[swift-evolution] [swift-evolution-announce] [Review] SE-0107: UnsafeRawPointer API

Andrew Trick atrick at apple.com
Sun Jul 3 02:37:37 CDT 2016


This is excellent feedback. I can tell that you paid close attention to the API details.

I’m in the middle of working on a revision to the proposal. I'll address your questions after I finish writing it up so that my answers make more sense. I’ll include most of your naming improvements in a separate revision that we can bikeshed on the list.


> On Jul 2, 2016, at 8:10 PM, Brent Royal-Gordon via swift-evolution <swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:
>> 	* What is your evaluation of the proposal?
> I think this is basically a good design, but I have lots and lots of comments.
> * * *
> I have a pile of naming quibbles; rather than describe them all in prose (which turned into a mess), I've annotated parts of the "Full UnsafeRawPointer API" section in a gist: <https://gist.github.com/brentdax/8f4ed4decafc1d18c4441092baa13cfe>.
> * * *
> More concrete issues:
> * Is there a reason there's a `load` that takes a byte offset, but not a `storeRaw`?
> * I'm also a little nervous about the fact that `storeRaw` (and `load`?) is documented to only work properly on "trivial types", but it doesn't have any sort of constraints to ensure it's used correctly. (One could imagine, for instance, the compiler automatically conforming trivial types to a `Trivial` protocol.)
> * I don't think I understand `initialize(toContiguous:atIndex:with:)`. Does it return a typed pointer to the whole buffer, or just the one instance it initialized? In the `stringFromBytes` example, shouldn't we either subscript the typed pointer from the previous `initialize(_:with:count:)` call, or call `storeRaw(toContiguous:atIndex:with:)`, rather than initializing memory twice? If this isn't a good use case for `initialize(toContiguous:atIndex:with:)`, what would be?
> * * *
> I'm quite concerned by the "moveInitialize should be more elegant" section at the bottom.
> Since the types are so close, `moveInitialize` could require mutating arguments and actually swap the pointers. For instance:
> 	func grow(buffer: UnsafePointer<Int>, count: Int, toNewCapacity capacity: Int) -> UnsafeBuffer<Int> {
> 		var buffer = buffer
> 		var uninitializedBuffer = UnsafeRawPointer.allocate(capacity: capacity, of: Int.self)
> 		uninitializedBuffer.swapPointersAfterMoving(from: &buffer, count: count)
> 		// `buffer` now points to the new allocation, filled in with the Ints.
> 		// `uninitializedBuffer` now points to the old allocation, which is deinitialized.
> 		uninitializedBuffer.deallocate()
> 		return buffer
> 	}
> This is *such* a strange semantic, however, that I'm not at all sure how to name this function.
> `moveAssign(from:count:)` could do something much simpler, returning a raw version of `from`:
> 	target.moveAssign(from: source).deallocate()
> `move()`, on the other hand, I don't see a good way to fix like this.
> One ridiculous thing we could do for `moveAssign(from:count:)` and perhaps `move()` is to deliberately make `self` invalid by setting it to address 0. If it were `Optional`, this would nil `self`. If it weren't...well, something would probably fail eventually.
> * * *
> I notice that many APIs require type parameters merely to force the user to explicitly state the types involved. I wonder if we could instead introduce an attribute which you could place on a parameter or return type indicating that there must be an explicit `as` cast specifying its type:
> 	func storeRaw<T>(_: @explicit T)
> 	func load<T>() -> @explicit T
> 	func cast<T>() -> @explicit UnsafePointer<T>
> 	rawPointer.storeRaw(3 as Int)
> 	rawPointer.load() as Int
> 	rawPointer.cast() as UnsafePointer<Int>
> This would also be useful on `unsafeBitCast`, and on user APIs which are prone to type inference issues.
> * * * 
> In the long run, however, I wonder if we might end up removing `UnsafeRawPointer`. If `Never` becomes a subtype-of-all-types, then `UnsafePointer<Never>` would gain the basic properties of an `UnsafeRawPointer`:
> * Because `Never` is a subtype of all types, `UnsafePointer<Never>` could alias any other pointer.
> * Accessing `pointee` would be inherently invalid (it would either take or return a `Never`), and APIs which initialize or set `pointee` would be inherently uncallable.
> * `Never` has no intrinsic size, so it could be treated as having a one-byte size, allowing APIs which normally allocate, deallocate, or do pointer arithmetic by instance size to automatically do so by byte size instead.
> * APIs for casting an `UnsafePointer<T>` to `UnsafePointer<supertype of T>` or `<subtype of T>` would do the right thing with `UnsafePointer<Never>`.
> Thus, I could imagine `Unsafe[Mutable]RawPointer` becoming `Unsafe[Mutable]Pointer<Never>` in the future, with some APIs being generalized and moving to all `UnsafePointer`s while others are in extensions on `UnsafePointer where Pointee == Never`.
> It might be worth taking a look at the current API designs and thinking about how they would look in that world:
> * Is `nsStringPtr.casting(to: UnsafePointer<NSObject>)` how you would want to write a pointee upcast? How about `UnsafePointer<NSString>(nsObjectPtr)` for a pointee downcast?
> * Would you want `initialize<T>(_: T.Type, with: T, count: Int = 1) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<T>` in the `Never` extension, or (with a supertype-of-Pointee constraint on `T`) would it be something you'd put on other `UnsafeMutablePointer`s too? What does that mean for `UnsafeMutablePointer.initialize(with:)`?
> * Are `load` or `storeRaw` things that might make sense on any `UnsafeMutablePointer` if they were constrained to supertypes only?
> * Are there APIs which are basically the same on `Unsafe[Mutable]Pointer`s and their `Raw` equivalents, except that the `Raw` versions are "dumb" because they don't know what type they're operating on? If so, should they be given the same name?
>> 	* Is the problem being addressed significant enough to warrant a change to Swift?
> Yes. Even in the realm of Unsafe types, we don't want undefined behavior with no way to define it.
>> 	* Does this proposal fit well with the feel and direction of Swift?
> Yes. Nailing things down is important.
>> 	* If you have used other languages or libraries with a similar feature, how do you feel that this proposal compares to those?
> Need I mention how bizarre and arbitrary C pointers are?
>> 	* How much effort did you put into your review? A glance, a quick reading, or an in-depth study?
> I've put in a fair few hours on this post, but even so, there are parts of the proposal that I really haven't looked at very deeply; I will admit I rarely work at such a low level and don't fully understand all of the technicalities involved.
> -- 
> Brent Royal-Gordon
> Architechies
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