[swift-evolution] [Rejected] SE-0097: Normalizing naming for "negative" attributes

Trent Nadeau tanadeau at gmail.com
Wed Jun 1 23:22:34 CDT 2016

I'd like to write this proposal.

On Thu, Jun 2, 2016 at 12:11 AM, Chris Lattner via swift-evolution <
swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:

> On Jun 1, 2016, at 9:02 PM, Chris Lattner <clattner at apple.com> wrote:
> > 2) For noescape, the core team feels that the right solution is for
> closure arguments to *default* to noescape, which means that the attribute
> we should really need is @escaping.
> To provide some more details, this approach has the following advantages:
> - Most functional algorithms written in pure Swift will benefit because
> they are naturally noescape.  The core team feels that this will reduce the
> boilerplate involved with writing these algorithms.
> - The compiler has enough logic in it to provide a great QoI experience
> when a developer doesn’t think about escaping, and tries to escape a
> closure - it can provide a fixit that suggests adding @escaping.
> - Recent changes (to disallow escaping closures to close over an inout
> parameter) are pushing the language to prefer noescape closures.  noescape
> closures have also always been the preferred default, since they eliminate
> a class of retain cycle issues.
> - "@autoclosure(escaping)" can be simplified and standardized to
> "@autoclosure @escaping”
> The two primary concerns with taking this direction were that it is would
> adversely impact resilience, and that imported Objective-C APIs would be
> too annoying to work with, because the compiler would have to be
> conservative and assume they are escaping:
> On resilience, the concern with this approach is that an API may not
> thinking about whether a closure parameter should be escaping or not, and
> this behavior makes it possible that someone could write “V1” of an API and
> not accidentally promise noescape semantics, but then need it in “V2” of
> the same API.
> John McCall pointed out that resilience in the type system is different
> than resilience in practice: An API changing to capture a closure and use
> it long after it was originally passed is likely to break the clients
> regardless of whether the type system captures this as an issue.  He argues
> (and the argument is strong IMO) that it is *better* for resilient APIs to
> default to @noescape, since that forces the author of V2 to think about
> whether they are breaking their clients.  If they are doing something that
> is “logically” noescape in their V2, then they can unsafe bitcast away the
> escaping aspect of the closure.  This is better than changing the client’s
> view of the API in any case.
> On imported Objective-C API, the core team did a quick study of the Cocoa
> APIs and found that most closure/block parameters are escaping in
> practice.  As such, the core team feels that it isn’t overly burdensome to
> ask that imported Objective-C APIs annotate their semantically noescape
> block parameters with the clang __attribute__((noescape)) attribute.
> I’m happy to write up this proposal, but won’t have cycles to do so for
> several weeks.  If someone else wants to take it up, that would be great :-)
> -Chris
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Trent Nadeau
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