[swift-evolution] Add stableSort() to the standard library.

Davide Italiano dccitaliano at gmail.com
Sun Jan 10 17:11:57 CST 2016

Feedback very appreciated.

Add stableSort() to the standard library.

At the time of writing the Swift standard library provides two way two
different versions of sort.
The first one is sort(), which provides a regular unstable[1] sorting algorithm.
The second one, sortInPlace(), which also provides unstable sorting with the
additional guarantee that the algorithm will operate in-place, i.e., it will
use only a constant amount of extra space (independent from the input size).
The aim of this proposal is to implement a third variant, stableSort(), in order
to provide a stable version of sorting.

Stable sorting is useful when sorting lists by multiple keys
(primary/secondary). A classical example is provided in [2].
Other programming languages, e.g. C++ or Go provide interfaces for stable
sorting in their standard libraries (respective std::stable_sort and Stable()).

Proposed solution
The API proposed just mirrors the one of regular sort().

@warn_unused_result func stableSort() -> [Self.Generator.Element]
Return an Array containing the sorted elements of source.

The sorting algorithm is stable (does not change the relative order of elements
that compare equal).

Requires: The less-than operator (func <) defined in the Comparable conformance
is a strict weak ordering over the elements in self.

Self.Generator.Element : Comparable

Impact on existing code

Alternatives considered
An alternative would be that of augmenting sort() to get a Bool as argument
(stable: True). I'd rather like better to mirror what almost every
other programming
language does (providing a separate API).
It's an API breaking change (I think, but I'm not entirely sure).

Open questions
Should we also provide a stableSortInPlace() implementation?


[1] A sorting algorithm is said to be "stable" if it maintains in the output
the relative order of entries with equal keys, and "unstable" otherwise.
[2] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/808617/what-is-the-benefit-for-a-sort-algorithm-to-be-stable/808658#808658



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