[swift-evolution] SwiftyBeaver Logger supports Swift Package Manager

Sebastian Kreutzberger s.kreutzberger at googlemail.com
Wed Dec 9 10:17:40 CST 2015


I am the project owner of the new, Github trending Swift 2 logger
SwiftyBeaver. It comes with color, logging to console and multiple files,
runs on background queues and is very simple, lightweight and most
importanly easy to understand and extend.

I have a background in Python and Nodejs and especially at Python logging
is very well done and I really missed a good, simple but flexible logging
solution under Swift - so I built one and released it 10 days ago :)

Since release, SwiftyBeaver ranked every day at the Top 5 Github Swift
projects and already got 297 stars which is a great confirmation that
others shared my pain with existing solutions, too.

I am also very proud that just today
<http://airmail.calendar/2015-12-09%2012:00:00%20MEZ> we added support for
Swift Package Manager and I am working on the project at full-time.

The project goal is to become the standard logger for Swift which makes it
dead-simple for Newbies to get started with the wonderful Swift language
but is still providing the flexibility, stability and performance of a
logger under release conditions.

My core principles of the project are simplicity and flexibility. Nothing
is more annoying than a logger who has a long learning curve or does not
have the release conditions in mind. A logger is just a logger, you know,
but it is still at the core of our daily coding work so it needs to be a
convenient, maybe even charming tool.

Long story short, here is the project link:

I am very, very thankful about contributions, feedback in form of GH
issues, emails, tweets, etc.

I also read about the proposal that Swift should have a standard logging
interface!? SwiftyBeaver is ready to swim :)

Best regards,

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