[swift-evolution] [Proposal] Partial initializers

Jordan Rose jordan_rose at apple.com
Fri Jan 22 13:12:21 CST 2016

>>> 9. The compiler keeps track of the properties initialized by a partial initializer or initialization method and uses that knowledge when enforcing initialization rules in phase one in the calling initializer.
>> If a struct partial initializer is defined in another file, this would require reading the body of the initializer to determine what variables it initializes. We currently don't type-check any bodies outside of the primary source file when doing a normal, multi-process compilation.
> Are you recommending a same-file requirement?  I wouldn’t have a problem with that.  I’m trying to keep this proposal as focused as possible and will make any changes necessary to address implementation considerations.

That would be one way to solve this, but that's kind of at odds with your direction of "partial initializers for stored properties in extensions". There's also a circularity problem, where type-checking one partial init requires looking at the body of another, which mistakenly calls the first, but we can probably handle that error.

The other way that comes to mind would be to explicitly declare what's being initialized, as Brent (and others?) mentioned. That's certainly not as concise but it does fix the problem. I don't think it counts as a leak of information about stored properties as long as partial inits are never exposed publicly.

>> Can an initializer method be overridden? If so, I assume that does not override the "initializer" part, just the "method" part? If not, can we require the 'final' to be explicit?
> Good question.  I was thinking of them as implicitly `final` but didn’t call that out.  If you think they should be explicitly marked `final` I will make that change.

Well, I think it's a good idea. Others may disagree. It could also be required only for public init methods, because private and internal ones don't make an API contract.

>> Can the method be marked @objc? 'dynamic'? I would assume "yes", because it's not really different from any other method, but I think it ought to be called out.
> I suppose so if that doesn’t create any implementation challenges around the initializer aspect.

Yeah, they wouldn't apply to the initializer, only the method. I don't know if that's weird enough to forbid 'dynamic', but it seems benign for '@objc'. (AFAICT the effects of '@objc' are only observable after phase 1 completes anyway.)

>> I don't personally like the call syntax but I don't immediately have anything better to offer. I do think that part of this proposal should include naming guidelines for these things.
> I don’t love it but don’t have a better idea either.  It’s a good candidate for bike shedding and we might be able to find something better.
> What do you have in mind in terms of naming guidelines?  I can imagine UI classes having partial inits like “appearanceProperties” and “animationProperties”, etc.  Those names wouldn’t be good for an initializer method though.

I think that does give us a place to start: initializer methods are named like methods but invoked in some special way. Maybe partial inits are named as methods as well. (Maybe we just drop partial inits to make everything simpler, and only have init methods. They can get dead-code-stripped if they're only used as partial inits.)

>> What happens when you call an init method from phase 2 of initialization? Is that just illegal?
> Good question.  I should have addressed this.  Partial initializers should not be callable during phase 2.
> It probably make senses to allow initializer methods to be called during phase 2 using the usual method syntax just like any other method.  What do others think?

I'm inclined to agree.

>> I'm ultimately still not convinced that this is the right way to reduce initializer boilerplate (phase 1 duplication between initializers, or shared code between initializers and methods). It again adds complexity to the language, and that added complexity may not be worth the payoff. I'm thinking about someone coming across the construct for the first time: would they understand what it was doing? Would they understand the error messages they would get?
> What I like about this approach is that it is a general tool for factoring initialization code using techniques similar to those we use in other code.  Lots of people do similar things in Objective-C, but in an obviously unsafe way.  This would help ease their migration to Swift while helping them do this safely.

I do like the idea of "you can factor out code to helper methods, but initialization code is special, so you factor it out to special kinds of methods".

> I think the best way to think about the added complexity is to consider the *incremental* complexity and benefit over Swift’s initialization model.  I think it is a pretty modest change to understand for those who already understand the existing rules while providing substantial benefit in some cases.

Heh. I don't think Swift's initialization model is exactly the part of the language we want to strive to emulate (even if all its corners are necessary in some sense). This feature doesn't interact much with most of the complexity there except the phase 1 / phase 2 part.

>> (Specifically on that note: "init func" is probably okay because it's a special kind of func, but I think I would personally prefer to keep the 'partial' keyword for partial inits, even though it's technically unnecessary.)
> I would be happy with whatever syntax the core team thinks is best.  I like keeping it more concise but don’t mind `partial` if others like that better.
> It’s just hard to tell what that is with several people involved.  Any recommendations on how to handle this when writing a proposal? 

I don't think you'd know for real until it got to review. This list is high enough traffic that there are probably a lot of people who don't read the drafts, including members of the core team. :-/


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