[swift-evolution] End of source-breaking changes for Swift 3

Ted F.A. van Gaalen tedvgiosdev at gmail.com
Thu Jul 28 17:30:40 CDT 2016

Hi Ross,
> On 29.07.2016, at 00:21, Ross O'Brien <narrativium+swift at gmail.com> wrote:
> This would imply, that if a decision is made, which in a later and changed context proves to be a bad one, would be irreversible? 
> Better turn half way than to err in continuing.
> Or, one decides to go diving, but arriving at the location, notice that the water is full of sharks? Still continue? 
> But there's no 'continue' here. The time to 'turn half way' was months ago. We already arrived.
> We moved house. We sold the old one, handed over the keys, moved into the new place and put up the wallpaper. If you want to move back to the old house, you'll need to convince everyone to put everything back into boxes.
Hey Ross, look around you in the house!  Ah, there it is! 
You’d only have to unpack the box with the for;; it’s still there :o)
I bet, the components in the compiler to process a for;; are still present in the 3.0 compiler
and could be simply reactivated?

> Swift 3 does not have C-style for-loops. That decision has been made.

> But on August 1, feel free to make a pitch explaining why C-style for-loops are a feature worth adding to Swift 4.
Will do. thanks.

I’ll drop the subject for now, also
because my highly exceptional request will  probably not be honored.
Then so be it. 
Met vriendelijke groeten

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