[swift-evolution] Pitch: Progress Tracking in Swift
cocoadev at charlessoft.com
cocoadev at charlessoft.com
Tue Jan 19 16:24:09 CST 2016
On 2016-01-19 14:01, Tony Parker wrote:
> Hi Charles,
Hi Tony,
Thanks very much for responding. I do really appreciate the opportunity
to communicate with members of the development team on these lists.
> I see Rob already pointed this out, but I’ll respond as well since I
> own NSProgress and I also was involved in the WWDC session he
> references.
> NSProgress actually received a significant upgrade in iOS 9 and OS X
> 10.11 to address most of your concerns. I’ve never really liked the
> ‘current’ progress idea either, so I’ve changed Foundation to
> make using explicit progress objects possible (and encouraged). There
> are still cases where the idea of having a current progress is useful.
> For example, when there is no opportunity to grab a progress object,
> because the method you are calling is a proxy, or a global function,
> etc.).
While this is true, I feel that the syntax for using it is quite
verbose, which feels out of place in Swift code. Mainly what it comes
down to, though, is that I actually rather like the concept behind what
they were trying to do with the "current" progress object, which was to
make it possible for all sorts of low-level methods and functions (like
-[NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:options:error:]) to automatically and
painlessly support progress operations, so that an application that was
doing time-consuming operations could get a lot of this "for free." It's
just the *implementation* that I quibble with, due to various issues it
brings up. I feel like my pitch *works* like the explicit composition
method while *feeling* like the implicit composition method, if that
makes sense. At any rate, anything that would make progress more
attractive to implement, thus increasing its prevalence in the
frameworks, would be a plus; I would love to see something like
NSFileManager's file copy APIs supporting some sort of progress
reporting (in an extension, of course, unless we had some way for
Objective-C to call into the Swift progress-reporting mechanism). I also
feel like writing it in pure Swift and minimizing the amount of work
that is done on the current thread could reduce the performance costs of
using it, which is important for these sorts of APIs since you don't
want to add unnecessary overhead in the case where you're not interested
in monitoring the progress.
> You can now create progress trees explicitly. There are two parts to
> this:
> @available(OSX 10.11, *)
> public /*not inherited*/ init(totalUnitCount unitCount: Int64,
> parent: NSProgress, pendingUnitCount portionOfParentTotalUnitCount:
> Int64)
> and a new protocol:
> public protocol NSProgressReporting : NSObjectProtocol {
> @available(OSX 10.9, *)
> public var progress: NSProgress { get }
> }
> So you can mark classes that publish progress with the protocol, and
> clients can create their trees using the new initializer.
This seems oriented toward classes such as NSOperation subclasses that
represent a singular operation of some sort, but doesn't seem as
applicable to single-function APIs like
NSFileManager.copyItemAtURL(toURL:). It can of course be used that way,
but it feels somewhat awkward. It also encourages the use of one big
monolithic NSProgress object for the whole operation/thread/dispatch
queue, which undermines some of what makes NSProgress so cool; the
tree-based approach is really great for complex operations which are
composed of a lot of separate steps, each of which may have distinct
sub-steps of their own.
> Yes, agreed. I would encourage the discrete progress if possible, but
> I’ve had lots of requests for a block-based version of
> becomeCurrent. This is another good reason to add one.
I've been using this rather simple one, which alleviates things quite a
(caveat: written from memory in Mail, as I'm not at my main development
machine at the moment)
extension NSProgress {
public func doWithPendingUnitCount<T>(unitCount: Int64, block: ()
throws -> T) rethrows -> T {
defer { self.resignCurrent() }
return try block()
It does not, however, address the performance concerns, nor is it quite
as clean (IMO of course) as my suggestion.
> I changed the algorithm for how we add child progress objects, so now
> we only will add the first one. This wasn’t strictly backwards
> compatible, but it was far too easy to add more progress objects than
> you intended.
When did this change occur? I feel like I've managed to get the
fractionCompleted to go over 1.0 this way on El Capitan, but don't
remember exactly how I did it. Good to know this is being worked on,
though; if I manage to get this to happen again, I'll file a Radar.
>> 5. NSProgress posts KVO notifications on the main thread.
> This actually isn’t true. NSProgress posts KVO notifications on the
> thread in which the change was made.
As I mentioned in my followup post written a few minutes after the
original one, this was a typo (or, perhaps, a Freudian slip, since
posting on the main thread, or more generally on a dispatch queue
settable by the user, is what I wish it did). Sorry about that.
>> In addition to complicating the interface and causing undefined
>> behavior if one mistakenly binds it to a UI element without
>> inserting something in between to forward the KVO notifications to
>> the main thread, this also hurts performance in the worker thread,
>> since KVO notifications carry a non-trivial performance penalty,
>> involving not only message sends but also packaging things into an
>> NSDictionary for the "change" parameter. Notifications for multiple
>> properties are fired every time completedUnitCount is changed, which
>> then can cause similar KVO notifications to occur up the family
>> tree, depending on how many KVO observers are installed. This can
>> show up as a non-trivial performance cost in Instruments if the
>> NSProgress object is updated frequently enough.
> There is a cost associated with updating progress, it’s true. We can
> always do more to optimize it (and we continue to do so), but there
> comes a point at which the updater of the progress object has to add
> some intelligence of its own. This is why the documentation and
> release notes encourage callers to avoid doing things like updating
> the progress for each byte in a file (because that is far too many
> updates).
It seems to me that a lot of the work for this could be handled by the
progress object. Of course, you still wouldn't want to update after
every byte, but you wouldn't need to be nearly as vigilant as you do
currently. I also feel like it would be better for this to be in pure
Swift and to use mechanisms more performant than KVO, since by its very
nature this is an API that is intended to run in worker code, which is
where you really do care about performance. I realize of course the need
for NSProgress to exist, since a Swift-native solution would not be
available to pure Objective-C code, but moving forward it would be
really nice to have a Swift-native way to do this.
My ideal implementation for the progress objects would probably look
something like this:
- The progress object contains some simple integer and boolean
properties for the usual things: total units, completed units, and
- When one of these properties is changed, the change is propagated to
the parent progress for completed units, or to the children for
cancelled. This is the only real work that's done on the current thread.
- If and only if someone has set something for at least one of our
* Optionally: Check if we've fired the handlers within some
threshold, either time based (only fire if we haven't fired in some
interval of time) or fraction-based (only fire if the fraction changed
has increased enough for us to care about the change), and exit if the
threshold hasn't been reached.
* Fire any handlers that are non-nil, on the dispatch queue which we
have as a separate property (defaulting to the main thread). Calculated
properties such as fractionCompleted, localizedDescription (in its
default implementation), etc. are computed on the dispatch queue as
well, rather on the current thread.
This way, the overhead on the current thread when nothing's watching
would be limited to a few integer stores, which are fast in Swift, and
some nil checks. In the case where we have handlers, we add whatever it
costs to run dispatch_async (and some floating-point operations if we
implement the coalescing behavior). This should be much more performant
than all the dynamic lookups, message sends, change dictionary building,
multiple string operations (I'm finding that the KVO notification for
localizedDescription seems to get called twice per change when I test
it, busting out NSNumberFormatter to rebuild the "X% completed" string
each time), and other overhead that we have now.
I could of course end up writing my own implementation, and I may end up
doing that. It would be nice to have something like this available as
part of the standard distribution, though.
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