[swift-evolution] [swift-evolution-announce] [Review] SE-0089: Replace protocol<P1, P2> syntax with Any<P1, P2>

Charlie Monroe charlie at charliemonroe.net
Wed May 25 01:37:53 CDT 2016

>>> If we're going to repaint this bikeshed, I think we should also consider as an alternative some form of infix syntax for composing constraints. Rust uses `P1 + P2`, and various C++ proposals have suggested `P1 && P2`.
>>> Given our reluctance to even overload operators for use with Set, I'd personally find this a bit incongruous.
>> I don't recall a proposal around operators for Set.  What did people want to use?  The obvious candidates are way too hard to type on the keyboards we have today.
> It is a joke, right? The layout of the keyboards used in one country as a driver for a feature.

I was a bit in shock when I saw this:


I know it's marked experimental, but wow... It looks pretty, but it's insane and IMHO something that shouldn't be in the standard lib's master branch.

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