[swift-evolution] [Draft] Introducing StaticSelf, an Invariant Self

Matthew Johnson matthew at anandabits.com
Thu May 19 07:52:32 CDT 2016

Sent from my iPad

> On May 18, 2016, at 10:14 PM, Patrick Smith <pgwsmith at gmail.com> wrote:
> Oh yep, I accidentally read that section as ‘Alternatives Considered’.
> I still find this a little bit of a hack, so I hope this approach doesn’t get used too much, certainly not in the standard library. Is this only useful for factory or other static methods? It would just be a shame to see protocols become defensive for use cases like this.
> I believe the protocol should remain ‘pure’, and the conforming types then decide on which way they want to go. If they use a static type (or label the method final), then its particular protocol requirements change.

Joe Groff has suggested allowing control over inheritance of conformance at the point where conformance is declared.  That would work how you want.  There was quite a bit of discussion about this over the winter.  The details of designing it are complicated enough that it probably won't happen any time soon.

> Anyway, nice resolution!
>> On 19 May 2016, at 1:06 PM, Matthew Johnson <matthew at anandabits.com> wrote:
>> Sent from my iPad
>>> On May 18, 2016, at 9:57 PM, Patrick Smith <pgwsmith at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I think the distinction between StaticSelf and Self will be very confusing to newcomers.
>>> So the only reason why we must use StaticSelf instead of Self here is because we want NSURL to conform, and it isn’t final?
>>> protocol StringCreatable {
>>>     static func createWithString(s: String) -> StaticSelf
>>> }
>>> I find it a code smell that this would affect the protocol and not the class.
>>> Why couldn’t you have this?
>>> protocol StringCreatable {
>>>     static func createWithString(s: String) -> Self
>>> }
>>> extension NSURL: StringCreatable {
>>>  // can now conform conform because NSURL is fixed and matches the static
>>>  // type of the conforming construct. Subclasses need not re-implement
>>>  // NOTE: the return type can be declared as StaticSelf *or* as NSURL
>>>  //       they are interchangeable
>>>  static func createWithString(s: String) -> StaticSelf { 
>>>      // ...
>>>  }
>>> }
>> You can't do this because the Self return type in the protocol requirement specifically *requires* all subclasses to override the method and return an instance of the subclass type.  
>> Nevertheless, we have identified a workaround that is similar enough to StaticSelf that we have abandoned the proposal.  Please see The last couple posts in this thread if you're interested in the details.
>>>> On 19 May 2016, at 3:37 AM, Erica Sadun via swift-evolution <swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:
>>>> As a wrap-up of the topic, I've updated our original draft with Nicola S's resolution.
>>>> https://gist.github.com/erica/995af96a0de2f2f3dc419935e8140927
>>>> -- E
>>>>>> On May 14, 2016, at 8:35 AM, Matthew Johnson via swift-evolution <swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:
>>>>>> On May 14, 2016, at 12:55 AM, Nicola Salmoria via swift-evolution <swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:
>>>>>> Matthew Johnson via swift-evolution <swift-evolution at ...> writes:
>>>>>>> I agree it’s a bit tricky.  But that’s better than not possible at all.
>>>>>> You just need a typealias and a same type constraint to make this work as
>>>>>> expected / desired:
>>>>>>> protocol Makable {
>>>>>>> 	typealias RootMakable = StaticSelf
>>>>>>> 	static func make(value: Int) -> StaticSelf
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> func makeWithZero<T: Makable where T == T.RootMakable>(x: Int) -> T {
>>>>>>> 	return T.make(value: 0) // works now
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>> Now that we have a typealias we can refer to the binding of StaticSelf and
>>>>>> constrain it as necessary for whatever purpose we have in mind.  In some
>>>>>> cases that will be a same type constraint so that our code works properly
>>>>>> with class clusters.  I don’t have concrete examples of other use cases but
>>>>>> can imagine use cases constraining the typealias to a protocol, for example.
>>>>>> You can do that today:
>>>>>> protocol Makable {
>>>>>>   associatedtype MadeType
>>>>>>   static func make(value: Int) -> MadeType
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> func makeWithZero<T: Makable where T == T.MadeType>(x: Int) -> T {
>>>>>>   return T.make(value: 0)
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> You can't currently constrain MadeType to be the same as the conforming
>>>>>> type, but, does it matter? What kind of extra guarantees would that give,
>>>>>> since you need to add the extra constraint anyway in generic code?
>>>>> Wow, this is pretty cool.  Thank you very much for pointing this out Nicola!
>>>>> I haven’t seen this approach to solving the problem.  Given the amount of discussion this problem has received I am surprised nobody has shared this solution yet.  I just checked in Xcode 7.3 and it works there.  It isn’t dependent on any pre-release features.  
>>>>> Instead of using StaticSelf under the current proposal:
>>>>> protocol StringInitializable {
>>>>>    static func initializeWith(string: String) -> StaticSelf
>>>>> }
>>>>> We just add an associatedtype defaulted to Self:
>>>>> protocol StringInitializable {
>>>>>    associatedtype Initialized = Self // where Self: Initialized
>>>>>    static func initializeWith(string: String) -> Initialized
>>>>> }
>>>>> extension NSURL: StringInitializable {
>>>>>    static func initializeWith(string: String) -> NSURL {
>>>>>        return NSURL()
>>>>>    }
>>>>> }
>>>>> func makeWith<T: StringInitializable where T == T.Initialized>(string: String) -> T {
>>>>>    return T.initializeWith(string: string)
>>>>> }
>>>>> There are two minor downsides to this approach:
>>>>> 1. You can’t copy and paste the method signature.
>>>>> 2. You can theoretically conform a type completely unrelated to `Initialized` to the protocol, thus violating the semantics.
>>>>> I think we can live with these downsides.  Maybe the `Self: Initialized` will be possible someday.  That would be pretty close to StaticSelf.  The only difference would be that subclasses still have flexibility to override with their own type.
>>>>> Now that a reasonable way to do this with existing language features has been identified I will withdraw this proposal.   If this approach doesn’t address use cases others have in mind for StaticSelf please speak up!
>>>>> Doug, if you’re reading this, does the `where Self: Initialized` (i.e. arbitrary subclass constraints) fall into the scope of your “completing generics” manifesto?  This is a concrete use case that would utilize subclass constraints.
>>>>> -Matthew
>>>>>> Nicola
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