[swift-evolution] Binding generic types using a metatype parameter

Joanna Carter joanna at carterconsulting.org.uk
Thu Mar 24 08:12:11 CDT 2016

I want to thank you for your "rubber duck" consultancy; I now have a working factory mechanism…

protocol PropertyFactory { }

extension PropertyFactory
  static func createProperty() -> PropertyProtocol
    typealias ValueType = Self
    return Property<ValueType>()

extension Int : PropertyFactory { }

The key was to typealias Self so that it could then be passed as a type parameter to the generic type.

The problem remains that it is still necessary to implement PropertyFactory on each and every type that is likely to be used for a property.

I would therefore ask if anything that would make life simpler in this regard is a worthwhile candidate for inclusion in the future of Swift?


Joanna Carter
Carter Consulting

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