[swift-evolution] Fw: Re: [Proposal Draft] Literal Syntax Protocols

Adrian Zubarev adrian.zubarev at devandartist.com
Fri Jun 24 10:22:11 CDT 2016

I’m aware of that fact, but all types with underscore even in the stdlib telling me to keep my hands of them, because something might happen to them.

As an example we have _Strideable protocol which is visible by its name, but its declaration isn’t visible at all:

// FIXME(ABI)(compiler limitation): Remove `_Strideable`.
// WORKAROUND rdar://25214598 - should be:
// protocol Strideable : Comparable {...}

% for Self in ['_Strideable', 'Strideable']:
From Stride.swift.gyb

Adrian Zubarev
Sent with Airmail

Am 24. Juni 2016 um 17:09:53, Matthew Johnson (matthew at anandabits.com) schrieb:

The underscore is used in the same way it is used elsewhere in the standard library.  The protocols must be public because they need to be visible to user code in order for the design to work correctly.  However, they are considered implementation details that users really shouldn’t know about.  This pattern is well established in the standard library.
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