of instance: T), and drop the autoclosure
magic altogether?

The classic sizeofValue evaluated its argument, and in Foundation several
uses of it actually relied on that side effect. While autoclosures are
quite clever, in general I think the user expectation is that given
`a(b(c))` both a and b are invoked, side effects and all.

Note that both type(of:) as it's currently implemented and the old
dynamicType evaluate its argument/receiver. No one afaik has ever thought
that behavior to be anomalous (though I bet we're about to hear some
arguments to that effect now).
On Wed, Aug 3, 2016 at 15:46 Dave Abrahams via swift-evolution <
swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:

> Having seen the effects in the standard library and in other
> code, I'm concerned that we may have made a mistake in removing
> `sizeofValue` et al without providing a replacement.  In the standard
> library, we ended up adding an underscored API that allows
>   MemoryLayout._ofInstance(someExpression).size
> Where someExpression is an autoclosure, and thus not evaluated.  I
> wanted to bring up the possibility of introducing a replacement as a
> bufix.
> I propose that the way to express the above should be:
>   MemoryLayout.of(type(of: someExpression)).size
> implementable as:
>   extension MemoryLayout {
>     @_transparent
>     public
>     static func of(_: T.Type) -> MemoryLayout<T>.Type {
>       return MemoryLayout<T>.self
>     }
>   }
> I think this API would solve the concerns I had about confusability that
> led me to advocate dropping the ability to ask for the size of a value.
> The only way to use it is to pass a type and these two expressions have
> equivalent meaning:
>     MemoryLayout<Int>
>     MemoryLayout.of(Int.self)
> It also has the benefit of isolating the autoclosure magic to type(of:).
> ,----[ Aside ]
> | A slightly cleaner use site is possible with a larger API change:
> |
> |   MemoryLayout(type(of: someExpression)).size
> |
> | Which would involve changing MemoryLayout from an `enum` to
> | a `struct` and adding the following:
> |
> |   extension MemoryLayout {
> |     public init(_: T.Type) {}
> |
> |     public var size: Int { return MemoryLayout.size }
> |     public var stride: Int { return MemoryLayout.stride }
> |     public var alignment: Int { return MemoryLayout.alignment }
> |   }
> |
> | However I am concerned that dropping ".of" at the use site is worth the
> | added API complexity.
> `----
> Thoughts?
> --
> -Dave
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