[swift-evolution] Make generics covariant and add generics to protocols

Howard Lovatt howard.lovatt at gmail.com
Tue Jan 12 19:31:51 CST 2016

@Jordan & Austin,

You raise two issues covariance and overhead of generic protocols instead
of associated types in protocols.

Having used opt in covariance in other languages, Java & Scala, I am not a
fan. You end up littering all your code with a covariance annotation. Just
look at any Java or Scala code, look at their libraries. Also when Sun ran
there project coin, vaguely similar to swift-evolution, there was a ton of
correspondence saying that people wanted covariance by default. The
official answer from Oracle was that they wished they had made covariance
the default but it was now too late to change; therefore there is strong
presidency for covariance by default.

There is some overhead with the approach I suggested, however I think that
the compiler can eliminate it. I will use the measure `sizeofValue` as a
proxy for any type of overhead (space or time). I chose this because it is
easy and because it is likely to be true that if `sizeofValue` return the
same size then the overhead is likely the same. Consider a `Boxable`
protocol and then an `Int` specialisation of that protocol.

User writes:

    protocol Boxable<T> {

        var value: Any { get set }


This gets translated, as per proposal, into:

    // Size test for a generic protocol and generic struct as per proposal
and optimisation

    protocol Boxable { // User would write `protocol Boxable<T> { var
value: T { get set } }`.

        var T: Any.Type { get }

        var value: Any { get set }


Then the user wants an `Int` specialisation:

    struct BoxInt: Boxable<T> {

        var value: Int


This gets translated, as per proposal, into:

    struct BoxInt: Boxable { // User would write `struct BoxInt:
Boxable<Int> { var value: Int }`.

        // No need for a stored property becuse `Int` is a struct and
cannot be sub-classed.

        var T: Any.Type { // Compiler generated, user would not write

            return Int.self


        var _value: Any // From user written `var value: Int`.

        var value: Any {

            get {

                return _value


            set {

                precondition(newValue is Int, "Type of newValue, \(newValue.
dynamicType), is not \(Int.self)")

                _value = newValue



        // No need for `lowestCommonDeclaredT` arg becuse `Int` is a struct
and cannot be sub-classed.

        init(value: Any) { // Compiler generated, user would not write

            _value = value



There is some overhead:

    let bI = BoxInt(value: 1)

    sizeofValue(bI) // 32, i.e. `BoxInt (due to `value: Any`) has overhead
since an `Int` size is 8

    let boxable: Boxable = bI

    sizeofValue(boxable) // 40, i.e. generic protocol has same overhead as
non-generic protocol

Encouragingly, once you type as a protocol, whether the protocol is a
proposed generic protocol or a non-generic protocol the overhead in the
same. However `BoxInt` is certainly more overhead than `Int`.

Fortunately the compiler can optimise it away:

    struct NonGenericBoxInt { // Also generated from `struct BoxInt:
Boxable<Int> { var value: Int }`

        var value: Int

        var toBoxInt: BoxInt {

            return BoxInt(value: value)



    let nGBI = NonGenericBoxInt(value: 1)

    sizeofValue(nGBI) // 8, i.e. `NonGenericBoxInt has zero overhead

When the user writes `BoxInt` the compiler substitutes `NonGenericBoxInt`
and when the user covariantly assigns to the protocol `Boxable` the
compiler calls `toBoxInt`.

Therefore the original proposal could be extended to include this

Hopefully therefore this `efficiency` question is addressed?

Thanks for the feedback,

  -- Howard.

On 13 January 2016 at 05:19, Jordan Rose <jordan_rose at apple.com> wrote:

> Agreed on both counts. Generics are more familiar but don't actually cover
> the use cases where the associated type is *not* independent of the model
> object (like a Sequence's Generator or a Collection's Index). Dropping that
> information results in a lot of extra indirection at runtime, which we
> don't want.
> Jordan
> On Jan 12, 2016, at 8:17, Austin Zheng via swift-evolution <
> swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:
> Strong -1, covariance on generics should be explicitly opt-in. Also -1 on
> generics replacing associated types in protocols.
> Austin
> On Jan 12, 2016, at 1:45 AM, Howard Lovatt via swift-evolution <
> swift-evolution at swift.org> wrote:
> Currently you generics are invariant whereas function arguments etc. are
> covariant. I am suggesting that if the way generics are implemented is
> changed then they can be made covariant and that this will add considerable
> utility to Swift generics.
> 1st a demonstration of the current situation of invariant generics:
>     // Current system
>     class Top {}
>     class Bottom: Top {}
>     struct Box<T: AnyObject> {
>         var value: T
>         init(_ initialValue: T) {
>             value = initialValue;
>         }
>     }
>     let boxB = Box(Bottom())
>     // let boxT: Box<Top> = boxB // Covariance currently not allowed
> The key point is although `Bottom` 'is a’ `Top`, `Box<Bottom>` *is not* a
> `Box<Top>`.
> I am suggesting:
> 1. That `Box<Bottom>` should be a `Box<Top>` (covariance).
> 2. An implementation that allows the above covariance.
> 3. That protocols are made generic, i.e. `protocol Box<T> { var value: T {
> get set } }` and that this mechanism replaces associated types for
> protocols.
>     // Proposal:
>     // 1. No change to Box, i.e. programmer would just write Box as before
>     // 2. Code transformed by comiler with write check for each specific,
> generic type instance
>     // Best approximation of resulting code in current Swift to
> demonstrate spirit of idea:
>     // Compiler writes a universal form using the upper bound (it writes
> the underlyting representation).
>     // In practice this would be called `Box` but used `BoxAnyObject` to
> indicate that it has a generic argument bounded by `AnyObject`.
>     struct BoxAnyObject {
>         // Generated from generic argument `<T: AnyObject>`.
>         let T: AnyObject.Type // Store the actual type.
>         // Generated from stored property `var value: T` and noting that
> `T`'s upper bound is `AnyObject`.
>         private var _value: AnyObject // Access the stored property
> through a setter so that type can be checked
>         var value: AnyObject {
>             get {
>                 return _value
>             }
>             set {
>                 // In all functions check that args declared as `T` are
> actually a `T` or a sub-type.
>                 // Note: `is` only works with type literal and there is
> no `>=` operator for types :(.
>                 // `is` would need changing or `>=` for types adding,
> nearest at moment `==`.
>                 precondition(T == /* >= */ newValue.dynamicType, "Type of
> newValue, \(newValue.dynamicType), is not a sub-type of generic type T, \(
> T)")
>                 _value = newValue
>             }
>         }
>         // Generated from `init(_ initialValue: T)` and noting that `T`'s
> upper bound is `AnyObject`.
>         init(_ lowestCommonDeclaredT: AnyObject.Type, _ initialValue:
> AnyObject) {
>             T = lowestCommonDeclaredT
>             _value = initialValue
>         }
>     }
>     // Demonstrate that all `Box`es are the same size and therefore can
> be bitwise copied
>     // Compiler supplies lowest-common, declared, generic type for all
> the `T`s in the `init` call.
>     var bT = BoxAnyObject(Top.self, Top()) // In practice user would
> write `let bT = Box(Top())`.
>     bT.T // Top.Type
>     sizeofValue(bT) // 16
>     var bB = BoxAnyObject(Bottom.self, Bottom()) // In practice user
> would write `let bB = Box(Bottom())`.
>     bB.T // Bottom.Type
>     sizeofValue(bB) // 16
>     // Demonstration covariance.
>     bT = bB // Compiler would check covariance of declared generic types.
>     bT.T // Bottom.Type
>     // Demonstrate generic returned type
>     // Compiler would add cast to declared, generic type.
>     bB.value as! Bottom // In practice user would write `bB.value`.
>     // Demonstrate type safety
>     bT = BoxAnyObject(Top.self, Top()) // In practice user would write
> `bT = Box(Top())`.
>     bT.value = Top() // OK
>     // bT.value = Bottom() // Doesn't work at present because need `>=`
> for types, but would work in practice
>     // bB.value = Top() // Runtime error - wrong type
> The implications of this proposal are:
> 1. The compiler can statically type check a read from a stored property.
> 2. A write to a stored property is type checked at runtime.
> 3. Protocols can be made generic instead of having an associated type and
> then they become a proper type with dynamic dispatch.
> 4. Generic protocols can be a type just like non-generic protocols,
> structs, and classes and unlike associated type protocols that can only be
> a generic constraint.
> 5. The awkwardness of dealing with associated type generics is replaced by
> a more powerful and easier to understand semantic of a type, just like the
> other types.
> 6. There is a lot of ‘non-obvoius’, long code, for example `inits`, that
> use a `where` clause to constrain an associated type protocol, this would
> be unnecessary.
> 7. There are whole types, `AnySequence`, `AnyGenerator`, etc., that would
> be replaced by a generic protocols, `Sequence`, `Generator`, etc.
> Advantages:
> 1. Covariant generics are a powerful addition to the language.
> 2. Generics’ invariance are inconsistent with the rest of the language.
> 3. Generic protocols would become a ‘proper’ type and you could have
> arrays and fields of a generic protocol.
> 4. There are many threads on swift-evolution looking at how protocols can
> be made into a ‘proper’ type or at least a concept that is easier to
> understand.
> Compatibility:
> 1. This would be a major change since associated types in protocols would
> be replaced by generics.
> 2. The new implementation of generics might break some existing `struct`
> and `class` code, for example if it is dependent on the exact size of an
> object because the class will have extra fields, one for each generic type,
> and therefore will be larger.
> Disadvantages:
> 1. Major change.
> 2. Object size increases.
> Thanks in advance for any comments,
>   — Howard.
> PS This is part of a collection of proposals previously presented as
> “Protocols on Steroids”.
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  -- Howard.
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