[swift-evolution] Notes from Swift core team 2016-04-05 design discussion

Антон Жилин antonyzhilin at gmail.com
Wed Apr 6 05:39:02 CDT 2016

Great solution for C interop! Eventually, annotations for C language and
API notes could be replaced with such
automatically-generated-manually-correctable bridge files.
We could support a wide range of conversions for @shadowing_c, such as
convertion of IUO to optional or unwrapped type.
There could also be a CBridgeable protocol (like ObjectiveCBridgeable) to
convert Swift data types to ones imported from C. @shadowing_c should
support such convertions.
Better yet, just rename ObjectiveCBridgeable to Bridgeable, and call new
annotation @shadowingImport. Support for other languages, for example, C++,
can theoretically be added later.
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