[swift-evolution] throws as returning a Result

Yuta Koshizawa koher at koherent.org
Mon Mar 14 06:07:59 CDT 2016

I think it would be great if throws -> Foo were a syntactic sugar of ->
Result<Foo>. Without affecting existing codes, it makes it possible to go
back and forth between *Manual Propagation* and *Automatic Propagation*

// I wish if the first `makeFoo` were// a syntactic sugar of the
second onefunc makeFoo(x: Int) throws -> Foo {
  guard ... else {
    throw FooError()
  return Foo(x)
}// @warn_unused_result// func makeFoo(x: Int) -> Result<Foo> {//
guard ... else {//     return Result(error: FooError())//   }//
return Result(Foo(x))// }
// Manual propagationlet result: Result<Foo> = makeFoo(42) // without
`try`switch result {
  case let .Success(foo):
  case let .Failure(error):
// Automatic propagationdo {
  let foo: Foo = try makeFoo(42) // with `try`: a kind of unwrapping
} catch let error {

<https://gist.github.com/koher/e6a8b128bd7ad6898ac9#for-what>For what?

I want to unify throws and Result into one feature to keep the language

As referred in "Error Handling Rationale and Proposal"
I think Swift should provide something like Result. It means we would have
similar two features: throws and Result. We need a way to covert them to
each other. For examples, it can be done in the following way.

// What I DON'T wantfunc makeFoo(x: Int) throws -> Foo { ... } // -> Result<Foo>
let a: Result<Foo> = try| makeFoo(42)
  // `try|` for `Result` like `try?` for `Optional`
do {
  let b = try a.throwIfError()
} catch let error {

If throws were a syntactic sugar of returning a Result, it would be simpler.

// What I wantfunc makeFoo(x: Int) throws -> Foo { ... } // -> Result<Foo>
let a: Result<Foo> = makeFoo(42)
do {
  let b = try a
} catch let error {

In Addition, it prevents that APIs of third-party libraries diverge. If we
had similar but different two features, throws and Result, some libraries
would use throws and others would use Result. Actually it has already
happened. Some popular libraries use antitypical/Result
<https://github.com/antitypical/Result> or their own Result types. If
throws were
a syntactic sugar of returning a Result, using throws or Result would
affect only the appearance of codes, and we could use those libraries in
the same way.

-- Yuta
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