[swift-evolution] [Discussion] A Problem With SE-0025?

Jordan Rose jordan_rose at apple.com
Wed Jun 29 12:53:48 CDT 2016

> On Jun 29, 2016, at 10:51, Michael Peternell <michael.peternell at gmx.at> wrote:
> Hi,
> Maybe I'm wrong but as I understood the semantics of the visibility modifiers as this:
> 1) each declaration X has a certain scope S
> 2) sub-declarations of X have the same scope S unless the scope is explicitly stated with a keyword (but rule #8 (about `public` access) is stronger.)
> 3) a sub-declaration can explicitly state its scope, but only if this wouldn't result in it having a larger scope than its parent-declaration.
> 4) it follows: if X is `internal`, sub-declarations of X are `internal` too. (without proof)
> 5) it follows that: if X is `fileprivate`, sub-declarations are `fileprivate` too. (without proof)
> 6) it DOES NOT follow that: if X is `private`, sub-declarations of X are `private` too. (no proof, but code examples below)
> // ***
> // Example: ACME/Happy.swift (should compile)
> private class C {
>    var foo: Int = 0
> }
> // C is visible here.
> // C.foo has the same scope as C, so it is visible here too.
> func jaa() {
>    let c = C()
>    c.foo = 4
> }
> // ***
> // Example: ACME/Coyote.swift (should compile too)
> private class F {
>    fileprivate func haa() {
>        print("haa.")
>    }
> }
> // F is visible here.
> // F.haa is visible here because F.haa is fileprivate.
> // Since Scope(F) == Scope(F.haa) and therefore Scope(F) >= Scope(F.haa), this is valid.
> // (with ">" I mean "is strict superset of", ">=" means "is superset of or equal to")
> // (But I do admit that it looks ugly.)
> func ha() {
>    let f = F()
>    f.haa()
>    // This is okay too. jaa is internal
>    jaa()
> }
> // ***
> // Example: ACME/Shy.swift (does not compile)
> private class S {
>    private func sayHello() {
>        print("Hello?")
>    }
>    // sayHello() is visible here
>    // C and F are NOT visible here
>    // ha and jaa are visible here
> }
> // S is visible here
> // S.sayHello is not visible here
> // The Scope(S) > Scope(S.sayHello) even though both are private
> // (with ">" I mean "is strict superset of")
> func noo() {
>    let s = S() // this works
>    s.sayHello() // compile error. sayHello() not visible here
> }
> // ***
> Isn't this what `fileprivate` should mean?
> For `public`, we add the following set of rules we applied the above rules (which should have higher priority than the rules above):
> 7) A top level declaration is implicitly internal unless specified otherwise.
> 8) A sub-declaration of a declaration with public scope is implicitly internal unless specified otherwise.

These might be the rules you want, but they are not the rules in the compiler and they are not mentioned in SE-0025. Again, we weren’t happy with the idea of a “parent" access level that you can’t spell but that still has to show up in diagnostics. If that’s the direction we want to go in, we probably need a full review.


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