[swift-evolution] [Manifesto] Completing Generics

Howard Lovatt howard.lovatt at gmail.com
Mon Mar 7 18:18:28 CST 2016

I have seen a couple of areas where generics seem lacking to me:

  1. Declaring associated types with where clauses
  2. Declaring generic arguments for calculated properties
  3. Similar to above, declaring generic properties for subscripts

Examples of 1 and 2:

protocol IterableCollection {

    associated type Element

    /// ...

    /// Would prefer:

    ///   `var lazy<L: LazyNextableCollection where L.Element == Element>:
L { get }` // Point 2 above

    /// Or:

    ///   `associatedtype L: LazyNextableCollection where L.Element ==
Element` // Point 1 above

    ///   `var lazy: L { get }`

    /// But nearest possible is a function :(.

    func lazy<L: LazyNextableCollection where L.Element == Element>() -> L //
Best I seem to be able to do


Example of 3:

protocol SubstriptableCollection {

    associatedtype Index: Rangeable

    associatedtype Element

    /// ...

    /// Ideally would write:

    ///   `subscript<S: SubstriptableCollection, R: SubstriptableCollection
where S.Element == Element, R.Element == Index>(range: R) -> S { get set }`
// Point 3 above

    /// However nearest in Swift is seperate get and set methods :(.

    func getSubscript<S: SubstriptableCollection, R: SubstriptableCollection
where S.Element == Element, R.Element == Index>(range: R) -> S


  -- Howard.

On 3 March 2016 at 19:34, Haravikk via swift-evolution <
swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:

> Nested generic types are definitely a big +1 from me. In particular if I
> can use them to fulfil associated type requirements, for example:
> protocol FooType {
> typealias Element
> typealias Index
> }
> struct Foo<E> : FooType {
> typealias Element = E
> struct Index { … }
> }
> The other thing I’d like to see for generics isn’t really a new feature,
> but I’d like to be able to define protocol generics in the same format as
> for types, i.e- I could rewrite the above protocol as:
> protocol FooType<Element, Index> {}
> Likewise when placing constraints on methods etc.:
> func myMethod(someFoo:FooType<String, Int>) { … }
> Even if behind the scenes these are still unwrapped into associated types
> and where clauses, it’s just much, much easier to work with in the majority
> of cases (where clauses would still exist for the more complex ones).
> The other capabilities you’ve described all seem very useful, but it’s
> probably going to take a day or two to get my head around all of them!
> On 3 Mar 2016, at 01:22, Douglas Gregor via swift-evolution <
> swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> *Introduction*
> The “Complete Generics” goal for Swift 3 has been fairly ill-defined thus
> fair, with just this short blurb in the list of goals:
>    - *Complete generics*: Generics are used pervasively in a number of
>    Swift libraries, especially the standard library. However, there are a
>    number of generics features the standard library requires to fully realize
>    its vision, including recursive protocol constraints, the ability to make a
>    constrained extension conform to a new protocol (i.e., an array of
>    Equatable elements is Equatable), and so on. Swift 3.0 should provide
>    those generics features needed by the standard library, because they affect
>    the standard library's ABI.
> This message expands upon the notion of “completing generics”. It is not a
> plan for Swift 3, nor an official core team communication, but it collects
> the results of numerous discussions among the core team and Swift
> developers, both of the compiler and the standard library. I hope to
> achieve several things:
>    - Communicate a vision for Swift generics, building on the original
>    generics design document
>    <https://github.com/apple/swift/blob/master/docs/Generics.rst>, so we
>    have something concrete and comprehensive to discuss.
>    - Establish some terminology that the Swift developers have been using
>    for these features, so our discussions can be more productive (“oh, you’re
>    proposing what we refer to as ‘conditional conformances’; go look over at
>    this thread”).
>    - Engage more of the community in discussions of specific generics
>    features, so we can coalesce around designs for public review. And maybe
>    even get some of them implemented.
> A message like this can easily turn into a centithread
> <http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=centithread>. To separate
> concerns in our discussion, I ask that replies to this specific thread be
> limited to discussions of the vision as a whole: how the pieces fit
> together, what pieces are missing, whether this is the right long-term
> vision for Swift, and so on. For discussions of specific language features,
> e.g., to work out the syntax and semantics of conditional conformances or
> discuss the implementation in compiler or use in the standard library,
> please start a new thread based on the feature names I’m using.
> This message covers a lot of ground; I’ve attempted a rough categorization
> of the various features, and kept the descriptions brief to limit the
> overall length. Most of these aren’t my ideas, and any syntax I’m providing
> is simply a way to express these ideas in code and is subject to change.
> Not all of these features will happen, either soon or ever, but they are
> intended to be a fairly complete whole that should mesh together. I’ve put
> a * next to features that I think are important in the nearer term vs.
> being interesting “some day”. Mostly, the *’s reflect features that will
> have a significant impact on the Swift standard library’s design and
> implementation.
> Enough with the disclaimers; it’s time to talk features.
> *Removing unnecessary restrictions*
> There are a number of restrictions to the use of generics that fall out of
> the implementation in the Swift compiler. Removal of these restrictions is
> a matter of implementation only; one need not introduce new syntax or
> semantics to realize them. I’m listing them for two reasons: first, it’s an
> acknowledgment that these features are intended to exist in the model we
> have today, and, second, we’d love help with the implementation of these
> features.
> **Recursive protocol constraints*
> Currently, an associated type cannot be required to conform to its
> enclosing protocol (or any protocol that inherits that protocol). For
> example, in the standard library SubSequence type of a Sequence should
> itself be a Sequence:
> protocol Sequence {
>   associatedtype Iterator : IteratorProtocol
>>   associatedtype SubSequence *: Sequence   **// currently ill-formed, but
> should be possible*
> }
> The compiler currently rejects this protocol, which is unfortunate: it
> effectively pushes the SubSequence-must-be-a-Sequence requirement into
> every consumer of SubSequence, and does not communicate the intent of this
> abstraction well.
> *Nested generics*
> Currently, a generic type cannot be nested within another generic type,
> e.g.
> struct X<T> {
>   struct Y<U> { }  *// currently ill-formed, but should be possible*
> }
> There isn’t much to say about this: the compiler simply needs to be
> improved to handle nested generics throughout.
> *Concrete same-type requirements*
> Currently, a constrained extension cannot use a same-type constraint to
> make a type parameter equivalent to a concrete type. For example:
> extension Array *where Element == String* {
>   func makeSentence() -> String {
>     // uppercase first string, concatenate with spaces, add a period,
> whatever
>   }
> }
> This is a highly-requested feature that fits into the existing syntax and
> semantics. Note that one could imagine introducing new syntax, e.g.,
> extending “Array<String>”, which gets into new-feature territory: see the
> section on “Parameterized extensions”.
> *Parameterizing other declarations*
> There are a number of Swift declarations that currently cannot have
> generic parameters; some of those have fairly natural extensions to generic
> forms that maintain their current syntax and semantics, but become more
> powerful when made generic.
> *Generic typealiases*
> Typealiases could be allowed to carry generic parameters. They would still
> be aliases (i.e., they would not introduce new types). For example:
> typealias StringDictionary<Value> = Dictionary<String, Value>
> var d1 = StringDictionary<Int>()
> var d2: Dictionary<String, Int> = d1 // okay: d1 and d2 have the same
> type, Dictionary<String, Int>
> *Generic subscripts*
> Subscripts could be allowed to have generic parameters. For example, we
> could introduce a generic subscript on a Collection that allows us to pull
> out the values at an arbitrary set of indices:
> extension Collection {
>   subscript*<Indices: Sequence where Indices.Iterator.Element == Index>*(indices:
> Indices) -> [Iterator.Element] {
>     get {
>       var result = [Iterator.Element]()
>       for index in indices {
>         result.append(self[index])
>       }
>       return result
>     }
>     set {
>       for (index, value) in zip(indices, newValue) {
>         self[index] = value
>       }
>     }
>   }
> }
> *Generic constants*
> let constants could be allowed to have generic parameters, such that they
> produce differently-typed values depending on how they are used. For
> example, this is particularly useful for named literal values, e.g.,
> let π<T : FloatLiteralConvertible>: T
> = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399
> The Clang importer could make particularly good use of this when importing
> macros.
> *Parameterized extensions*
> Extensions themselves could be parameterized, which would allow some
> structural pattern matching on types. For example, this would permit one to
> extend an array of optional values, e.g.,
> extension*<T>* Array *where Element == T?* {
>   var someValues: [T] {
>     var result = [T]()
>     for opt in self {
>       if let value = opt { result.append(value) }
>     }
>    return result
>   }
> }
> We can generalize this to a protocol extensions:
> extension*<T>* Sequence *where Element == T?* {
>   var someValues: [T] {
>     var result = [T]()
>     for opt in self {
>       if let value = opt { result.append(value) }
>     }
>    return result
>   }
> }
> Note that when one is extending nominal types, we could simplify the
> syntax somewhat to make the same-type constraint implicit in the syntax:
> extension*<T>* Array*<T?>* {
>   var someValues: [T] {
>     var result = [T]()
>     for opt in self {
>       if let value = opt { result.append(value) }
>     }
>    return result
>   }
> }
> When we’re working with concrete types, we can use that syntax to improve
> the extension of concrete versions of generic types (per “Concrete
> same-type requirements”, above), e.g.,
> extension Array*<String>* {
>   func makeSentence() -> String {
>     // uppercase first string, concatenate with spaces, add a period,
> whatever
>   }
> }
> *Minor extensions*
> There are a number of minor extensions we can make to the generics system
> that don’t fundamentally change what one can express in Swift, but which
> can improve its expressivity.
> **Arbitrary requirements in protocols*
> Currently, a new protocol can inherit from other protocols, introduce new
> associated types, and add new conformance constraints to associated types
> (by redeclaring an associated type from an inherited protocol). However,
> one cannot express more general constraints. Building on the example from
> “Recursive protocol constraints”, we really want the element type of a
> Sequence’s SubSequence to be the same as the element type of the Sequence,
> e.g.,
> protocol Sequence {
>   associatedtype Iterator : IteratorProtocol
>>   associatedtype SubSequence : Sequence* where
> SubSequence.Iterator.Element == Iterator.Element*
> }
> Hanging the where clause off the associated type is protocol not ideal,
> but that’s a discussion for another thread.
> **Typealiases in protocols and protocol extensions*
> Now that associated types have their own keyword (thanks!), it’s
> reasonable to bring back “typealias”. Again with the Sequence protocol:
> protocol Sequence {
>   associatedtype Iterator : IteratorProtocol
>   typealias Element = Iterator.Element   // rejoice! now we can refer to
> SomeSequence.Element rather than SomeSequence.Iterator.Element
> }
> *Default generic arguments *
> Generic parameters could be given the ability to provide default
> arguments, which would be used in cases where the type argument is not
> specified and type inference could not determine the type argument. For
> example:
> public final class Promise<Value, Reason=Error> { … }
> func getRandomPromise() -> Promise<Int, ErrorProtocol> { … }
> var p1: Promise<Int> = …
> var p2: Promise<Int, Error> = p1     *// okay: p1 and p2 have the same
> type Promise<Int, Error>*
> var p3: Promise = getRandomPromise() *// p3 has type **Promise<Int,
> ErrorProtocol> due to type inference*
> *Generalized “class” constraints*
> The “class” constraint can currently only be used for defining protocols.
> We could generalize it to associated type and type parameter declarations,
> e.g.,
> protocol P {
>   associatedtype A : class
> }
> func foo<T : class>(t: T) { }
> As part of this, the magical AnyObject protocol could be replaced with an
> existential with a class bound, so that it becomes a typealias:
> typealias AnyObject = protocol<class>
> See the “Existentials” section, particularly “Generalized existentials”,
> for more information.
> **Allowing subclasses to override requirements satisfied by defaults*
> When a superclass conforms to a protocol and has one of the protocol’s
> requirements satisfied by a member of a protocol extension, that member
> currently cannot be overridden by a subclass. For example:
> protocol P {
>   func foo()
> }
> extension P {
>   func foo() { print(“P”) }
> }
> class C : P {
>   // gets the protocol extension’s
> }
> class D : C {
>   /*override not allowed!*/ func foo() { print(“D”) }
> }
> let p: P = D()
> p.foo() // gotcha: prints “P” rather than “D”!
> D.foo should be required to specify “override” and should be called
> dynamically.
> *Major extensions to the generics model*
> Unlike the minor extensions, major extensions to the generics model
> provide more expressivity in the Swift generics system and, generally, have
> a much more significant design and implementation cost.
> **Conditional conformances*
> Conditional conformances express the notion that a generic type will
> conform to a particular protocol only under certain circumstances. For
> example, Array is Equatable only when its elements are Equatable:
> extension Array *: Equatable where Element : Equatable* { }
> func ==<T : Equatable>(lhs: Array<T>, rhs: Array<T>) -> Bool { … }
> Conditional conformances are a potentially very powerful feature. One
> important aspect of this feature is how deal with or avoid overlapping
> conformances. For example, imagine an adaptor over a Sequence that has
> conditional conformances to Collection and MutableCollection:
> struct SequenceAdaptor<S: Sequence> : Sequence { }
> extension SequenceAdaptor : Collection where S: Collection { … }
> extension SequenceAdaptor : MutableCollection where S: MutableCollection {
> }
> This should almost certainly be permitted, but we need to cope with or
> reject “overlapping” conformances:
> extension SequenceAdaptor : Collection where S:
> SomeOtherProtocolSimilarToCollection { } *// trouble: two ways for
> SequenceAdaptor to conform to Collection*
> See the section on “Private conformances” for more about the issues with
> having the same type conform to the same protocol multiple times.
> *Variadic generics*
> Currently, a generic parameter list contains a fixed number of generic
> parameters. If one has a type that could generalize to any number of
> generic parameters, the only real way to deal with it today involves
> creating a set of types. For example, consider the standard library’s “zip”
> function. It returns one of these when provided with two arguments to zip
> together:
> public struct Zip2Sequence<Sequence1 : Sequence,
>                            Sequence2 : Sequence> : Sequence { … }
> public func zip<Sequence1 : Sequence, Sequence2 : Sequence>(
>               sequence1: Sequence1, _ sequence2: Sequence2)
>             -> Zip2Sequence<Sequence1, Sequence2> { … }
> Supporting three arguments would require copy-paste of those of those:
> public struct Zip3Sequence<Sequence1 : Sequence,
>                            Sequence2 : Sequence,
>                            Sequence3 : Sequence> : Sequence { … }
> public func zip<Sequence1 : Sequence, Sequence2 : Sequence, Sequence3 :
> Sequence>(
>               sequence1: Sequence1, _ sequence2: Sequence2, _ sequence3:
> sequence3)
>             -> Zip3Sequence<Sequence1, Sequence2, Sequence3> { … }
> Variadic generics would allow us to abstract over a set of generic
> parameters. The syntax below is hopelessly influenced by C++11 variadic
> templates <http://www.jot.fm/issues/issue_2008_02/article2/> (sorry),
> where putting an ellipsis (“…”) to the left of a declaration makes it a
> “parameter pack” containing zero or more parameters and putting an ellipsis
> to the right of a type/expression/etc. expands the parameter packs within
> that type/expression into separate arguments. The important part is that we
> be able to meaningfully abstract over zero or more generic parameters, e.g.:
> public struct ZipIterator<... *Iterators* : IteratorProtocol> : Iterator
> {  *// zero or more type parameters, each of which conforms to
> IteratorProtocol*
>   public typealias Element = (*Iterators.Element...*)
>   *// a tuple containing the element types of each iterator in Iterators*
>   var (*...iterators*): (*Iterators...*)    *// zero or more stored
> properties, one for each type in Iterators*
>   var reachedEnd: Bool = false
>   public mutating func next() -> Element? {
>     if reachedEnd { return nil }
>     guard let values = (*iterators.next()...*) {   *// call “next” on
> each of the iterators, put the results into a tuple named “values"*
>       reachedEnd = true
>       return nil
>     }
>     return values
>   }
> }
> public struct ZipSequence<*...Sequences* : Sequence> : Sequence {
>   public typealias Iterator = ZipIterator<*Sequences.Iterator...*>   *//
> get the zip iterator with the iterator types of our Sequences*
>   var (...*sequences*): (*Sequences**...*)    *// zero or more stored
> properties, one for each type in Sequences*
>   *// details ...*
> }
> Such a design could also work for function parameters, so we can pack
> together multiple function arguments with different types, e.g.,
> public func zip<*... Sequences : SequenceType*>(*... sequences:
> Sequences...*)
>             -> ZipSequence<*Sequences...*> {
>   return ZipSequence(*sequences...*)
> }
> Finally, this could tie into the discussions about a tuple “splat”
> operator. For example:
> func apply<... Args, Result>(fn: (Args...) -> Result,    *// function
> taking some number of arguments and producing Result*
>                            args: (Args...)) -> Result {  *// tuple of
> arguments*
>   return fn(*args...*)                                     // expand the
> arguments in the tuple “args” into separate arguments
> }
> *Extensions of structural types*
> Currently, only nominal types (classes, structs, enums, protocols) can be
> extended. One could imagine extending structural types—particularly tuple
> types—to allow them to, e.g., conform to protocols. For example, pulling
> together variadic generics, parameterized extensions, and conditional
> conformances, one could express “a tuple type is Equatable if all of its
> element types are Equatable”:
> extension<...Elements : Equatable> *(Elements...)* : Equatable {   *//
> extending the tuple type “(Elements…)” to be Equatable*
> }
> There are some natural bounds here: one would need to have actual
> structural types. One would not be able to extend every type:
> extension<T> T { *// error: neither a structural nor a nominal type*
> }
> And before you think you’re cleverly making it possible to have a
> conditional conformance that makes every type T that conforms to protocol P
> also conform to protocol Q, see the section "Conditional conformances via
> protocol extensions”, below:
> extension<T : P> T : Q { *// error: neither a structural nor a nominal
> type*
> }
> *Syntactic improvements*
> There are a number of potential improvements we could make to the generics
> syntax. Such a list could go on for a very long time, so I’ll only
> highlight some obvious ones that have been discussed by the Swift
> developers.
> **Default implementations in protocols*
> Currently, protocol members can never have implementations. We could allow
> one to provide such implementations to be used as the default if a
> conforming type does not supply an implementation, e.g.,
> protocol Bag {
>   associatedtype Element : Equatable
>   func contains(element: Element) -> Bool
>   func containsAll<S: Sequence where Sequence.Iterator.Element ==
> Element>(elements: S) -> Bool {
>     for x in elements {
>       if contains(x) { return true }
>     }
>     return false
>   }
> }
> struct IntBag : Bag {
>   typealias Element = Int
>   func contains(element: Int) -> Bool { ... }
>   // okay: containsAll requirement is satisfied by Bag’s default
> implementation
> }
> One can get this effect with protocol extensions today, hence the
> classification of this feature as a (mostly) syntactic improvement:
> protocol Bag {
>   associatedtype Element : Equatable
>   func contains(element: Element) -> Bool
>   func containsAll<S: Sequence where Sequence.Iterator.Element ==
> Element>(elements: S) -> Bool
> }
> extension Bag {
>   func containsAll<S: Sequence where Sequence.Iterator.Element ==
> Element>(elements: S) -> Bool {
>     for x in elements {
>       if contains(x) { return true }
>     }
>     return false
>   }
> }
> **Moving the where clause outside of the angle brackets*
> The “where” clause of generic functions comes very early in the
> declaration, although it is generally of much less concern to the client
> than the function parameters and result type that follow it. This is one of
> the things that contributes to “angle bracket blindness”. For example,
> consider the containsAll signature above:
> func containsAll<S: Sequence where Sequence.Iterator.Element ==
> Element>(elements: S) -> Bool
> One could move the “where” clause to the end of the signature, so that the
> most important parts—name, generic parameter, parameters, result
> type—precede it:
> func containsAll<S: Sequence>(elements: S) -> Bool
>        where Sequence.Iterator.Element == Element
> **Renaming “protocol<…>” to “Any<…>”.*
> The “protocol<…>” syntax is a bit of an oddity in Swift. It is used to
> compose protocols together, mostly to create values of existential type,
> e.g.,
> var x: protocol<NSCoding, NSCopying>
> It’s weird that it’s a type name that starts with a lowercase letter, and
> most Swift developers probably never deal with this feature unless they
> happen to look at the definition of Any:
> typealias Any = protocol<>
> “Any” might be a better name for this functionality. “Any” without
> brackets could be a keyword for “any type”, and “Any” followed by brackets
> could take the role of “protocol<>” today:
> var x: Any<NSCoding, NSCopying>
> That reads much better: “Any type that conforms to NSCoding and
> NSCopying”. See the section "Generalized existentials” for additional
> features in this space.
> *Maybe*
> There are a number of features that get discussed from time-to-time, while
> they could fit into Swift’s generics system, it’s not clear that they
> belong in Swift at all. The important question for any feature in this
> category is not “can it be done” or “are there cool things we can express”,
> but “how can everyday Swift developers benefit from the addition of such a
> feature?”. Without strong motivating examples, none of these “maybes” will
> move further along.
> *Dynamic dispatch for members of protocol extensions*
> Only the requirements of protocols currently use dynamic dispatch, which
> can lead to surprises:
> protocol P {
>   func foo()
> }
> extension P {
>   func foo() { print(“P.foo()”)
>   func bar() { print(“P.bar()”)
> }
> struct X : P {
>   func foo() { print(“X.foo()”)
>   func bar() { print(“X.bar()”)
> }
> let x = X()
> x.foo() // X.foo()
> x.bar() // X.bar()
> let p: P = X()
> p.foo() // X.foo()
> p.bar() // P.bar()
> Swift could adopt a model where members of protocol extensions are
> dynamically dispatched.
> *Named generic parameters*
> When specifying generic arguments for a generic type, the arguments are
> always positional: Dictionary<String, Int> is a Dictionary whose Key type
> is String and whose Value type is Int, by convention. One could permit the
> arguments to be labeled, e.g.,
> var d: Dictionary<*Key:* String, *Value:* Int>
> Such a feature makes more sense if Swift gains default generic arguments,
> because generic argument labels would allow one to skip defaulted arguments.
> *Generic value parameters*
> Currently, Swift’s generic parameters are always types. One could imagine
> allowing generic parameters that are values, e.g.,
> struct MultiArray<T,* let Dimensions: Int*> { *// specify the number of
> dimensions to the array*
>   subscript (indices: Int...) -> T {
>     get {
>       require(indices.count == *Dimensions*)
>       // ...
>     }
> }
> A suitably general feature might allow us to express fixed-length array or
> vector types as a standard library component, and perhaps also allow one to
> implement a useful dimensional analysis library. Tackling this feature
> potentially means determining what it is for an expression to be a
> “constant expression” and diving into dependent-typing, hence the “maybe”.
> *Higher-kinded types*
> Higher-kinded types allow one to express the relationship between two
> different specializations of the same nominal type within a protocol. For
> example, if we think of the Self type in a protocol as really being
> “Self<T>”, it allows us to talk about the relationship between “Self<T>”
> and “Self<U>” for some other type U. For example, it could allow the “map”
> operation on a collection to return a collection of the same kind but with
> a different operation, e.g.,
> let intArray: Array<Int> = …
> intArray.map { String($0) } *// produces Array<String>*
> let intSet: Set<Int> = …
> intSet.map { String($0) }   *// produces Set<String>*
> Potential syntax borrowed from one thread on higher-kinded types
> <https://lists.swift.org/pipermail/swift-evolution/Week-of-Mon-20151214/002736.html> uses
> ~= as a “similarity” constraint to describe a Functor protocol:
> protocol Functor {
>   associatedtype A
>   func fmap<FB where *FB ~= Self*>(f: A -> FB.A) -> FB
> }
> *Specifying type arguments for uses of generic functions*
> The type arguments of a generic function are always determined via type
> inference. For example, given:
> func f<T>(t: T)
> one cannot directly specify T: either one calls “f” (and T is determined
> via the argument’s type) or one uses “f” in a context where it is given a
> particular function type (e.g., “let x: (Int) -> Void = f”  would infer T =
> Int). We could permit explicit specialization here, e.g.,
> let x = f<Int> // x has type (Int) -> Void
> *Unlikely*
> Features in this category have been requested at various times, but they
> don’t fit well with Swift’s generics system because they cause some part of
> the model to become overly complicated, have unacceptable implementation
> limitations, or overlap significantly with existing features.
> *Generic protocols*
> One of the most commonly requested features is the ability to parameterize
> protocols themselves. For example, a protocol that indicates that the Self
> type can be constructed from some specified type T:
> protocol ConstructibleFromValue*<T>* {
>   init(_ value: T)
> }
> Implicit in this feature is the ability for a given type to conform to the
> protocol in two different ways. A “Real” type might be constructible from
> both Float and Double, e.g.,
> struct Real { … }
> extension Real : ConstructibleFrom<Float> {
>   init(_ value: Float) { … }
> }
> extension Real : ConstructibleFrom<Double> {
>   init(_ value: Double) { … }
> }
> Most of the requests for this feature actually want a different feature.
> They tend to use a parameterized Sequence as an example, e.g.,
> protocol Sequence<Element> { … }
> func foo(strings: Sequence<String>) {  /// works on any sequence
> containing Strings
>   // ...
> }
> The actual requested feature here  is the ability to say “Any type that
> conforms to Sequence whose Element type is String”, which is covered by the
> section on “Generalized existentials”, below.
> More importantly, modeling Sequence with generic parameters rather than
> associated types is tantalizing but wrong: you don’t want a type conforming
> to Sequence in multiple ways, or (among other things) your for..in loops
> stop working, and you lose the ability to dynamically cast down to an
> existential “Sequence” without binding the Element type (again, see
> “Generalized existentials”). Use cases similar to the
> ConstructibleFromValue protocol above seem too few to justify the potential
> for confusion between associated types and generic parameters of protocols;
> we’re better off not having the latter.
> *Private conformances *
> Right now, a protocol conformance can be no less visible than the minimum
> of the conforming type’s access and the protocol’s access. Therefore, a
> public type conforming to a public protocol must provide the conformance
> publicly. One could imagine removing that restriction, so that one could
> introduce a private conformance:
> public protocol P { }
> public struct X { }
> extension X : *internal P* { … } // X conforms to P, but only within this
> module
> The main problem with private conformances is the interaction with dynamic
> casting. If I have this code:
> func foo(value: Any) {
>   if let x = value as? P { print(“P”) }
> }
> foo(X())
> Under what circumstances should it print “P”? If foo() is defined within
> the same module as the conformance of X to P? If the call is defined within
> the same module as the conformance of X to P? Never? Either of the first
> two answers requires significant complications in the dynamic casting
> infrastructure to take into account the module in which a particular
> dynamic cast occurred (the first option) or where an existential was formed
> (the second option), while the third answer breaks the link between the
> static and dynamic type systems—none of which is an acceptable result.
> *Conditional conformances via protocol extensions*
> We often get requests to make a protocol conform to another protocol. This
> is, effectively, the expansion of the notion of “Conditional conformances”
> to protocol extensions. For example:
> protocol P {
>   func foo()
> }
> protocol Q {
>   func bar()
> }
> extension *Q : P* { *// every type that conforms to Q also conforms to P*
>   func foo() {    *// implement “foo” requirement in terms of “bar"*
>     bar()
>   }
> }
> func f<T: P>(t: T) { … }
> struct X : Q {
>   func bar() { … }
> }
> f(X()) // okay: X conforms to P through the conformance of Q to P
> This is an extremely powerful feature: is allows one to map the
> abstractions of one domain into another domain (e.g., every Matrix is a
> Graph). However, similar to private conformances, it puts a major burden on
> the dynamic-casting runtime to chase down arbitrarily long and potentially
> cyclic chains of conformances, which makes efficient implementation nearly
> impossible.
> *Potential removals*
> The generics system doesn’t seem like a good candidate for a reduction in
> scope; most of its features do get used fairly pervasively in the standard
> library, and few feel overly anachronistic. However...
> *Associated type inference*
> Associated type inference is the process by which we infer the type
> bindings for associated types from other requirements. For example:
> protocol IteratorProtocol {
>   associatedtype Element
>   mutating func next() -> Element?
> }
> struct IntIterator : IteratorProtocol {
>   mutating func next() -> Int? { … }  // use this to infer Element = Int
> }
> Associated type inference is a useful feature. It’s used throughout the
> standard library, and it helps keep associated types less visible to types
> that simply want to conform to a protocol. On the other hand, associated
> type inference is the only place in Swift where we have a *global* type
> inference problem: it has historically been a major source of bugs, and
> implementing it fully and correctly requires a drastically different
> architecture to the type checker. Is the value of this feature worth
> keeping global type inference in the Swift language, when we have
> deliberatively avoided global type inference elsewhere in the language?
> *Existentials*
> Existentials aren’t really generics per se, but the two systems are
> closely intertwined due to their mutable dependence on protocols.
> **Generalized existentials*
> The restrictions on existential types came from an implementation
> limitation, but it is reasonable to allow a value of protocol type even
> when the protocol has Self constraints or associated types. For example,
> consider IteratorProtocol again and how it could be used as an existential:
> protocol IteratorProtocol {
>   associatedtype Element
>   mutating func next() -> Element?
> }
> let it: IteratorProtocol = …
> it.next()   // if this is permitted, it could return an “Any?”, i.e., the
> existential that wraps the actual element
> Additionally, it is reasonable to want to constrain the associated types
> of an existential, e.g., “a Sequence whose element type is String” could be
> expressed by putting a where clause into “protocol<…>” or “Any<…>” (per
> “Renaming protocol<…> to Any<…>”):
> let strings: Any<Sequence* where .Iterator.Element == String*> = [“a”,
> “b”, “c”]
> The leading “.” indicates that we’re talking about the dynamic type, i.e.,
> the “Self” type that’s conforming to the Sequence protocol. There’s no
> reason why we cannot support arbitrary “where” clauses within the “Any<…>”.
> This very-general syntax is a bit unwieldy, but common cases can easily be
> wrapped up in a generic typealias (see the section “Generic typealiases”
> above):
> typealias AnySequence<Element> = *Any<Sequence where .Iterator.Element ==
> Element>*
> let strings: AnySequence<String> = [“a”, “b”, “c”]
> *Opening existentials*
> Generalized existentials as described above will still have trouble with
> protocol requirements that involve Self or associated types in function
> parameters. For example, let’s try to use Equatable as an existential:
> protocol Equatable {
>   func ==(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
>   func !=(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool
> }
> let e1: Equatable = …
> let e2: Equatable = …
> if e1 == e2 { … } *// error:* e1 and e2 don’t necessarily have the same
> dynamic type
> One explicit way to allow such operations in a type-safe manner is to
> introduce an “open existential” operation of some sort, which extracts and
> gives a name to the dynamic type stored inside an existential. For example:
> if let storedInE1 = e1 openas T {     // T is a the type of storedInE1, a
> copy of the value stored in e1
>   if let storedInE2 = e2 as? T {      // is e2 also a T?
>     if storedInE1 == storedInE2 { … } // okay: storedInT1 and storedInE2
> are both of type T, which we know is Equatable
>   }
> }
> Thoughts?
> - Doug
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