[swift-evolution] access control proposal

Brent Royal-Gordon brent at architechies.com
Sun Dec 13 19:53:37 CST 2015

>> But it’s not zero-cost. It’s another thing to learn, another thing to think about, another way you have to mentally analyze your code.
> I meant zero performance cost.  Of course all features have "cost" if we mean "cognitive overhead".  Type safety for example has a huge cognitive overhead.  Think back to the days of "Bool is not an NSString".  But the benefit of typesafety is large.  
> In this case, the cognitive overhead is small, and so is the benefit.  But I think the value-per-unit-cost is similar.  In both cases the compiler helps you not do something very very bad, that is hard to debug in ObjC.

And I’m saying that I think the benefit is even smaller than you think it is, because you can usually get the same benefits by other means, and the resulting code will be *even safer* than `local` would give you. Again, consider the “value protected by a queue” case. Using `local` here limits the amount of code which could contain an access-without-synchronization bug, but `Synchronized` *completely eliminates* that class of bugs. Synchronized is a *better*, *safer* solution than `local`.

I believe that *most*—certainly not all, but most—uses of `local` are like this. `local` would improve the code's safety, but some sort of refactoring would be even better. Because of that, I don’t think `local` is as valuable as you think it is.

>> many people, when they do that, find this idea wanting.
> Who?  You?  Then build an argument around that.  I don't know who "many people" are or what their justification is.

I’m sorry, I don’t mean to make it sound like I’m speaking for some big, ill-defined posse. I just mean that different people will draw the line on the necessary cost-to-benefit in different places, and for some, this feature will fall on the wrong side of the line. People who don’t like this feature don’t misunderstand it; they just have a different subjective assessment of its value.

> My justification is essentially that A) something like Synchronized is a problem nearly everybody has and B) the difficulty of defining a class-based solution in an optimal way.
> On B, we seem to agree:
>>  it might be difficult to construct a Synchronized instance correctly.
> So I can only conclude you disagree about A.  However, I think my A is much stronger than is strictly necessary to demand a language feature.  There are plenty of language features that not everyone uses, so the fact that you don't have a need for it (or even "many people") is not really a counterargument I am able to understand.

As far as a standard Synchronized is concerned, I agree with you that it’s a good idea. I am simply *worried* that we may have trouble coming up with a design that’s flexible enough to accommodate multiple synchronization methods, but still makes it easy to create a properly-configured Synchronized object. For example, something like this would be so complicated to configure that it would virtually defeat the purpose of having a Synchronized type:

	class Synchronized<Value> {
		init(value: Value, mutableRunner: (Void -> Void) -> Void, immutableRunner: (Void -> Void) -> Void) { … }

So I’m going to think out loud about this for a minute. All code was written in Mail.app and is untested.

I suppose we start with a protocol. The ideal interface for Synchronized would look something like this:

	protocol SynchronizedType: class {
		typealias Value
		func withMutableValue<R>(mutator: (inout Value) throws -> R) rethrows -> R
		func withValue<R>(accessor: Value throws -> R) rethrows -> R

You could obviously write separate types like:

	class QueueSynchronized<Value>: SynchronizedType {
		private var value: Value
		private let queue: dispatch_queue_t
		init(value: Value, queue: dispatch_queue_t = dispatch_queue_create(“QueueSynchronized”, DISPATCH_QUEUE_CONCURRENT)) {
			self.value = value
			self.queue = queue
		func withMutableValue<R>(@noescape mutator: (inout Value) throws -> R) rethrows -> R {
			var ret: R?
			var blockError: NSError?
			dispatch_barrier_sync(queue) {
				do {
					ret = try mutator(&value)
				catch {
					blockError = error
			if let error = blockError {
				throw error
			return ret!
		func withValue<R>(@noescape accessor: Value throws -> R) rethrows -> R {
			var ret: R?
			var blockError: NSError?
			dispatch_sync(queue) {
				do {
					ret = try accessor(value)
				catch {
					blockError = error
			if let error = blockError {
				throw error
			return ret!


	class NSLockSynchronized<Value>: SynchronizedType {
		private var value: Value
		private var lock: NSLock
		init(value: Value, lock: NSLock = NSLock()) {
			self.value = value
			self.lock = lock
		func withMutableValue<R>(@noescape mutator: (inout Value) throws -> R) rethrows -> R {
			defer { lock.unlock() }

			return try mutator(&value)
		func withValue<R>(@noescape accessor: Value throws -> R) rethrows -> R {
			// XXX I don’t know how to get concurrent reads with Cocoa locks.
			defer { lock.unlock() }

			return try accessor(value)

But that’s not a very satisfying design—so much boilerplate. Maybe we make the thing you’re synchronizing *on* be the protocol?

	protocol SynchronizerType: class {
		func synchronizeForReading(@noescape accessor: Void -> Void)
		func synchronizeForWriting(@noescape mutator: Void -> Void)
	final class Synchronized<Value> {
		private var value = Value
		private let synchronizer: SynchronizerType
		init(value: Value, on synchronizer: SynchronizerType) {
			self.value = value
			self.synchronizer = synchronizer

		func withMutableValue<R>(@noescape mutator: (inout Value) throws -> R) rethrows -> R {
			var ret: R?
			var blockError: NSError?
			synchronizer.synchronizeForWriting {
				do {
					ret = try mutator(&value)
				catch {
					blockError = error
			if let error = blockError {
				throw error
			return ret!
		func withValue<R>(@noescape accessor: Value throws -> R) rethrows -> R {
			var ret: R?
			var blockError: NSError?
			synchronizer.synchronizeForReading {
				do {
					ret = try accessor(value)
				catch {
					blockError = error
			if let error = blockError {
				throw error
			return ret!

	extension dispatch_queue: SynchronizerType {
		func synchronizeForReading(@noescape accessor: Void -> Void) {
			dispatch_sync(self, accessor)
		func synchronizeForWriting(@noescape mutator: Void -> Void) {
			dispatch_barrier_sync(self, mutator)
	extension NSLock: SynchronizerType {
		func synchronizeForReading(@noescape accessor: Void -> Void) {
			// XXX I don’t know how to get concurrent reads with Cocoa locks.
		func synchronizeForWriting(@noescape mutator: Void -> Void) {

Huh. That’s…actually pretty clean. And I suppose if you want it to default to using a dispatch queue, that’s just a default value on Synchronized.init(value:on:), or a new init(value:) added in an extension in LibDispatch. I thought this would be a lot hairier.

So, yeah, I guess I like the idea of a standard Synchronized. A well-designed version (one with something like SynchronizerType) can work with multiple locking mechanisms, without resorting to something error-prone like passing in closures. +1 for that.

Brent Royal-Gordon

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