[swift-evolution] sortBy, minElementBy and maxElementBy methods

Susan Cheng susan.doggie at gmail.com
Thu Dec 31 00:38:31 CST 2015

Consider the follows:

struct Person {

    var name: String

    var age: Int


let peoples = [Person(name: "Hawk", age: 24), Person(name: "Andrew", age: 23

let youngest = peoples.minElement { $0.age < $1.age }


it's silly that we always have to write the code like { $0.some < $1.some }
or { some($0) < some($1) }

so, we should add those methods to stdlib:

extension SequenceType {

    /// Returns the minimum element in `self` or `nil` if the sequence is


    /// - Complexity: O(`elements.count`).



    public func minElement<R : Comparable>(@noescape by:
(Generator.Element) throws -> R) rethrows -> Generator.Element? {

        return try self.minElement { try by($0) < by($1) }


    /// Returns the maximum element in `self` or `nil` if the sequence is


    /// - Complexity: O(`elements.count`).



    public func maxElement<R : Comparable>(@noescape by:
(Generator.Element) throws -> R) rethrows -> Generator.Element? {

        return try self.maxElement { try by($0) < by($1) }



public extension MutableCollectionType {

    /// Return an `Array` containing the sorted elements of `source`.

    /// according to `by`.


    /// The sorting algorithm is not stable (can change the relative order

    /// elements that compare equal).


    func sort<R : Comparable>(@noescape by: (Generator.Element) -> R) -> [
Generator.Element] {

        return self.sort { by($0) < by($1) }



public extension MutableCollectionType where Self.Index :
RandomAccessIndexType {

    /// Sort `self` in-place according to `by`.


    /// The sorting algorithm is not stable (can change the relative order

    /// elements that compare equal).

    mutating func sortInPlace<R : Comparable>(@noescape by: (Generator.
Element) -> R) {

        self.sortInPlace { by($0) < by($1) }


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