[swift-evolution] [Proposal] Change infix operator attributes syntax to be more consistent with the rest of the language

Антон Жилин antonyzhilin at gmail.com
Sun Mar 6 06:40:52 CST 2016

> I don't really like this specific design, though—it doesn't really match
the look and feel of existing directives.

I propose that all compiler directives (that have arguments) be formatted
in pseudo-function form:
#setline(1, file: "main.swift")
I'll create a proposal for this, which will go hand-to-hand with my syntax
for operators.

Additionally, I've come up with an idea for complete operators overhaul.
The main suggestions are as follows:

All operators are available without any pre-definition:

postfix func ! <T>(left: T?) -> T

func <>(left: Int, right: Int) -> Bool  // assuming infix<>, no
associativity, no precedence

1 ||| 2  // error: function |||(Int, Int) is not defined

If we want to globally set associativity or precedence for infix operators,
we write:

#operator(|||, associativity: left, precedence: 100)

These operator configuration directives must not be in conflict. We can
omit one or both of parameters:

#operator(|||, precedence: 100)
#operator(|||)  // just disallow other #operator directives

2016-03-06 14:44 GMT+03:00 Brent Royal-Gordon <brent at architechies.com>:

> > First of all, I suggest that we remove `assignment` from Swift 2.2 in
> any case. It has been deprecated for long enough.
> >
> > Operator declarations are always global.
> > Operator declarations of the same operator are always in conflict, even
> if in different modules.
> > Therefore, I believe, operators would be best defined using directive
> syntax:
> >
> > #operator(<>, fixity: infix, associativity: left, precedence: 100)
> > #operator(!, fixity: postfix)
> >
> > It's obvious from this declaration that it must be global and must not
> be duplicated even in different modules (remember C macros?).
> > It would allow us to remove operator declaration grammar entirely, add a
> directive instead. Simplification of grammar and consistency is one of
> directions for Swift 2.2 and Swift 3.0.
> >
> > Why not curly braces? Curly braces in Swift declarations are used to
> declare multiple "child" entities. On the other hand, attributes and
> directives are used with *preudo-arguments*.
> > I also want to remind the main difference between attributes and
> directives in Swift. @-attributes always stand before something and modify
> it. #-directives are stand-alone things on themselves.
> Treating it as a compiler directive is an interesting idea. It certainly
> doesn't work anything like other declarations in Swift; a compiler
> directive might drive that point home.
> I don't really like this specific design, though—it doesn't really match
> the look and feel of existing directives. Looking through the Swift book, I
> believe the only compiler directive that actually *changes* anything is
> `#setline` (The Directive Formerly Known As `#line`). Its parameters
> consist of an unmarked list of values with no separator or labeling. Trying
> to duplicate that style would give us something like this:
>         #operator <> infix left 100
> That's, um, pretty bad. There *is* precedent for function-like constructs,
> though, so perhaps we could do this:
>         #operator <> infix(associativity: left, precedence: 100)
>         #operator ! prefix
> That's actually not too bad—it connects the attributes very strongly to
> the `infix` keyword while still putting those details at the end of the
> statement so they don't obscure the more important bits.
> One other issue is that the compiler directives which are permitted in
> statement position (rather than expressions like `#line` or
> `#available(...)`) are "verb-y"—they read as commands, not nouns. It would
> probably be more consistent to use a verb of some kind:
>         #addoperator <> infix(associativity: left, precedence: 100)
>         #defoperator <> infix(associativity: left, precedence: 100)
> A space would make that more readable (even if it would break consistency
> with `#setline`:
>         #add operator <> infix(associativity: left, precedence: 100)
>         #def operator <> infix(associativity: left, precedence: 100)
> Or, more fancifully:
>         #invent operator <> infix(associativity: left, precedence: 100)
>         #adopt operator <> infix(associativity: left, precedence: 100)
> In theory, this could become a mechanism to extend the grammar in other
> ways, like:
>         // add `foo?.bar()` to grammar
>         #invent dispatcher ?. infix
>         // add `if cond { statements } else { statements }` to grammar
>         #invent statement if controlflow(_: expression, _: block, else:
> block)
> But that's a whole different kind of fanciful.
> --
> Brent Royal-Gordon
> Architechies
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