[swift-evolution] [Review] SE-0104: Protocol-oriented integers

Haravikk swift-evolution at haravikk.me
Fri Jun 24 13:52:42 CDT 2016

> On 24 Jun 2016, at 18:17, Károly Lőrentey via swift-evolution <swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:
> I’m especially stoked about `FixedWidthInteger.doubleWidthMultiply`, which will likely lead to a measurable speedup. Why is there no `doubleWidthQuotientAndRemainder` or `doubleWidthDivide`, though?

Double-width isn't needed for these as it's impossible for an integer to become larger when dividing (the smallest value you can divide by and get a result is 2, which will halve the value), and the remainder can't be larger than the original value.

Anyway, I'm hugely in favour of this proposal, it's desperately needed!

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