[swift-evolution] About the PermutationGenerator

Susan Cheng susan.doggie at gmail.com
Wed Dec 30 20:22:47 CST 2015

PermutationGenerator confuses me that it's confirm to both of SequenceType
and GeneratorType. Should it replace by PermutationSequence and

Also, we should have a PermutationCollection because we can:

public struct PermutationCollection<C : CollectionType, I : CollectionType
where C.Index == I.Generator.Element> : CollectionType {

    public typealias Generator = PermutationGenerator<C, I>

    public typealias Index = I.Index

    public typealias Element = C.Generator.Element

    private let _base: C

    private let _indices: I

    public subscript(idx: Index) -> Element {

        return _base[_indices[idx]]


    public var startIndex : Index {

        return _indices.startIndex


    public var endIndex : Index {

        return _indices.endIndex


    public var count : Index.Distance {

        return _indices.count


    public func generate() -> Generator {

        return PermutationGenerator(elements: _base, indices: _indices)



and some methods provide:

public extension CollectionType {


    func collect<I : SequenceType where Index == I.Generator.Element>(indices:
I) -> PermutationGenerator<Self, I> {

        return PermutationGenerator(elements: self, indices: indices)



    func collect<I : CollectionType where Index ==
I) -> PermutationCollection<Self, I> {

        return PermutationCollection(_base: self, _indices: indices)



public extension LazyCollectionType {


    func collect<I : SequenceType where Elements.Index == I.Generator.
Element>(indices: I) -> LazySequence<PermutationGenerator<Elements, I>> {

        return self.elements.collect(indices).lazy



    func collect<I : CollectionType where Elements.Index == I.Generator.
Element>(indices: I) -> LazyCollection<PermutationCollection<Elements, I>> {

        return self.elements.collect(indices).lazy


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