[swift-evolution] Improvement proposal: change overflow behavior in successor()/predecessor() methods for Int types

Vladimir.S svabox at gmail.com
Thu Apr 7 02:20:55 CDT 2016

Hi All!
(Please let me know if that was already discussed. Searched, found nothing 
related to such proposal.)

(TLDR: Suggest to change successor() method for Int values to follow 
default Swift rules for integer overflow. Probably some kind of 
successorWithOverflow could be introduced to use when needed)

Swift protects(trying to protect) us from Integer overflow problem, i.e. 
when we want to do this:
let i : Int8 = Int8.max
let k : Int8 = i + 1
, we will have run-time error on second line. Swift protects us from using 
(most likely) unexpected negative value (-128) for <k> variable in this case.

I believe this is really great and prevents our code from undefined 
behavior and some security problems.
When we adds something to our Int variable in most cases we presume(and 
create next code with that presumption) that in result we have a bigger 
value in our variable. Not smaller and not negative(in case of signed Int).

If we really needs Integer overflow in our code(for example for some math), 
we use special operator explicitly:
let k = i &+ 1
and in this case we'll have -128 in <k> with no errors.

But. .successor() .predecessor() methods for Int values do not follow these 
rules for overflow situations. I.e. :
let i : Int8 = Int8.max
let k : Int8 = i.successor()
- is OK for current Swift compiler. We have i==127 and k==-128, no run-time 

I'm totally confused in this case. No explicit 'marker' to allow integer 
overflow. I don't expect to have (-128) in k, I'm calling successor() to 
get next mathematical value for <i> and (-128) is not next value for (127).

Even worse. In Swift 3.0 we have no ++ operator. You can find that often 
.successor/.predecessor are recommended as replacement for ++ operator.
I.e. i++  =>  i.successor(), I believe that many will choose this form over 
i += 1 or i + 1. And in this case we lose our integer overflow protection 
from Swift.

Suggestion is: change .successor/.predecessor for Int values to follow 
overflow rules and probable introduce some 
.successorWithOverflow/.predecessorWithOverflow if one need them in code.

Please let me know what do you think about this suggestion. Thank you.

P.S. Sorry for my English.

(Btw, I personally totally disagree with the chosen solution regarding 
removing ++/--, I believe that we should leave ++ and -- as form of i += 1 
code. I.e. only as assignment for variable, drop all other variants of 
using ++ and --.
And i += 1 is not just 1 char longer than i++ : in first case you have to 
press 4 different keys/combinations and just one(the same twice) in second 
Just personal opinion :-) )


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