[swift-evolution] Auto Unwrapping Of Optionals

David Sweeris davesweeris at mac.com
Sat Apr 30 15:31:08 CDT 2016

> On Apr 30, 2016, at 7:18 AM, Rod Brown via swift-evolution <swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:
> I think this specific proposal asking for compiler magic to auto-unwrap invisibly and only in very limited cases, as this proposal suggests, ends up breaking a lot more than it fixes. I can only see circumstances of this working with variables in the current scope, as anything like a property could be updated by other methods, threads etc, and the compiler couldn't be certain of state.
> I think a language feature like you describe would be a lot more helpful, but I'd love to hear others' views on that.
> - Rod

Yeah, auto-unwrapping "wherever it might be possible" seems too magical to me. I wouldn’t object to the compiler auto-unwraping optionals within a well defined code block, though:
//foo is T?
if foo != nil {
//foo is T within this set of curly braces
But even that invokes a bit of compiler magic, in that for this one type of enum (`Optional`), the compiler knows that if it isn’t one case, it must be the other. I’d prefer a more general solution…

What if the “is” keyword could function as a kind of incomplete switch?
var foo: UnicodeDecodingResult
if foo is .Result {
    //since we know foo is a result, `foo` refers to foo's associated or raw value within this set of curly braces
This allows the language feature (and relevant compiler code paths) to be used with any enum, not just Optionals. The “optional unwrapping behavior" could then be written like this:
var bar = 4 as Int?
if bar is .Some {
    //bar is 4 within this set of curly braces

- Dave Sweeris

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