[swift-evolution] [Pitch] Rename `AnyObject` to `AnyClass` and drop current `AnyClass`

Matthew Johnson matthew at anandabits.com
Sun May 22 14:26:40 CDT 2016

> On May 22, 2016, at 1:23 PM, Dave Abrahams via swift-evolution <swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:
> on Fri May 20 2016, Matthew Johnson <swift-evolution at swift.org <mailto:swift-evolution at swift.org>> wrote:
>>> On May 20, 2016, at 7:40 PM, Brent Royal-Gordon via swift-evolution <swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:
>>>> The Any-class requirement could replace the current `AnyObject`
>>>> protocol with a typealias like this: `typealias AnyObject =
>>>> Any<class>`
>>>> Assume Swift would introduce Any-struct and Any-enum requirement
>>>> one day. How would one name a typealias for these, where `AnyClass`
>>>> means `AnyObject.Type`?
>>>> I suggest we drop the current `AnyClass` and rename `AnyObject` to
>>>> `AnyClass`. If one would need the old `AnyClass` behavior it will
>>>> become `AnyClass.Type`.
>>> I propose that we deprecate `AnyObject` in favor of `Any<class>`. No
>>> typealias, just directly using `Any<>`. We would also deprecate
>>> `AnyClass` in favor of `Any<class>.Type`. (Presumably we would do
>>> this by providing `AnyObject` and `AnyClass` typealiases in Swift 3,
>>> but marking them as deprecated.)
>>> I like this approach because it exposes people to `Any<>` and more
>>> quickly gets them to see how it's connected to a protocol
>>> declaration's conformance list. They might then guess that `Any<>`
>>> has other capabilities from that list, like the ability to handle
>>> multiple protocols.
>>>> In the future we could have typealiases like this, which are more clear:
>>>> `typealias AnyClass = Any<class>`
>>>> `typealias AnyStruct = Any<struct>`
>>>> `typealias AnyEnum = Any<enum>`
>>> Even in the long term, I don't see any good reason to support
>>> `Any<struct>` vs. `Any<enum>`. There is no semantic distinction*
>>> between a struct and an enum; you can always implement something
>>> enum-y using a struct with a mode field, or something struct-y using
>>> an enum with associated values. `Bool`, for instance, was once an
>>> enum and was changed to a struct for implementation reasons; this
>>> change made no difference to how it was used.
>>> Now, there *is* a semantic distinction between struct/enum and
>>> class—one is a value type, the other is a reference type. To support
>>> that distinction, it might make sense to support an `Any<value>` or
>>> `Any<!class>` syntax. Again, I would prefer to use the raw `Any<>`
>>> syntax, though, not a typealias.
>> You can implement reference types with value semantics and value types
>> with reference semantics.  Until the compiler can verify value
>> semantics I am not sure there is a benefit to `any<value>`.  The
>> semantic distinction is what is important.  There has been discussion
>> about strengthening the “value type == value semantics” and “reference
>> type == reference semantics” relations but that hasn’t yet moved
>> beyond talk.
>>> (I've read the arguments about pure vs. non-pure value type
>>> conformances and I'm not convinced. It is always possible to
>>> nominally "conform" to a protocol in a way that actually undermines
>>> its guarantees; for example, you could implement
>>> `RangeReplaceableCollection.remove(at:)` as a no-op. The compiler
>>> cannot reject all invalid conformances; it can only reject ones
>>> which it can trivially show are invalid, because for instance they
>>> do not even attempt to provide a required method. Similarly, the
>>> compiler may not be able to prove you are providing value semantics,
>>> but it *can* reject conformances of reference types to a protocol
>>> requiring value semantics, since those cannot possibly be valid
>>> conformances.
>> Immutable reference types actually *can* provide valid value semantics
>> (at least as long as as they can provide their own implementation of
>> `==` which I believe Dave A is arguing against).
> I am not making a strong argument against that, though it might be
> reasonable.  I am mostly arguing in favor of a default definition of ==
> for all reference types that is equivalent to ===.

Sorry I misunderstood.  To make sure I understand clearly: you’re not arguing against reference types with value semantics, just that we should allow reference semantics to be assumed unless custom equality is implemented.  Is that correct?  

>> There is a big difference between semantics that the compiler *could*
>> but *does not yet* verify and semantics that simply cannot be
>> verified.
>>> Incidentally, I am not convinced that it *ever* makes sense to have
>>> a mutating protocol which does not specify either value or reference
>>> semantics.
>>> The only intentional Stdlib examples I'm aware of are
>>> `IteratorProtocol` and `OutputStream`, and I think both of those
>>> should be reference-only.
>>> (On the other hand, it might make sense to be able to mark a struct
>>> or enum as "this is actually a reference type". For instance, if you
>>> import libc, UnsafeMutablePointer<FILE> is essentially a reference
>>> type. But on the gripping hand, you *could*, and perhaps should,
>>> just wrap it in a class, either through importer magic or a
>>> manually-created type. That would permit you to conform it to
>>> reference-typed mutating protocols.))
>> This is a good example of why the semantics aren’t so simple.  
>>> * There *are* some distinctions, particularly in pattern matching, but protocols can't model them anyway. Incidentally, it is not possible to satisfy static property/method requirements with cases, but it probably should be:
>>>   protocol OptionalProtocol { 
>>>       associatedtype W
>>>       static var none: Self { get } 
>>>       static func some(value: W) -> Self 
>>>   } 
>>>   extension Optional: OptionalProtocol {
>>>       typealias W = Wrapped
>>>   }
>> I think there was discussion at some point about introducing enum case
>> requirements into protocols.  But that is mostly tangential to this
>> discussion.
>>> -- 
>>> Brent Royal-Gordon
>>> Architechies
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> -- 
> -Dave
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