[swift-evolution] Referencing zero-parameter functions

David Sweeris davesweeris at mac.com
Thu May 5 10:21:22 CDT 2016

What’s wrong with `foo()` again? To me, a `_` in the parameter list means that something is there, but the label doesn’t matter.

- Dave Sweeris

> On May 5, 2016, at 9:42 AM, Alex Hoppen via swift-evolution <swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:
> The idea of adding a syntax to reference zero-argument functions just like foo(arg:) is used to reference a one-parameter function has come up several times on the list. Pyry and I have put together a proposal to let foo(_) refer to a function foo without any parameters. GitHub-Link: https://github.com/ahoppen/swift-evolution/blob/reference-zero-param-func/proposals/0000-refernce-zero-param-func.md <https://github.com/ahoppen/swift-evolution/blob/reference-zero-param-func/proposals/0000-refernce-zero-param-func.md>
> Comments welcome, especially if someone thinks that any of the issues listed in "Possible issues" are major or sees any other problems.
> – Alex
> Referencing zero-parameter functions
> Proposal: SE-NNNN <https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/NNNN-name.md>
> Author(s): Alex Hoppen <https://github.com/ahoppen>, Pyry Jahkola <https://github.com/pyrtsa>
> Status: Draft
> Review manager: TBD
>  <https://github.com/ahoppen/swift-evolution/tree/reference-zero-param-func#introduction>Introduction
> Since the approval of SE-0021 <https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0021-generalized-naming.md> it is possible to reference a function by its argument names using the foo(arg:) syntax but there is no way to reference a zero-parameter function. This proposal adds a new syntax foo(_) to reference an overloaded function with zero parameters.
> This was one point in the discussion: [Pitch] Richer function identifiers, simpler function types <http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.swift.evolution/15577/>
>  <https://github.com/ahoppen/swift-evolution/tree/reference-zero-param-func#motivation>Motivation
> Consider the following example
> class Bar {
>   func foo() {
>   }
>   func foo(arg: Int) {
>   }
> }
> You can reference foo(arg: Int) using Bar.foo(arg:) but there is currently no syntax to reference foo() without using disambiguation by type Bar.foo() as () -> Void. We believe this is a major hole in the current disambiguation syntax.
>  <https://github.com/ahoppen/swift-evolution/tree/reference-zero-param-func#proposed-solution>Proposed solution
> We propose that Bar.foo(_) references the function with no parameters just as Bar.foo(arg:) references the function with one argument named arg. 
> In the context of functions declarations _ already has the meaning of "there is nothing" (e.g. func foo(_ arg: Int)). Thus, we believe that _ is the right character to mean that a function has no parameters.
>  <https://github.com/ahoppen/swift-evolution/tree/reference-zero-param-func#detailed-design>Detailed design
> The unqualified-name grammar rule from SE-0021 <https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/blob/master/proposals/0021-generalized-naming.md> changes to 
> unqualified-name -> identifier
>                   | identifier '(' ((identifier | '_') ':')+ ')'
>                   | identifier '(_)'
> If two overloads with zero-parameters exist with different return types, disambiguation has still to be done via as just like with the foo(arg:) syntax.
>  <https://github.com/ahoppen/swift-evolution/tree/reference-zero-param-func#impact-on-existing-code>Impact on existing code
> This is a purely additive feature and has no impact on existing code.
>  <https://github.com/ahoppen/swift-evolution/tree/reference-zero-param-func#possible-issues>Possible issues
> If Swift should ever support out-only parameters Bar.foo(_) could mean that the only out-only parameter shall be ignored. This would clash with the currently proposed syntax. However, since Swift functions may return multiple values as a tuple, we don't see this coming.
> Bar.foo(_) may be mistaken for Bar.foo(_:) if there is also a one-parameter function without a label. This mistake would, however, be mostly detected by the compiler when later calling the function with an argument.
>  <https://github.com/ahoppen/swift-evolution/tree/reference-zero-param-func#alternatives-considered>Alternatives considered
>  <https://github.com/ahoppen/swift-evolution/tree/reference-zero-param-func#alternative-1-barfoo>Alternative 1: Bar.foo
> Let Bar.foo reference the function with zero parameters only. While this works around the possible issue of ignored out-only parameters described above, this has several minor drawbacks to the proposed solution (some of these drawbacks are mutually exclusive based on possible future proposals but one always applies):
> Most functions are not overloadad and using the base name only offers a shorthand way to reference these functions.
> This would block the way of allowing properties with the same name as a function with zero parameters by banning Bar.foo as a function reference (could be another proposal once this one is accepted).
> Bar.foo(arg:) hints that a function is referenced by its paranthesis. Bar.foo doesn't include paranthesis, which causes a subtle inconsistency.
>  <https://github.com/ahoppen/swift-evolution/tree/reference-zero-param-func#alternative-2-barfoo-inside-selector>Alternative 2: Bar.foo() inside #selector
> Let Bar.foo() refer to the zero-parameter function only inside #selector as it was proposed by Doug Gregor here <https://github.com/apple/swift-evolution/pull/280#discussion_r61849122>. This requires the proposal to disallow arbitrary expressions in #selector (GitHub-Link <https://github.com/ahoppen/swift-evolution/blob/arbitrary-expressions-in-selectors/proposals/0000-arbitrary-expressions-in-selectors.md>) to be approved. Issues we see are:
> This gives the illusion that foo is actually called which it isn't
> It doen't solve the issue of referncing a zero-parameter function in arbitrary expressions somewhere else in code.
>  <https://github.com/ahoppen/swift-evolution/tree/reference-zero-param-func#future-directions>Future directions
> If this proposal is accepted there is no need that Bar.foo references a function with base name foo since there is a notation with paranthesis for every argument constellation. We could disallow Bar.foo to reference a function and allow a property named foo on Bar. Bar.foo would then refer to this property.
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