[swift-evolution] Type Safe Algorithms

James Campbell james at supmenow.com
Wed Jan 6 09:17:23 CST 2016

I implemented a way of type safeing a calculation in Swift. I.e marking an
Int as a Degree and then being able to convert to a Radian. (At the bottom
of the page)

The magic for these special structs was the AngleType protocol which allows
you to Box up a value (in this case a number) and it handles the Conversion
(Apart from two of the methods which I had to implement).

In theory we could abstract this protocol out, so that others could use it
in the library. Then they just use it with their structs and they can
handle converting between these types.

So two questions do we have something like this already? and if not would
this be useful ?

import Foundation

//MARK:- AngleType

protocol AngleType: FloatLiteralConvertible, IntegerLiteralConvertible {

    var value: Double { get set }

    init(_ value: Double)

    init(_ value: Int)

    init<T: IntegerType>(integerLiteral value: T)

    init<T: FloatingPointType>(floatLiteral value: T)


// Implement FloatLiteralConvertible and IntegerLiteralConvertible

extension AngleType {

    init<T: IntegerType>(integerLiteral value: T)




    init<T: IntegerType>(_ value: T)


        self.init(integerLiteral: value)


    init<T: FloatingPointType>(floatLiteral value: T)




    init<T: FloatingPointType>(_ value: T)


        self.init(floatLiteral: value)



//MARK:- Degree

struct Degree: AngleType {

    typealias FloatLiteralType = Double

    typealias IntegerLiteralType = Int

    var value: Double

    init(_ value: Double) {

        self.value = value


    init(_ value: Int) {

        self.value = Double(value)



protocol DegreeConvertiable {

    init(degreeLiteral value: Degree)


extension Degree: CustomStringConvertible, CustomDebugStringConvertible {

    var description: String {

        return self.value.description


    var debugDescription: String {

        return "\(self.value.description)°"



extension Degree: RadianConvertiable {

    init(radianLiteral value: Radian) {

        self.value = Double(radianLiteral:value) * 180.0 / M_PI


    init(_ value: Radian) {

        self.init(radianLiteral: value)



//MARK:- Radian

struct Radian: AngleType {

    typealias FloatLiteralType = Double

    typealias IntegerLiteralType = Int

    var value: Double

    init(_ value: Double) {

        self.value = value


    init(_ value: Int) {

        self.value = Double(value)



protocol RadianConvertiable {

    init(radianLiteral value: Radian)


extension Radian: CustomStringConvertible, CustomDebugStringConvertible {

    var description: String {

        return self.value.description


    var debugDescription: String {

        return "\(self.value.description)㎭"



extension Radian: DegreeConvertiable {

    init(degreeLiteral value: Degree) {

        self.value = Double(degreeLiteral: value) * M_PI / 180.0


    init(_ value: Degree) {

        self.init(degreeLiteral: value)



//MARK:- Adding Conformance To Built In Types

extension FloatLiteralType: DegreeConvertiable, RadianConvertiable


    init(degreeLiteral degree: Degree) {

        self.value = degree.value.value


    init(radianLiteral radian: Radian) {

        self.value = radian.value.value



extension CGFloat: DegreeConvertiable, RadianConvertiable


    init(degreeLiteral degree: Degree) {



    init(radianLiteral radian: Radian) {



    init(_ degree: Degree) {

        self.init(degreeLiteral: degree)


    init(_ radian: Radian) {

        self.init(radianLiteral: radian)


 Wizard
james at supmenow.com
+44 7523 279 698
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