[swift-evolution] Type-safe selectors

Michel Fortin michel.fortin at michelf.ca
Sun Dec 6 09:26:33 CST 2015

Le 5 déc. 2015 à 22:35, Kevin Ballard <kevin at sb.org> a écrit :

> Which is in the context of the fact that @convention(selector) MyObject
> -> Args -> Ret encodes the receiver type, but the problem is the
> selector is sent to AnyObject, so having the receiver type in there is
> basically false type-safety (it looks like it's strongly-typed but it's
> actually not as that type information will be thrown away before the
> selector is used). I'm not really sure why Michel claimed that your
> closure suggestion was a solution to this problem, because the only
> reasonable behavior one can use in such a category emitted on
> AnyObject/swift base class is to fatalError, which is no better than
> what happens if the selector simply isn't implemented.

Somehow in the thinking process I forgot that the category could have been put on MyObject instead of NSObject. I agree it's better to set the category on MyObject.

As for why a category at all? The risk is that another class implements "doSomething:" with a different argument type or return type than the "doSomething:" referring to, and that somehow an object of this other class becomes the target. In that case you want to halt the program to avoid the other "doSomething:" method from being called. That's why I suggested using a unique selector. And that idea came from Joe's suggestion of creating unique selectors from context-free closures.

>> There's plenty of useful space between "no type safety" and "perfect type safety", IMO.
> In principle I agree. My basic argument here is that
> @convention(selector) provides so little actual type safety that it's
> not worth the language complexity. And I also worry that providing
> functionality that appears to be strongly-typed but doesn't actually
> provide any typing guarantees in practice will end up as a safety hazard
> for unwary programmers.

This is a reasonable concern. My opinion is that for @convention(selector) to be worthwhile, it needs to be safe.. If it can't be made safe, then maybe the idea probably should be abandoned. I think we are on the same page here, except that I'm more optimistic about type-safety.

> It's also worth pointing out that my alternative suggestion of simply
> providing some syntax to explicitly get a Selector from a method could
> still use your closure-generating idea to work for non- at objc methods.
> Heck, we don't even really need syntax for this, we could just say that
> unbound method references can resolve to Selectors in addition to
> function types (just as the primary suggestion here allows method
> references to resolve to @convention(selector) functions in addition to
> @convention(swift) functions).

Most ideas floating in this thread are actually not mutually exclusive. I wouldn't qualify them as "alternatives" really since they can easily combine. We should look at the tradeoff of each and keep the good ones.

Michel Fortin
michel.fortin at michelf.ca

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