[swift-evolution] [Draft] Allow declaration of abstract functions and properties on classes

Evan Maloney emaloney at gilt.com
Wed Feb 24 16:36:56 CST 2016

After Thorsten reminded me yesterday that I wanted this feature too, I spent some time writing up proposal to allow declaration of abstract functions and properties on Swift classes:

https://gist.github.com/emaloney/d0b5bf7dd831d4f7415c <https://gist.github.com/emaloney/d0b5bf7dd831d4f7415c>

This is the first draft; all comments welcome!



Allow declaration of abstract functions and properties on classes

Proposal: SE-NNNN
Author: Evan Maloney <https://github.com/emaloney>
Status: Draft
Review manager: TBD

Swift protocols are useful for the declaring interfaces that must be provided by conforming entities (in other words: structs, classes and enums). Adopters of a given protocol are free to provide any implementation they wish, so long as it supplies the necessary interfaces.

Separating interface from implementation is widely considered to be a best practice in software design, and the Swift protocol is designed for this use-case.

 <https://gist.github.com/emaloney/d0b5bf7dd831d4f7415c#the-problem>The Problem

Unfortunately, the protocol does not cover all of the cases where a developer might want to specify an interface to be implemented by another entity.

For example, consider the class, which allows the creation of an inheritance hierarchy. Often, a class in a hierarchy exists merely to provide a common implementation to subclasses. Such classes aren't ever intended to be instantiated directly; only subclasses will be instantiated.

To illustrate the point, imagine a view controller class that:

Places an animating UIActivityIndicatorView onscreen
Performs some operation to retrieve some text
Puts the text in a UITextView and places it onscreen
Hides the UIActivityIndicatorView
Now imagine you had many cases in your application where you could benefit from such a view controller, and each case differed only in the operation required to retrieve the text (represented by Step 2 above).

Ideally, you would be able to achieve this by declaring the interface for a function without needing to specify an implementation, the same way you would with a protocol:

func retrieveText() -> String
In other languages, such as C++, this concept exists in the form of an abstract class. However, Swift does not support this, so developers are forced to provide useless implementations such as:

func retrieveText() -> String
    fatalError("Subclasses must implement retrieveText()")
The idea here is that subclasses should always provide a retrieveText() implementation, and therefore the call to fatalError() should never be hit.

This has a few significant downsides:

It forces the developer to write code that should never be executed under normal conditions. This seems like a waste.

Because a default implementation is provided--the one that calls fatalError()--the compiler has no way of knowing that the subclasses are supposed to provide an implementation, too.

If a subclass implementor forgets to provide a retrieveText() function, the error will not be caught until runtime, and not until a user navigates to the affected portion of the application. This may not occur until the application has shipped.

 <https://gist.github.com/emaloney/d0b5bf7dd831d4f7415c#proposed-solution>Proposed Solution

The proposed solution involves adding support for abstract classes to Swift.

This would entail:

Allowing functions and properties to be declared abstract. An abstract function or property declares the interface without specifying the implementation.

Allowing abstract classes to be defined by partially unimplemented protocol conformances. If a class declares conformance to a protocol without providing an implementation for each of that protocol's properties and functions, it is an abstract class.

Requiring classes to be explicitly declared as abstract if it has one or more unimplemented functions or properties.

 <https://gist.github.com/emaloney/d0b5bf7dd831d4f7415c#detailed-design>Detailed Design

 <https://gist.github.com/emaloney/d0b5bf7dd831d4f7415c#abstract-functions>Abstract functions

Functions can be declared abstract using the abstract keyword, which must appear before the func keyword in the declaration. Otherwise, the notation is identical to how the function would be declared if it were to appear in a protocol:

public abstract func retrieveText() -> String
As long as the abstract keyword appears before the func, the order of appearance of the abstract keyword relative to any public, private or internal access modifiers is not meaningful.

The following declaration is equivalent to the one above:

abstract public func retrieveText() -> String
 <https://gist.github.com/emaloney/d0b5bf7dd831d4f7415c#abstract-properties>Abstract properties

Abstract property declarations are identical to what would be found in a protocol, but are prefixed with the abstractkeyword, which must appear first:

abstract var fileName: String { get }
abstract var favoriteColor: UIColor { get set }
As is typical with protocol declarations, var is always used and not let.

 <https://gist.github.com/emaloney/d0b5bf7dd831d4f7415c#abstract-protocol-conformance>Abstract protocol conformance

A class can be made abstract by declaring conformance to a protocol that it does not implement fully.

For example, say you had a protocol Vehicle:

protocol Vehicle
    var name: String { get }
    var color: UIColor { get }
    var numberOfWheels: Int { get }
    var isParked: Bool { get set }

    func driveTo(destination: Location) throws
In your code, you're able to factor out everything except the driveTo() function, the implementation of which is vehicle-specific. The common code goes into a BaseVehicle class:

abstract class BaseVehicle: Vehicle
    let name: String
    let color: UIColor
    let numberOfWheels: Int
    var isParked: Bool

    init(name: String, color: UIColor, numberOfWheels: Int, isParked: Bool = true)
        self.name = name
        self.color = color
        self.numberOfWheels = numberOfWheels
        self.isParked = isParked
The BaseVehicle class partially conforms to the Vehicle protocol: the name, color, numberOfWheels and isParked properties are provided, but the driveTo() function remains unimplemented.

As a result, BaseVehicle is an abstract class and must be declared as such.

 <https://gist.github.com/emaloney/d0b5bf7dd831d4f7415c#the-abstract-class-declaration>The abstract class declaration

A class must be declared as abstract if any of the following are true:

If the class declares one or more abstract functions or properties
If the class declares conformance to a protocol but does not supply implementations for every one of the functions and properties declared in that protocol.
If the class inherits from an abstract class and does not supply an implementation for every one of the unimplemented functions or properties.
Classes are marked as abstract by placing the abstract keyword before the class keyword at the top of the class declaration, eg.:

public abstract class MyAbstractClass
    // ...code...
As long as the abstract keyword appears before the class, the order of appearance of the abstract keyword relative to any public, private or internal access modifiers is not meaningful.

The following declaration is equivalent to the one above:

abstract public class MyAbstractClass
    // ...code...

Because an abstract class is not a complete implementation, the compiler will not allow instantiation of abstract classes.

Attempting to instantiate an abstract class will result in a compiler error.

 <https://gist.github.com/emaloney/d0b5bf7dd831d4f7415c#impact-on-existing-code>Impact on Existing Code

None, since this does not affect any existing constructs. Implementation of this proposal will not result in any code breakage.


This idea has been discussed in the following swift-evolution <https://lists.swift.org/mailman/listinfo/swift-evolution> mailing list threads:

[Review] SE-0030 Property Behaviors <https://lists.swift.org/pipermail/swift-evolution/Week-of-Mon-20160222/010876.html>

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