[swift-evolution] [Draft] Mixins

Joe Groff jgroff at apple.com
Sat Feb 27 19:29:41 CST 2016

Howard Lovatt via swift-evolution
<swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:
> I like the proposal but would suggest you rename it Trait and not Mixin,
> since you proposal has Trait and not Mixin behaviour. The difference is
> that the order of inheritance is not important with Traits but is with
> Mixins, EG:
>     protocol A { let msg = "A" }
>     protocol B { let msg = "B" }
>     struct MixinAB: A, B {}
>     MixinAB().msg // B
>   Whereas
>     struct MixinBA: B, A {}
>     MixinBA().msg // A
> With traits the order is not important, and has to be resolved by the
> programmer when a conflict arises:
>     struct ErrorAB: A, B {} // An error because there are two `msg`s.
> You have to do:
>     struct TraitAB: A, B { // Could be B, A - makes no difference
>         let msg = A.msg // Select A's definition, could be `= B.msg`, could
> be `= 3` (i.e. any valid Swift)
>     }
> As an aside I don't get what you mean by your example:
> protocol<A, B>  // error

This is the spelling for the protocol composition of A and B. 

> Protocols cannot be generic!
> On Sunday, 28 February 2016, Anton Zhilin via swift-evolution <
> swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:
>> 0. Please read the whole proposal and this whole message before replying.
>> 1.
>>> In short words, protocol will became a sort of class and no longer a
>> true kind of contract to conform to.
>> There is an option to introduce "mixin" keyword:
>> mixin M {
>> var storage: Int = 0
>> }
>> It won't cause confusion with today's protocols.
>> For difference from classes, see under 3.
>> 2.
>>> What about compatibility with Objective C ?
>> Protocols cannot inherit from classes, including NSObject.
>> [Warning: IMO ahead]
>> But I personally think that we should move from abstract classes in Obj-C,
>> where possible. Actually, all classes in Obj-C can be instantiated, so I
>> consider this a bad abstraction.
>> 3.
>>> (see David's message)
>> Firstly, what you've shown is not a diamond problem. No dequate
>> programming language would allow you to do what you've shown. Secondly,
>> please read the whole proposal, as I specifically addressed the issue there.
>> Now, to difference from classes.
>> The largest difference between classes and mixins comes in inheritance. We
>> can allow multiple inheritance, because we can solve diamond problem with
>> mixins.
>> Let's take the example from my proposal:
>> protocol A { var x: Int = 1 }
>> protocol B: A { }
>> protocol C: A { }
>> struct D : B, C { }
>> What really happens here is the following:
>> protocol ASelf { var x: Int = 1 }
>> protocol BSelf { }
>> protocol CSelf { }
>> struct D : ASelf, BSelf, CSelf { }
>> We can do this, because mixins are statically dispatched. The compiler
>> will enumerate all included mixins and mix in only one version of each.
>> I said statically dispatched, but in Swift, compiler can automatically
>> create wrappers with necessary closures inside if we need dynamic dispatch
>> for protocols, so that is not a real concern.
>> Diamond problem is solved the same way in Python and Ruby, so I'm not
>> inventing something new here.
>> Mixins tend to "mix in behaviours". Let's take an example usage of diamond
>> pattern:
>> protocol SignalSender {
>> private var slots: [String: [() -> ()]] = []
>> func connect(signal: String, to slot: () -> ()) { ... }
>> func fire(signal: String) { ... }
>> }
>> protocol A : SignalSender {
>> // Use signal functionality
>> }
>> protocol B : SignalSender {
>> // Use signal functionality
>> }
>> struct C : A, B { }
>> A and B both use a single SignalSender, incorporated within final object.
>> If SignalSender supports its invariants through incapsulation, nothing will
>> ever break them. If it doesn't, then, well, this mixin is not perfectly
>> suited for multiple inheritance.
>> If you have reached this far, thank you!
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