[swift-evolution] an observation on colons in variable type declarations

Oliver M selectedfordeletion at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 9 16:45:46 CST 2016

   - A brief observation regarding variable type declarations

   - I find the colon in variable type declarations a little odd.
   - Consider the following:

   - var welcomeMessage: String

   - wouldn't this be cleaner simply written as

   - var welcomeMessage String


   - the documentation says to read the colon ':' as "of type" in such situations

   - but does the type "String" itself not imply 'of type String'



   - Consider the colon in a function declaration:

   - func sayHello(personName: String) {}

   - I would read the portion within the brackets as:
   - parameter named personName takes value of type String (because you input values when calling functions)
   - with the colon reading 'takes value' and "String" again reading 'of type String'



   - I find the colon ':' strongly associated with function input values, and with associations [key:value pairs etc]
   - but variables…you don't input anything and they are not inherently associations.


   - When coding half asleep I find myself compelled to input a value wherever I see a ':' and I can see myself typing something really really silly

   - var myIndex: "Int" 
   - myIndex = 0
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