[swift-evolution] implementing real (floating point) number comparison tolerance as a compiler directive.

Joe Groff jgroff at apple.com
Fri Mar 4 11:53:28 CST 2016

> On Mar 4, 2016, at 5:11 AM, Ted F.A. van Gaalen <tedvgiosdev at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Joe,
> to just fuzzy compare 2 floating point numbers,
> the solution you describe uses
> - 2 functions, with therein 6 calls to frexp, abs, max and scalb...
> isn’t that overkill ? 

That's how APL-style tolerance is defined—the tolerance is scaled to the greater exponent of the operands. frexp, scalb, and fabs all reduce to bitwise operations on the float representation, so this should be possible to compile down to something cheap (if LLVM can't do it natively, then by hand, at least).

> I still think a compiler directive embedded in sources at desired locations as e.g.
> @setFLoatingPointTolerance: 0.0001 
>     . 
>    if a == b 
>    ...
> @setFloatingPointToleranceOff
>> @setFLoatingPointTolerance: 0.04 
>     . 
>    if temperature == roomTemperature 
>    ...
> @setFloatingPointToleranceOff
> So every floating point compare in source between these directives will be 
> will be compiled differently.
> Leave it to the compiler, so no special functions/ parameters are needed,
> and would be far more efficient I think.

We don't do this anywhere else, and I'm not sure this narrow use case justifies such an invasive change to how functions work. There might be an interesting general purpose feature in supporting implicit context arguments (beyond the usual 'self' for methods).


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