[swift-evolution] [Proposal] Sealed classes by default

Javier Soto javier.api at gmail.com
Mon Jun 27 19:08:20 CDT 2016

That is a very good point, it should be explicitly mentioned in the
proposal. My thought would be that since in the Obj-C runtime it's not
possible to guarantee a class won't have subclasses, or that a method is
not overriden, Obj-C classes would be imported as open.

On the Swift side, I think today it's possible to declare a "public final
@objc class", but you can still inherit from it from Obj-C, right? My hunch
would be that that should be disallowed, but perhaps there's a reason why
it's allowed today.
On Mon, Jun 27, 2016 at 4:25 PM Michael Ilseman <milseman at apple.com> wrote:

> Could you elaborate on how we should treat classes imported from
> Objective-C or CF-style C? That is, do we always annotate them as being
> “open” because those paradigms permit subclassing anywhere, or do you
> propose some kind of recommended “sealed” audit, or what?
> On Jun 27, 2016, at 3:40 PM, Javier Soto via swift-evolution <
> swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:
> Hello!
> I sent this as a PR <https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/pull/376>
> on the swift-evolution repo, but we never had any discussion about it
> on-list, besides a long time ago
> <http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.swift.evolution/9702/focus=9708>.
> Here's the first draft of the proposal:
> Sealed classes by default
> <https://github.com/JaviSoto/swift-evolution/blob/a46877afb0302d2b03fa493255f5ced04ccb7f34/proposals/0000-sealed-by-default.md#introduction>
> Introduction
> Introduce a new sealed class modifier that makes classes and methods final
>  outside of the module they're declared in, but non-final within the
> module.
> <https://github.com/JaviSoto/swift-evolution/blob/a46877afb0302d2b03fa493255f5ced04ccb7f34/proposals/0000-sealed-by-default.md#motivation>
> Motivation
>    - It is not uncommon to have a need for a reference type without
>    needing inheritance. Classes must be intentionally designed to be
>    subclassable, carefully deciding which methods are the override
>    entry-points such that the the behavior remains correct and subclasses
>    respect the Liskov substitution principle
>    <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liskov_substitution_principle>.
>    - Defaulting to non-final allows the author of a class to accidentally
>    leave the visible methods open for overrides, even if they didn't carefully
>    consider this possibility.
>    - Requiring that the author of a class mark a class as open is akin to
>    requiring symbols to be explicitly public: it ensures that a conscious
>    decision is made regarding whether the ability to subclass a class is
>    part of the API.
> <https://github.com/JaviSoto/swift-evolution/blob/a46877afb0302d2b03fa493255f5ced04ccb7f34/proposals/0000-sealed-by-default.md#proposed-solution>Proposed
> solution
>    - New sealed (*actual name pending bike-shedding*) class modifier for
>    classes and methods which marks them as only overridable within the module
>    they're declared in.
>    - sealed becomes the default for classes and methods.
>    - New open (*actual name pending bike-shedding*) class modifier to
>    explicitly mark a class or a method as overridable.
> <https://github.com/JaviSoto/swift-evolution/blob/a46877afb0302d2b03fa493255f5ced04ccb7f34/proposals/0000-sealed-by-default.md#detailed-design>Detailed
> design
> Code Examples:
> /// ModuleA:
> /// This class is `sealed` by default./// This is equivalent to `sealed class SealedParentClass`class SealedParentClass {
>     /// This method is `sealed` by default`.
>     func foo()
>     /// This raises a compilation error: a method can't have a "subclassability"
>     /// level higher than that of its class.
>     open func bar()
>     /// The behavior of `final` methods remains unchanged.
>     final func baz()
> }
> open class OpenParentClass {
>     /// This method is `sealed` by default`.
>     func foo()
>     /// Overridable methods in an `open` class must be explicitly marked as `open`.
>     open func bar()
>     /// The behavior of a `final` method remains unchanged.
>     final func baz()
> }
> /// The behavior of `final` classes remains unchanged.final class FinalClass { }
> /// ModuleB:
> import ModuleA
> /// This raises a compilation error: ParentClass is effectively `final` from/// this module's point of view.class SubclassA : SealedParentClass { }
> /// This is allowed since `OpenParentClass` has been marked explicitly `open`class SubclassB : OpenParentClass {
>     /// This raises a compilation error: `OpenParentClass.foo` is
>     /// effectively `final` outside of `ModuleA`.
>     override func foo() { }
>     /// This is allowed since `OpenParentClass.bar` is explicitly `open`.
>     override func bar() { }
> }
> <https://github.com/JaviSoto/swift-evolution/blob/a46877afb0302d2b03fa493255f5ced04ccb7f34/proposals/0000-sealed-by-default.md#impact-on-existing-code>Impact
> on existing code
>    - This would be a backwards-breaking change for all classes and
>    methods that are public and non-final, which code outside of their module
>    has overriden. Those classes/methods would fail to compile. Their
>    superclass would need to be changed to open.
> <https://github.com/JaviSoto/swift-evolution/blob/a46877afb0302d2b03fa493255f5ced04ccb7f34/proposals/0000-sealed-by-default.md#alternatives-considered>Alternatives
> considered
>    - Defaulting to final instead: This would be comparable to Swift
>    defaulting to private, as opposed to internal. Just like internal is a
>    better trade-off, sealed by default also makes sure that getting
>    started with Swift, writing code within a module, doesn't require a lot of
>    boilerplate, and fighting against the compiler.
> --
> Javier Soto
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> --
Javier Soto
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